In yesterday's paper the Chicago Sun-Times described the weather as "unyielding", which I think is a really good description of how this winter in Chicago has been. It's now -5F just past 7 AM.
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In yesterday's paper the Chicago Sun-Times described the weather as "unyielding", which I think is a really good description of how this winter in Chicago has been. It's now -5F just past 7 AM.
"Feels like" -1F!
This past week the local news told about a crime spree where a guy had robbed a store, stole a car and fired at gun atn another car on the freeway in an apparent road rage incident.
I laughed and thought that was really a ROAD RAGE incident.
Coming from California, we only 'rage' if the window of the car is down.
This guy must have been REALLY ANGRY if he rolled down the window of the car while it was about 10-15 degrees -and the wind blowing past at 55 miles an hour?
That's almost -61 degrees.
I don't think I could muster enough anger to pull that off?
The past two weeks it's been between 75 - 80 degrees. Everyone is going to the beach and wearing t-shirts and flip-flops. I LOVE IT HERE!:love:
We have approx. 21F, but it's windy, so it feels a lot colder. Ugh!
Positively balmy here - currently 36°F - though it "feels like 27F" and the temp will be dropping now that the sun is down, but we're supposed to get snow! Just a little ...
Boy, today, I looked at the temp before the leaving the house, thought, eh, it's 20+ degrees, don't need to put on hat and gloves, it'll be fine, but stepped out the door and got hit with a gust of wind that made me go back and get them! The biggest challenge was after church, we were moving a whole bunch of tables in - they had been borrowed by the Watertown site for a huge gathering, and were coming back home to the Belmont site. They are big molded plastic tables with metal legs that fold up. They are light enough for one person to carry a six-foot-long one, but as I was halfway to the door with one, I nearly got blown over, as the wind shifted at caught the table like a sail! It also blew all my hair across my face, so I was blinded temporarily! Thankfully, a barrel full of sand was in position to keep me from going too far, but with my lack of good balance, I decided I'd better stay inside and help put table on stacks as they came in, instead! Safer for everyone concerned!
The "feels like" temp must have been well below zero when those gusts hit!
Looks like I'll be moving back from the 'snow' thread to the 'how cold is it thread' tonight. :rolleyes:
-11 this morning with a wind chill of -35 & 35-45 mph wind gusts I still like winter :eek:
It was warmish today, but the temperature is dropping quickly, and is already back down to 25 but is predicted to go down to 7 tonight!
-12°f feels like -24° :(
Earlier this week the igniter went out on the HVAC unit. We went on a 'thermostat watch' for a few days, when the indoot temp hit 53, we knew there was something wrong.....
THis weather sucks.
Having the strangest weather down under .jan/February out hottest months,however mornings and evenings have been like seven or eight degrees Celsius ,during the day about 24 ,which is more like our march weather,however I am loving it,I hate the heat,looking at 26 today,getting hotter.,hardly used our air con this year,so good saving on the power bill.