Blue, did I miss your birthday yesterday? I am so sorry! Happy belated birthday! Best, elyse
Hey, why does you user title say Banned! ? LOL when i first saw that i thougt you were actually bannedc but u were .. posring and i was like... OMG how is he pposting!
thanks for adding me as your friend!!! =)
hello. im "handsome charlie"'s mom. i loved the comment you left on his page & im glad he made your day. he makes my day every day! oh by the way, im adding you to my friends list
A 7.62x39 cartridge, used in the SKS and AK 47 rifles. Its one of the most commonly used rounds world wide.
Hey Dan- What's that you are holding in the sig photo on the right hand side? Rosethecopycat
Where have you been stranger??? Miss talking to you!
Blue, will you share what your signature quotation says (the arabic/sanskrit? one) It is intriguing me. Thanks, Lilith Cherry
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Cat Crazy Raver Chick
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