I am so sorry I have not been able to update the sites since November. Things are calming down a bit here at the Post Office, but my freelance client...
Cinder=small GermanShep(F)10yo; Smokey=small ShepMix(M)9yo; in 2007 we lost Bowser, a 12+yo Husky/Corgi, and Boots da Tux Kat (9yo); NEW for 2008 - we've added Heidi (aka Mini~Mutt) a 9yo lil Miniature Pinscher gal who "relocated" to da Ranch
Eastern Ohio
We're the two Rescued and Adopted FurPups that live with our Dad, "Phred". Sadly, in 2007 we lost Boots da Kat, and lil Bowser, da Dawg. In 2008 we 'added' lil Heidi (aka Mini~Mutt), a Min Pin. Our Dad is an active Volunteer FireFighter.
We Three *LOVE* attendin PT Dawg Park Gathurins! Our Dad, "Phred", Loves us FurKids & is a Volunteer Firefighter and former Fire Chief