Oh it could be But I would be friends with everyone I just found you guys right away Heidi
Hi Candace, I knew that about you! I looked up your work. I am an arranger with a few Canadian clients around as well. Right now, I am struggling to regain my playing after the operation. In addition to having to get back to doing all the 'normal' things, I'll have to train to lift the heavy weights it takes to load a band and the even heavier stuff in the Faux Finishing business. My divorce is mentally brutal for me. But Gayle and I are still emailing and it's a great help for me. Thanks for asking. Take care.
I just peeked here...how did I not know after all this time that you are a musician? I was a traveling pianist/singer for over 20 years, and did a CD of originals too! But mainly I popped in to ask how you are doing these days. QOP and Pinot's Mom (and Dad) all met up on Saturday! The thread and pics are in General. HUGS and hope you are well!
Each bird has his or her own individual taste. Generally a seed/fruit/nut mix for the larger birds with pellets. The budgies and lovebirds eat a smaller seed and Hagen 'no-waste' Tropi-mix. Most of the birds (except Sonny and Quincy) like fruit and veggies, especially romaine lettuce. They (except S & Q again) absolutely LOVE pomegranate. Starches are big; pasta, rice, sometimes potato. Crackers and corn chips cause a riot. Potato chips too, but we don't eat those often. Barry and I go nuts over them too! I also make a special birdie bread using cornbread as a base, then add shredded apple or yogurt, natural pellets, frozen veggies. . .stuff like that. Djimo is really picky and careful with new food. He acts like you're trying to kill him if you hand him something he's never eaten before. The rest of the birds will just ignore something that they don't like. They are, basically, brats. . .but I love to spoil them!
Sonny and Teacake like company. Quincy likes company if they have food. nOOdles will let you hold and kiss him if I hand him to you but will not step up to someone he does not know. Be very careful with the Sennies, they might bite. None of them like children and I don't know why. When my friend Tony came over with his 11 year old son (who is actually very well behaved) every time he went into the bird room the Quakers would scream and Sonny would say "No!" Hee hee!
Well, in my house, food = love so I understand Bella's reaction!! LOL!! I don't know how much the birdies understand what they are saying, but Sonny seems to use the word "No" to express himself. If Barry gets on the phone while holding Sonny we get a whole bunch of "No!"s because he's not getting the attention. He loves juice and will drink it like mad, and if he stops and you ask him, "Do you want more?" he will either take another drink or say "No!" and stop. He was telling Quincy "Stop it!" last night, but maybe that's because we tell him the same thing all the time.
How does your flock react to strangers? It seems you have introverts and extraverts. Do they pair up accordingly? Or do you make the pair? Fun stuff. Rose
OMG! Your stories are so fascinating. Birds with jealousy of their humans! Forgive my ignorance. Do you think your birds know the meaning of the words they speak? Like when Sonny says: No! Does it mean he doesn't want something or wants something to stop? And when Djimo said his name, do you get the idea he has the sense of 'self'? How cute! I have three cats. Bella is my heart cat. She has a sense of self. I can repeat the cat's names over and over to her, and she twitches her tail only when I say her name. I say: Snowy....Mr.Jones....Bella[twitch]....refrigerator.....Snowy....... But the word that really gets her going is 'Nak'. Nak is a snack. To the boys it means snack. To Bella, it means love. If I say: Nak, she rushes toward my face to rub on it and kiss it. I mean frantically. She can knock my glasses off. Somehow, she got her 'wires crossed' and Nak means love!
And last but not least . . .the Budgies (Parakeets) Jheri [pastel female], Sergio [lavendar male] and Jazzy [yellow male]. They pretty much do their own thing although I can handle Jheri. Jazzy lost his mate Betty this year. She was a blue female and she was very strange. An endless source of wonder and amusement, but her vent prolapsed and we helped her to cross the rainbow bridge. It was very sad. They get to fly around the bird room and hang out all day. Well, that's the FLock! I could go on for pages (and I think I have!) but you know how it is. Hope you're not sorry you asked! Tell me about your babies. . . .? and the cat rescue that you do. . .
Djimo and Sage - Senegal Parrots. Djimo is my special guy. He is totally my bird. End of story. He is incredibly smart and independent, but he loves his mama. He says Hello, Pretty Bird, Are you all right? and a bunch of other things that are hard to understand. I heard him say I Love You about three times, but that was it. He said his name one night all night long but has never said it again. . .go figure! Sage is the clown of the group and you never know what she is going to come up with next. She loves her mama but papa is very special to her and she resents Sonny taking over her place next to papa. She and Sonny will actually get into physical fights if they get too close. They once rolled on the floor fighting and Barry was hitting them with a bag of veggies trying to separate them. It's can be a bit crazy sometimes. . .
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Abrupt and Abrasive.
Livin' in Parrot Paradise
Owned by 40 paws
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(505) 503 4455
Blue Spirit
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