How To Teach Loyalty To Your Dogs
, 08-27-2014 at 01:13 PM (10480 Views)
Dogs are the most loyal animal on the planet. But why are they so loyal? A dog’s loyalty can be harnessed for the benefit of us human companion. Their loyalty can help us human with companionship and help alleviate our depression, stress and anxiety. In order to teach loyalty to your canine companion, you must know a few things about them that will help you in teaching them to stay and cling to you.
Dogs hate isolation. Dogs by nature are pack animals. They live together in a cluster or pack. Isolation could only make them unruly, destructive and frustrated.
Introduce His Assigned Place. Introduce him to his assigned place by getting him used to it and making it a special place that will keep him stuck on it. A cozy and comfortable place with something to warm him on cold nights and seasons. A leash will only be needed on occasions when he was not yet accustomed to his place making him wander around.
Give rewards and treats. Add a few treats like a favorite stuff toy or dog bite to accommodate his small bite cravings. Train and make him learn a few place commands to make him accustomed to his place.
Commands like: ‘Sit, Stay and Lay’ are effective place commands to help him conquer his place. Nutritious and yummy dog treats like Milkotein™ will definitely play a great role in helping your dog’s appreciate you more as his master.
The Power of Command. Your command is a powerful guide and rule that only your dog will ever obey. Teaching him commands that will primarily benefit, protect and assist you. Often, a dog’s behavior was a reflection of how his master have trained and treated him.
Affection and Care. Dogs have the capacity to reciprocate the care and affection you have given him. A few of his mannerisms that signify their affection towards you can be seen on some of his following body languages:
Wagging his tail upon hearing his name. This signify recognition that you are his dear friend and close to him;
High Five Paws happens usually as a casual agreement to what your canine companion has done excellently as he await for a reward or treat.
Licking. When your dog licks you, he means appreciation for what you have given or did to him.
Sticking his head in between your legs. Usually try to mean getting your attention and trying to tell his submission to you as his master.
Pick on your things. If your dog likes to pick up your shoes, slippers, socks and other personal belongings. Stealing your things is one of the most favorite things your dog would love to do on you. But not to be alarmed since they usually get those things you are using to steal some attention and play around. Probably, because you get to use them more than play with them. But this habit of your dog can be turned into an advantage if you combine it with a ‘Get’ command.
In order for them to behave accordingly, teach commands and train them appropriately. Dogs are capable of learning and solving problems, difficulties and obstacles. Their traits and capacities are often recognized nowadays when we read and hear about their deeds as a K-9 officer in a police team or a Soldier of War dogs who has been into battles elsewhere around the world. And dogs have been an inseparable companion to many disable, elders, sick and other people with disabilities. They were also a great pack leader to herds and other animals even larger than their built.
But every dog’s loyalty was best exemplified and fostered if the master he serves have lived and led him through the right path of affection and love. For dogs are like their own master. He obeys, mimic and follow only commands from someone who has given him love, affection and care. And he would be oblige to reciprocate it not only with his loyalty, effort and time but in many instances even with his own life.
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