
When you Have AN abused animal

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Questions i used to ask myself and sometimes still do although i catch myself now.

1. Am I really helping him ?

2. am i just making it worse ?

3. Can i ever succeed?

4. Can i just give up?

we all know we have said that once in awhile with our abused horses if you have had one i always wondred those when i first got him i got my answers in 2012 yes i was helping him he was adjusting to men no i wasnt just making it worse could i succeed yes will i ever give up no...

heres something i was working on

I Do Not Know The Past Circumstances Of My Horse but i do know.... of the struggles that came along with owning him There were Big struggles then there was small struggles ... But the Small Victories is what gives you hope for the future I never knew such an amazing bratty horse would be walking into my life at the night of the auctions . I did not get Lucky getting this horse a match was made in heaven its as if God looked down and said both are goanna teach each other . Someone once said the best teacher is a horse i believe that to be true they teach you Patience, To Listen when nothings being said to love yourself when no one else does when you look into the eyes of the horse you know that Someone is there that feelings reside there your mental scars begin to heal not just yours but theres to . I do not know what the future holds but I do not think i would have been ready for it without having scar I know that for a fact

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  1. cassiesmom's Avatar
    I'm looking forward to learning about all the things you are going to teach each other! I'm sure they will be wonderful things. He's so handsome!

  2. Scar's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by cassiesmom
    I'm looking forward to learning about all the things you are going to teach each other! I'm sure they will be wonderful things. He's so handsome!


    Haha Thank you and yes he is hes my boy :] i used to joke around in my poems about him and said his v stood for victory ... everyone sued to tease me for that i was able to get him to drag a christmas tree around the field some ! :] Big Victory
  3. mon's Avatar
    I am sure that nothing you could ever do would harm this horse that you clearly love so much. Horses are magical and wonderful, I think that they are almost always pretty complicated too. I can't even imagine how you could do what it it takes to help a horse that's been abused. I can see however, that it must be a wonderful feeling to make even a tiny bit of progress and I admire you very much.

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