Conversation Between Pinot's Mom and Morag Bates

7 Visitor Messages

  1. I hope you have a lovely time in Lake Louise, it must be so beautiful at this time of year.

    I have not been to Glasgow for about 5 years ! It is time I took another visit up there I think.

    Happy Valentine's wishes to you.

    Morag & Snowdrop x
  2. How nice to hear from you, Morag & Snowdrop! How are things in Glasgow? It seems ages since we were there. Yes, we did have a lovely Christmas; recently were skiing in Utah for a few days, and in about a month will be headed to Lake Louise in Canada for 10 days or so. I hope your Christmas was wonderful and Hogmanay festive! Everything is fine here. That picture of Pinot is on our deck with the fall trees as a haze in the background. I like it, too, thanks! Have a great day, kisses to Snowdrop! Hope to chat again soon!
    Maggie & Pinot
  3. Just dropping by to see how you are.

    I hope you had a lovely Christmas, and have a good New Year ahead.

    That is a lovely photograph of Pretty Pinot (Little Miss Noi)r on your page.

    Best Wishes,

    Morag & Snowdrop
  4. I just thought I'd check in to see how you and Snowdrop were doing? I hope you have a wonderful Christmas season!

    Maggie and Pinot girl
  5. Thank you for the reply, I am from Glasgow, not as far North as Kilearn. It is a long time since I was in Kilearn, but from what I remember it is indeed lovely. I hope you have a good week.

    With best wishes,

  6. It's nice to meet you, too! Where in Scotland were you from? We have a friend on the site from Killearn, and my husband and I have traveled to Scotland. Beautiful country! Well, keep us all posted and talk to you soon! Kisses to Snowdrop!

  7. Thank you for your kind words of welcome, we are trying to find our way around the site.

    It is nice to meet you.

    With best wishes, from Snowdrop xxx
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