Conversation Between Catherinedana and Genny

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Genny,

    You and your mom did a great job! You're a hawk sister now! Hawks are very powerful and beautiful and to have one come into your life in such an intimate way is incredible. I hope you get to see Hector released and know that he is always nearby.

    Best always,
    Cathy (and Isis!)
  2. Hey, I sent you a pm but I don't think you got it--just wanted to tell you that incase you're wonderin about the baby hawk I wrote about what ended up happening w/ him on the /baby hawk/ thread. It has gotten pushed back now though so you might have to go to page 1 or 2.
  3. I sent you a pm back, but I don't think you got it.
    Thanks for replying back to me about the hawk. I read your story about Isis and she's beautiful! Ya'll seem to have such a special bond and that's cool!

    I wrote you back on the 'baby hawk' thread. If you want to you can reply back to me here or you can just reply back on the thread. Thanks a bunch!

  4. Hi Genny,

    I answered your baby hawk question and I will admit I was very strong in my answer. It's just that this must be handled in a very specific way for the good of the baby hawk.

    As for that beautiful hawk on my avatar is Isis. She is a red-tailed hawk who lives at the Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary where I worked for quite some time and now volunteer. She and I have been friends for nearly 15 years! I take her out on the beach (using a falconer's leather gauntlet) and we hang out together. She is in her middle or late 20's now so I don't go for long walks down the beach with her anymore, but she lets me scratch her chest and I clip her nails and change the leather straps we use to tether her when needed. She is the absolute love of my life!!! I wrote a story about our relationship and you can read it online if you like. The link is

    Please contact me if you have any further questions and I'll do what I can to help.
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