Conversation Between charlie116 and hammiegirl

55 Visitor Messages

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  1. i know this isn't about animals, but what kind of music do you like? lol i looooooooove music <3 =D
  2. yeah, it is but their claws tickle on your bare skin. I start bursting out laughing sometimes.
  3. that's awesome! i wish my chinchilla would do that lol
  4. My rats don't run away from me, just crawl all over me. Sometimes, I will end up with one sleeping in my sleeve or my shirt, and the other on top of my head. They never run away, just stay on you but never in one place.
  5. I kind of like the fact that they're really curious though because most of the other rodents (like guinea pigs, hamsters, etc.) just go somewhere & hide in your room & you have to get them out somehow. But, my chinchilla won't stay anywhere too long, so if he accidentally gets under my bed, I don't have to worry! =)
  6. No matter how smart they are, hamsters, rats, chinchillas, ferrets; they all have one common trait. Cannot sit still for long!!!
  7. yea chinchillas are extremely curious, so they can't sit still for more than 2 seconds lol
  8. That is funny. My rats do that too. It is usually just impossible for them to stay still do long. lol
  9. he runs away from me haha. he's not fully "trained" yet. but, when i let him out he crawls all over me =P
  10. Does he try to run away from you? or stays on you?
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