
Entries with no category

  1. Clover got her contest prize today!

    Quote Originally Posted by Sowa View Post
    I entered Clover in a photo contest, and she won It was for best Labby smile. She won with this picture: http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x...2/IMG_2192.jpg

    Anyway. Here is the collar I picked out for her, we just got it today. I think it's so cute. Pink and yellow. Like her
    Clover looks so pretty with her new collar on.
  2. How do you eat a banana?

    Quote Originally Posted by RICHARD View Post
    I eat mine with my mouth, but that is besides the point?


    The real question is, How do you peel your banana?

    Do you start from the stem end or the bottom end?

    A dinner is riding on the outcome of this poll so please vote honestly.

    (There is no electoral college BS stuff happening so your votes WILL BE COUTNED).
    I take a sharp perry knife & cut the bottom of the banana off & then peel ...
  3. Word Overlap

    Quote Originally Posted by momcat View Post

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