View Full Version : How Cute is This...

02-27-2006, 08:20 PM
I was upstairs making some tea and I went to get some sugar and saw this sitting on the counter...

http://dontstay.zoto.com/img/24/53e1d08a0042eef2de9f30c56db00a5b-ee959.jpg (http://dontstay.zoto.com/user/image_detail/IMG.0.53e1d08a0042eef2de9f30c56db00a5b-ee959_CAT.0_DET.1/date_uploaded-desc/0-30)

I think its amazing how an eleven year old girl can be more responsible about their cat than some other people can. I talked to her the other night and stressed how important it is that she have Kisa spayed. My parents' philosophy on the situation is that *I* need to get *MY* male cat fixed because Kisa went in heat and they don't want her getting pregnant, when Double-Oh isn't even old enough for me to want to get the operation yet! I feel it shouldn't be solely my responsibility to fix MY cat just so they shouldn't have to fix Kisa as well. Since my parents obviously aren't going to shell forth the money to do it, Meghan (my sister) has created a collection jar where we put spare change and she puts half her allowance every week into it. I think I'll anonymously drop $20 into it when I get paid on Friday :)

02-27-2006, 08:22 PM
so cute!!! and so responsible for her age, really deserves the merit of a responsible per owner.......

this can be a lesson for a few.......thanks for sharing Jessika :D

02-27-2006, 08:38 PM
Smart girl.

Pawsitive Thinking
02-28-2006, 04:40 AM
She's a good girl