View Full Version : Do your dogs beg?

02-27-2006, 06:23 PM
I was wondering if your dog begs a lot? Do begging dogs bother you when trying to eat?

I've been to peoples houses where the dogs get in my face while I eat. The owner didn't tell the dog to stop...I personally find it annoying. Even my own dogs. I don't mind it so much if they are right in my face, waiting for a scrap to fall. I mean, sometimes I don't care....I admit I have given my dogs scraps even when them come up and beg. For the most part though, I don't like it. My dogs know "go lay down" and they will. Josie usually continues to stare even when in her bed. She's not in my face though, so I don't care. Zeke usually doesn't beg at all. He will go right to his bed and put his head down. Sometimes he will come up and stand beside me asking for a piece...but even then he doesn't stare right me.

I remember when Josie was young, and I had a friend over. We were eatting on my couch, with the plates on our knees. Josie came right up to my friend and licked her plate!! My friend thought it was cute, but I thought it would be an annoying habit. Thankfully she never tried that one on me ;)

My cat has now started to beg too. He would walk right up to my plate if I let him :o

What do you think about begging? I'm sure I'm just being odd.

Ginger's Mom
02-27-2006, 06:27 PM
No, both of my girls learned if they beg, they get nothing. If they lie down while I am eating, they will get a few little pieces of whatever I am having. Well...that goes for meals. If I am eating a cookie or something on the livingroom couch, Ginger will sit as close to me as she can get. But she still knows not to jump on me or paw me. That is the deal, be patient and you get a taste, beg and you get nothing.

02-27-2006, 06:29 PM
I see what your saying. Begging is "cute" as a trick. But, IMO, NOT as begging for food. Barking amd crying for food is REALLY annoying. I mean puppies can be trained from an early age to stop. So, I think the people should try a little harder to train them. Begging is easily prevented. But the major problem is it is very easily caused. People feel bad for the dogs so they give them food. I just can't stand it. It's really annoying unless taught on command.

02-27-2006, 06:30 PM
I can't stand it. My dogs know that so they don't beg from me, same goes with my Mom aswell. My Dad and brother don't care though so the dogs always beg from them. Winston's the worst of them all, it's disgusting. As soon as he sees food, he starts to drool and by the time you're done eating there's a huge puddle under him. He's usually put away when people are over for dinner because of this. There isn't much we can do about it though since the entire family isn't disgusted by his behaviour and luckily, he only begs from them. Tango doesn't really beg from anyone, in her mind, chasing a ball is much more important than begging for food.

02-27-2006, 06:35 PM
My dogs beg...a lot. But, the only person who feeds them at the table is my dad, so they are all in his face so it really doesn't bother me ;) It has gotten to the point where he sits down and Micki and Kyra are on one side (Micki sits up and puts his feet on him, Kyra stands), Shadow and Mini on the other side and Jack under the table with his head on my dads lap. My dad thinks its cute :rolleyes: But when hes not home they are all pretty good! When we have company over the dogs are always put in the living room with the gate up.

02-27-2006, 07:05 PM
My dogs know suckers when they see them- ie, my mom, my husband, and any guest who "oooohhhhs" and "aaaaaahhhhhhs" over them. ;) They don't beg much from me because they know that I don't like to share (unless I'm eating popcorn, which is fun to share! Then Marta will get on the back of the couch and rest her head on my shoulder and wait).

But, they beg like crazy when my mom is over because they know she is a sucker, and they know that my husband will certainly drop something. I'm definately thankful neither of them drool though!

02-27-2006, 07:10 PM
I can't stand it. My dogs know that so they don't beg from me, same goes with my Mom aswell. My Dad and brother don't care though so the dogs always beg from them.
It's exactly the same here! :rolleyes:

02-27-2006, 07:22 PM
If they barked, whined, jumped on me or stuck their nose into my plate, then yeh that would annoy me. But mine beg sort of unobtrusively.

Oz and Murph just sit or lay silently next to me and Gull will come rest his head on my leg and stare up at me. All 3 wait patiently to see if anything comes there way. I have to admit, I love Gull doing the leg thing, so he usually gets rewarded for that. And since he's getting something, of course, Oz and Murph have to too. :)

I did have to stop sharing the left over drippings from my philly cheese steak sandwiches though, cuz that would cause Gull to drool. The thought of getting something so scrumptious, was just too overwhelming I guess.


02-27-2006, 07:33 PM
Begging doesn't bother me as long as the dogs are not barking or whining. Mandy just lays under the table but Lacey usually sits and stares at us. They don't get anything until we're done eating. Lacey will bark at my hubby when she's begging off of him, he lets her get away with it. :rolleyes: She doesn't do it to me becuase I won't allow it. ;)

02-27-2006, 07:41 PM
I find it rather annoying too.. but i dont give my dog a chance to beg... i stick him in his crate when we eat. and close the door to my room. so he cant even see us while we eat.

now if its for popcorn then i dont care and hes allowed then..
anything else though and hes stuffed in his crate.

02-27-2006, 07:45 PM
I find it rather annoying too.. but i dont give my dog a chance to beg... i stick him in his crate when we eat. and close the door to my room. so he cant even see us while we eat.

now if its for popcorn then i dont care and hes allowed then..
anything else though and hes stuffed in his crate.
That's a good idea, I may have to try that. Especially with a puppy on the way - I don't want him to pick up the habit.

02-27-2006, 08:03 PM
Yes, they beg. Buster is the worst since he's a hound. :p I don't mind it, like chocolatepuppy said, as long as they aren't barking or whining, I am fine. :)

02-28-2006, 08:45 AM
My dogs know suckers when they see them

My dogs are the same way. lol They know who they can & can not beg from.
I have to admit that *sometimes* I let them beg from me (as long as they are not right up in my face, or drooling on me etc...) but I still never give them anything when they beg. If I tell them to "go" & "down" they go lay down away from me & stop begging.

02-28-2006, 09:02 AM
I did have to stop sharing the left over drippings from my philly cheese steak sandwiches though, cuz that would cause Gull to drool. The thought of getting something so scrumptious, was just too overwhelming I guess.

LOL! Exactly why I had to stop sharing any tidbits with my three! The girls are fine, but Bon :rolleyes: If he even thinks there's any hope he'll get a bite he starts drooling...Gross when your trying to eat:p
But I have to admit, he does look very cute when begging!

I have to say they are all very good about begging. If told to go lay down and not beg, they will. Otherwise they'll just stare :o

Anita Cholaine
02-28-2006, 09:26 AM
Anita begs, but only from my mum. She knows that me, my dad and my sister won't give her anything while we are eating, but she knows my mum loves spoiling her with food :rolleyes: We have the same discussion everyday, but she will never understand that if she stops giving her food, Anita will stop begging!

It's really funny when Anita begs for cheese. She goes to my dad, and starts kissing him and asking for bellyrubs. She looks at him with her big brown eyes, and it's impossible not to give her a little piece :p

02-28-2006, 09:34 AM
Bubba is the worst and mostly from my husband. He barks and growls while my hubby eats. Casey just sort of comes and looks at you.

02-28-2006, 09:38 AM

LOL! Love it! It's Gull Jr. I'll have to try to get a similar pic of Gull to post.

02-28-2006, 11:04 AM
Molli is very good with not begging, sometimes she'll come up in my face and I will tell her "No, Molli, off." And she will go sit on the floor and stare at me the rest of the time.

We're still working on it with Sam.

02-28-2006, 11:26 AM
Bitsy, Charlie, Buster, and Nacey never beg. Justin and I can eat with them sitting on our laps without any begging taking place. Nova is usually good too, unless we are having chicken, then she begs. We eat in the living room on TV trays (we don't have a dining room table) and the dogs often sit on the couch with us. When we have chicken though we use the baby gate to confine Nova to the kitchen.

02-28-2006, 12:04 PM
Audrey I'm sorry if my dogs annoyed you with begging at my house...:o

They are all beggers...Nebo is a professional. None of them bark or jump up (they're not allowed on couches/chairs anyway) they just sit there and look sad. When we're sitting at the table Nebo likes to put his head in your lap, sometimes with a big sigh...he knows how to get those big blue eyes working for him. :rolleyes:

If I'm sitting on the floor eating sometimes they'll get a bit too close...I can tell Nebo to go lay down and he'll lay on his bed. But for the most part they are good at keeping their distance, they don't like jump in your lap and eat the food off the plate or bark at you until you give them some. Smokey (RB) would do that. :o

02-28-2006, 12:09 PM
one more thing..

my dogs know I am the easiet to get food from..so they beg from me more than my parents. :rolleyes:

02-28-2006, 12:21 PM

The evidence! lol she always begs, we taught her it as a trick but she does it whenever there is food about, it does get annoying sometimes

02-28-2006, 12:45 PM
Gull nose begging. :)

Anita Cholaine
02-28-2006, 12:56 PM
Well... she wasn't actually begging for food in this pic (it was a "don't give me a bath" begging... :p) But it's almost the same. She can make that poor little doggie face so well...

Anita is such an actress; as I already said, she can get what she wants with her big brown eyes...


02-28-2006, 03:15 PM
Audrey I'm sorry if my dogs annoyed you with begging at my house...:o

They are all beggers...Nebo is a professional. None of them bark or jump up (they're not allowed on couches/chairs anyway) they just sit there and look sad. When we're sitting at the table Nebo likes to put his head in your lap, sometimes with a big sigh...he knows how to get those big blue eyes working for him. :rolleyes:

Ditto.. Our dogs need to stop having the same personailities.

I don't mind it. They do not bark or jump when begging unless told to - however unless someone tells me that they don't like my dogs being near them I have no clue. :o I will tell them to get back if they are getting too close, but too close is different for everyone. Nala and Kiara usually have their heads on my lap while I'm eating and I don't mind at all. They know when to stop if I tell them too - and that's all that counts, as long as they obey me when I tell them to.

If a dog annoys you and the owner doesn't tell it to stop... let him/her know, we all have different views on what's annoying. :)

Here are the girls when I eat. I actually enjoy having their company while I eat.

For everyone else, cute beggers! :p

02-28-2006, 03:30 PM
I don't see anything wrong with dogs begging unless they're rude and bark and slobber and jump up. Many people have zero tolerance for it.. but in my opinion, it's silly.

Mickey and Molly are like Nebo when it comes to begging.. they're polite. And yes, I feed them scraps. :D

Suki Wingy
02-28-2006, 04:13 PM
Niņo begs to be fed because we feed him after us. He also whines like he's begging because he wants me to play with him, even though he didn't want to before I sat down :rolleyes:

02-28-2006, 04:33 PM
My dogs do beg, but not at the dinner table. Usually Belle will lay under the table, and Maggie will put herself to bed (she seems to have missed out on the hound thing mentioned by luvofallhorses as far as begging, but she does sleep a lot). Belle knows that if she's going to get scraps, it will be after we finish and we scrape them into her food bowl. If she starts to act like a beggar while we're eating, it usually means that she has to go out...the nose begging comes in at that point too (usually on my lap or nudging my elbow up as I'm raising a spoon or fork to my mouth :rolleyes: )

However, when we're snacking in front of the TV, we're open game as far as the begging goes, especially with popcorn.

02-28-2006, 04:56 PM
Oz and Murph just sit or lay silently next to me and Gull will come rest his head on my leg and stare up at me. All 3 wait patiently to see if anything comes there way. I have to admit, I love Gull doing the leg thing, so he usually gets rewarded for that. And since he's getting something, of course, Oz and Murph have to too. :)


Maggie begs like Gull. The face laying on your thigh. Gets me every time. :D Smokey is much more polite. Funny but they don't beg at all
when I eat at the dining room table. Only when I have lunch at the

My Peanuts
02-28-2006, 05:12 PM
Let's see, Yes, sometimes, Yes, and sometimes. :p :D

Sylvia YES
Harley Sometimes
Morty YES
Jimmy sometimes

Pawsitive Thinking
02-28-2006, 05:25 PM
We've been very lucky with Tobey. Since he was tiny he has shown a bit of interest at meal times but then lies under the table. He knows that at the end of the meal he will get some scraps that have been "left" on my plate

02-28-2006, 06:06 PM
Yes, my dog does beg. A week ago I found a dog in my basement it's brown and white it is pretty. It is to scared to come out. :)

03-25-2006, 11:52 PM
I have to admit, i've given my dog scraps a lot of times and as many of the other dogs do, as well, he does the leg on the thigh thing. :rolleyes: If he doesn't do that he'll just sit and stare at you and the food. And sometimes he'll look on the floor to see if anything has dropped. If anyone needs tips on begging you can teach them the "leave it command" so that if something drops they will not just grab it and run; this is handy if you drop something like onions or chocolate which they're not supossed to have. Another tip is to just totally ignore the dog. We do that with my dog, benji, and he eventually understands that he won't be getting anything so he just goes and lies down :)

03-26-2006, 12:20 PM
No. From a young age,we NEVER gave them food at the table.so they learned not to beg at the table.They usually just sit under the table and sleep until were finished. :)

Lori Jordan
03-26-2006, 01:00 PM
yes and it is all my fault

03-26-2006, 01:04 PM
No one in my family can stand our dogs begging at the dinner table. We have to scold them with an 'OUT!" or 'GO LIE DOWN!' and they leave, it took a while for them to get that though :rolleyes: Esspecialy Buddy :p

03-26-2006, 01:12 PM
Ha! Ha! Bon and Gull! Bella does that and around here hubby and I call that getting the *heavy head.* Bella puts the whole weight of her head on our legs and just looks up. No sounds are made or she wouldn't be allowed to stay there. :) Ripley is not food motivated at all. Most of the time while we eat he is running around in the kitchen throwing a toy up in the air or else sacking out on the sofa until we are finished.