View Full Version : New Tank

02-25-2006, 03:35 PM
I got my frogs a new tank the other day. So far they really seem to love it, Pac Man has been singing more than usual since I put them in there. Here's a picture of Pac Man and Frogger's new tank.


I think this is Frogger, I have a hard time telling in pictures.

02-25-2006, 03:56 PM
Ha,ha, the second picutre is too funny! :D

Do you think they would enjoy a rock too?

02-25-2006, 04:00 PM
Oh my, your frogs are too cute! Do they just stay in water all of the time? I was tempted to get some frogs in one of our Petshops but don't know enough about them. :confused:

02-25-2006, 04:16 PM
Do you think they would enjoy a rock too?

I really do think they will like one, I keep meaning to get them one but still haven't gotten around to it. Today I put a small terra cotta pot in their tank and so far them seem to enjoy it.

02-25-2006, 04:20 PM
Oh my, your frogs are too cute! Do they just stay in water all of the time? I was tempted to get some frogs in one of our Petshops but don't know enough about them. :confused:

These little guys are so easy to care for. They stay in water 100% of the time, they don't need a filter or air pump as they go to the top for air like a Betta does. I have a small filter in there to keep the tank clean, but it's not something that you need.

I usually feed them frozen bloodworms two or three times a week and then other days I'll give them a few frog bites (little pellets that come in a can). Some people feed them freeze dried bloodworms that you can get at Petsmart in a little can, but I think the frozen bloodworms are pretty easy to deal with and they are healthier for the frog. Some people also only feed the frog bites and have had their frogs live long and healthy lives. I've had Frogger for over a year now and Pac Man for a few months. Males are fun to have because they make a cute little chirpping/singing noise when they are happy. I love listening to Pac Man sing.

02-25-2006, 04:27 PM
They are so cute!! I love that second picture!

02-25-2006, 06:01 PM
Thanks for the info. :) But oh boy, I wish I wouldn't have asked, now I want some frogs! I even have the perfect tank to put them in sitting empty right now. ;)

02-25-2006, 07:06 PM
Thanks for the info. :) But oh boy, I wish I wouldn't have asked, now I want some frogs! I even have the perfect tank to put them in sitting empty right now. ;)

They really are so much fun to have around. If you have any other questions about feel free to send me a PM.

02-25-2006, 07:34 PM
They are really cute! :D What type of frogs are they? I've never seen any in our petstores around here.

02-26-2006, 05:30 AM
They really are so much fun to have around. If you have any other questions about feel free to send me a PM

Thanks so much for the offer of help! If, I ever get frogs, I'll know who to ask, but right now, I'm gonna try NOT to bring any home, even though they are adorable. Way too busy with all of my fish. ;)

02-26-2006, 02:35 PM
That looks like a good tank! I love your frogs lol. Their adorable! :D

02-26-2006, 03:28 PM
Awww so cute! They have a great little home :0)

Chilli, I think the're African Dwarf Frogs. I realllly want one to keep one of my Betta girls company!

02-26-2006, 03:34 PM
There are actually two different types, one which eat fish and ones that live peacefully. You can tell them apart by how many toes they have (I canīt remember which is which though :o )^

I love your little frogs, they are way too cute!

02-26-2006, 04:14 PM
There are actually two different types, one which eat fish and ones that live peacefully. You can tell them apart by how many toes they have (I canīt remember which is which though :o )^

My two are African Dwarf Frogs. The other frog you are thinking of are African Clawed Frogs. The easiest way to tell the difference is by looking at their hands, if they are webbed then it's a dwarf, but if there is no webbing between the toes then it's a clawed frog. The clawed frogs get to be around 5-6 inches and generally must be housed alone.

Dwarf Frogs are much smaller around 1-1.5 inches and can make great tank buddies with many fish. The only problem is that they have horrible vision and are slow hunters so it's usually best to feed them with a turkey baster to make sure that they get their share of food.