View Full Version : Is your dog big/small for the breed?

02-25-2006, 01:53 AM
Snowy is quite small for a Jack Russell :D

here are some comparisons:

Snowy with Pudding

with Thyme

and with Daisy

02-25-2006, 07:57 AM
AW! Snowy your so cute! I would have to say pretty small. :p

02-25-2006, 08:23 AM
Bella was the second smallest in her litter. Standard poodles can be anything over 15" at the shoulder and she is about 21." My previous standard (RB) was sired by a standard who was 27" at the shoulder.

Ripley is considered a mini because he is over 10" at the shoulder but I would call him either a small mini or a very large toy. My previous mini weighed about 18 lbs. and Ripley is only 14 although has a nice little body. :)

02-25-2006, 10:13 AM
Well,mine are mixed breeds so i dont really know. :p

02-25-2006, 10:30 AM
Roxy-Well for her 2 mixes I think she is average, but everybody thinks shes alot bigger than she looks.
Lily-Well...the pom standard is 3-7 pounds and she weighs 4.4 so...I guess shes average!

02-25-2006, 10:47 AM
Murph is big for a Cairn in height and weight. I was trying to find a picture of him and Maddie standing next to each other to show the difference, because she was very close to the standard, but couldn't find one.

Male Collies are suppose to be between 60-75 lbs. I think Oz was 70lbs the last time we were at the vet and Gull was 80lbs. Gull is a lil' on the lean side though. He could fill out a lil' more and I wouldn't consider him overweight. So Oz seems about right and Gull's a lil' on the big side for the breed.


02-25-2006, 05:03 PM
The shmelties are both oversized. The sheltie standard is 13"-16" and Emily is about 17" and Clipse is about 18". :)

02-25-2006, 08:00 PM
Kyra's too small, Mini's average and Micki is too big :rolleyes:

Shadow is average, I believe.

And Jack, well, he's too big for a beagle and too little for a lab and the perfect size overall :p

02-26-2006, 03:29 AM
Kaedyn's 14.5 inches; he's average.
Kai stands at 17-18 inches. He also has the widest frame I've ever seen on a Sheltie.

02-26-2006, 08:19 AM
I had a female black lab that disappeared about a month ago. She was actually bigger than most male black labs. (My kids still cry for her). She was a very good natured though, and very much full blood. She wasn't fat, just tall.

***no telling about Missy here since I'm not sure what she is!!!lol

02-26-2006, 09:51 AM
Tommy is big for a golden :) Both long and tall. The breed standard for males is 23-24 inches at the withers. Tommy is close to 27 inches :D

(pic from spring 2005)


02-26-2006, 11:49 AM
Autumn is about 2 inches too short for the average toller. Pepper was about 2 inches too tall for a cocker.

02-27-2006, 08:36 AM
Elvis and Tinny are small BCs, E stands 19" at the shoulder and T stands 17". Theodore the Chihuahua is a big boy height wise and is about 11" at the shoulder. The other 2 are mutts :p.

02-27-2006, 09:13 AM
Nanook is a mix so he has no ideal height, but he seems about average for what he is mixed with.

Raustyk is 1-1.5 inches too tall, compared to the breed standard but I have seen plenty of Rotts way taller than her.

Kaige is not done growing but he should be just about perfect.

02-27-2006, 11:26 AM
Well Molli is 9 inches, which is normal... but she is only 5 pounds which is a little small for a Toy Poodle, but she's not purebred. She's got a small build.

Well Sam is only 6 months but is only 2 pounds smaller then his dad... so I think he will be kinda big for a Cocker... but who knows. (he's 18 pounds right now)

02-27-2006, 05:08 PM
When people first meet my Sadie, they say, "That's not a Labrador"! And I just shrug my shoulders, and say, "Yeah, she is, she just a bit smaller that your average Labby!' ;)

02-27-2006, 05:10 PM
Nova and Luka are average. Mandy is small for a German Shepherd and average for a Pit Bull.

Suki Wingy
02-27-2006, 09:32 PM
I have a mutt!

02-27-2006, 09:36 PM
Payson is a mixed breed but he looks mostly like a Jack Russell, he's a bit bigger than most Jacks I've seen.

03-01-2006, 12:37 PM
jess is alittle big for her gender of her breed.

03-01-2006, 01:06 PM
I can't remember what the height limit is for huskies so I'm not sure on that one, though I bet Nebo is too tall, he has long legs. He's within the weight for a male husky (45-60 lbs) weighing in at 60 lbs. So I'd say average to maybe a bit large for the standard.

I'm not sure about the schnauzers I haven't really looked into how tall they are supposed to be or what weight (I don't really care anyway, they are not show dogs) but from the schnauzers I've seen at work they seem to be average size.

Buddy Blaze Lover
03-01-2006, 01:33 PM
Blaze is about average for being a Border collie; around 40 pounds approximately. :)

03-01-2006, 10:49 PM
My dog is a Balck lab, and everyone that see's her, says that she is small. which she is.

muddy paws
03-02-2006, 05:18 PM
I say average, and the others are big :p

Dawn and the gang
03-06-2006, 09:16 PM
I have two poms. Gadget my male is AKC registered, but, he's 18 lbs. and no, he's not fat, just big all over.
Gidget, my female, is 7lbs.

So, I'd have to say that even though poms are usually 3-7 lbs. Both of mine are on the larger side of the scale.


husky 1
03-17-2006, 03:23 PM
This is my wolfy hes a few inchs taller than the breed standard but i still love him

http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f292/rosegallagher/Dscf0217.jpg :)

03-17-2006, 03:51 PM
Gracie is HUGE for a sibe bitch. obviously since she was disqualified from the conformation ring a couple weeks ago. :(

Beanie is a 15lb pomerainian! :eek: he's not fat. he's just a BIG pom.

08-14-2006, 02:30 AM
Visa is small for the breed, but still correct size. Most females will get to be an inch or two taller than her. Everyone who meets her can't believe how small she is. She has almost too much bone for a girl her size.

Candy is VERY small. She is undersize but the breed standard has a one inch heigh allowance so she could still be shown.

08-14-2006, 09:41 AM
I said Don't know because it's very confusing.

If you're considering her a whippet, she is big.

If you consider her a greyhound, she is small.

If you're going by weight, she's always small.

Jen: 28" ( shoulders)

Gracie is HUGE for a sibe bitch. obviously since she was disqualified from the conformation ring a couple weeks ago. :(

Beanie is a 15lb pomerainian! :eek: he's not fat. he's just a BIG pom.

At one point, Jenny was 15 lbs :eek:

08-14-2006, 02:21 PM
According to this Great Dane puppy chart...

Month 8: 80-115 pounds & 27-34 inches

Bailey is just right! He is 31" and 107 pounds. :D

08-14-2006, 09:35 PM
Happy is large for a BC bitch, at 21" at the whithers, Misty is small at 18". Blair is average for pyrsheps at 15 inches. Perky and Ripley ae mutts, and I dont know about Electra yet lol but she seems to be growing at the same rate Misty did, I am guessing she will end up between Happy and Mistys hights. weight wise Misty is average for a BC and Happy is teensy lol she is barly over a pound per inch.

08-14-2006, 11:47 PM
Tango is taller than a female Toller should be, but is about average height for msot female Border Collies around here. She weighs about the same as a purebred female Toller should, and a lot of Border Collies are around the same weight aswell.

Morgan is small for the average Rottweiler, she'll probably only be 70lbs as an adult. Which isn't overly small, but most Rotties I meet are about 80+ pounds. All of my family's girls have been small though.

Tia is very small for a Dachshund.

Winston is about average for a make Doberman.

08-15-2006, 03:18 AM
Well, the breed standard for a Chihuahuas weight is "not to exceed 6 pounds". Spanky is 1.7 and, while she is not full grown, we all believe that she'll average around three pounds. She was the smallest of her litter but none of her siblings should go over four or five pounds. I haven't measured how tall or long she is, though.

08-15-2006, 10:20 AM
Bitsy's average, she's 7 lbs. Technically she's at the top of the weight bracket (AKC says 3-7 lbs) but other poms I've seen are usually larger than she is.

Pugs are supposed to be 14-18 lbs and Nacey is 14 lbs. She's actually the smallest pug I've seen. (the largest being 28lbs :eek: )

Miniature Pinschers are supposed to be 8-10 lbs. Charlie is 8 lbs, but is a little chubby, his perfect weight is 7 lbs. Since we've moved and switched food he's put on weight and is now on a diet. So I guess he's a little on the small side for his breed.

Chihuahua's are supposed to be 2-6 lbs. Buster is 6 lbs. I've seen so many chihuahuas larger than he is and so many smaller.

Nova and Jake are both mixes so they don't fit into a breed standard. Nova is 13 lbs and she, like Charlie, has recently put on weight and is on a diet. Jake is 40lbs and I'm trying to put a little weight on him.

Leslie & Chessies
08-15-2006, 01:28 PM
Jasmine is 81lbs, but shouldn't be over 70lbs per standard.
Indy is 93lbs, but shouldn't be over 80lbs per standard.

08-15-2006, 06:08 PM
malakai is average now for his age..and we are guessing that he will grow into an average size for an adult male dane..he is now around 135 and 33-34 inches at the withers..we (and his breeder) predict that he''ll finish growing at about 150-160lbs and 35-36 inches at the withers..but only time will tell i suppose :)

Chloe is a mixed breed..so i have no idea

08-15-2006, 06:44 PM
Hey! :) I think that my dog is average for her size.