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04-18-2002, 12:58 PM
RE:Milo's name....

When we got her, We thought HER was a HIM :) PepperAnn and Milo are names we got off a cartoon :D and we'd had her for a good 1.5 months before we found out for sure he was a she :D and she comes to the name Milo (I wanted to change it to Mila but dh and ds would have nothing of it).

She is our "Tomboy" girl :) Dh calls her a Bohemian :D

04-18-2002, 04:25 PM
aha! Thanks for the kind explanation. I've always found our naming conventions interesting - and that so many countries have gender-neutral names....I would agree - once you get a cat to recognized and respond to its name, changing it would be more pain than gain, and a rose by any other name still wouldn't be as fun as a kitty :D

Ritz's name is somewhat neutral andwas chosen for her attire - as in "puttin on the ritz"...but I know what you mean about kitties and their gender at an early age - I grew up on a farm and we had many litters of kittens - it was always hard to tell for awhile what they were. Even fooled my dad, the expert at animal husbandry :D

04-18-2002, 04:41 PM
I love that name Ritz!!

One thing that tipped us off (and was later confirmed) someone (maybe from here?) told me the various (tortie) colors on her face are a female trait. Males generally have solid coloring.

However my best friend came up and insisted Milo was a male. She's always had a house full of cats (for as long as Ive known her)
I should have known better *lol* b/c Milo is like Pepper, much smaller then Max. :)

04-18-2002, 07:33 PM
It's hard to find those girl/boy parts under all that pretty fur :D

What is the weather like in Alaska this time of year? I've always had a fascination for that part of the country - I used to travel extensively for work, and was in the northern part of Alberta late one summer and remembered the sun didn't go down til almost 11pm and rose again around 3am...but the countryside was so lush and beautiful!

I live in the midwest...nothing too extraordinary except we are entering spring storm season...it's been hot - in the 80's but this weekend down to 50's and lots of rain...

04-18-2002, 11:36 PM
The weather here has been beautiful this past 2.5 months. We've had maybe a week of non-sunny weather.
Been kinda cold... but has been warming up (was 54 today and beautiful). We're suppose to have snow :eek: this weekend (well a mix of snow and rain) but it's also suppose to be upper 40's (perfect for this alaskan gal!!).
We're heading up to Whitehorse (Yukon) next month. I hope my furrbabies can live w/o me for 6 days!! :rolleyes: :D
My son has a school trip and then we're going to stay up and enjoy the hot springs.

04-19-2002, 03:09 AM
how come you didn't find out her gender sooner ?? hahaha LOL
and how did you finally find out ?????
This really sounds soooooooooo funny !!!!!!
say hi to Milo and a hug to all of your sweties !!

04-19-2002, 04:10 AM
So that explains it Rachel - I couldn't understand why Milo had such a sweet girl face!!:eek: :eek: And the pink collar - ah yes.......! Thanks for putting this very old mind at rest:D :D


04-19-2002, 10:44 AM
We were always pretty sure she was a girl :D but at first she *ahem* looked like Max in that area....