View Full Version : Bathing cats---wat do i do?SEAFA GOT IN THE BATH!!!

02-23-2006, 01:07 AM
If i was to give Kansas and seafa a paddle int eh abth what would I do. Obviously i would have a little bit of water and only a little bit. They are always very keen to jump in the bath/ So can i let them jump in when theres a tiny bit of like lukewarm water?? what do you think??

02-23-2006, 10:19 AM
now I have to give ME a proper bath, you miserable humans

ROFLMAO!!!!! They must've been FURIOUS!!!! How DARE you mess up their precious coiffs! :rolleyes: :p

smokey the elder
02-23-2006, 12:20 PM
What is it about wet cats?? :D

02-23-2006, 12:32 PM
The few cats I have bathed seem to be OK with it (kind of) so long as their face doesn't get wet. Keeping their face dry seems to be necessary!

02-23-2006, 04:02 PM
A Little Warm Water is certainly not going to Hurt Kansas and Seafa.
The Porch Cats sadly have been rained on Many Times.
They dont like the experience,but they are all right afterwards.

02-23-2006, 09:56 PM
I don think my two ahve even experienced rain. my Dad always says they will come in if it bothers them, but i go and get them anyway.

02-23-2006, 10:07 PM
One of my rescues from years back "Buddy" loves to get in the shower and get all spruced up, and then blow dried according to his meowmie lol! :D But generally most cats hate it, and it's really not necessary if they groom themselves....which almost all do. ;) If your kitty really likes it though, just make sure water doesn't get into the ears, and that he's kept warm till he's dried off. ;)

02-24-2006, 12:19 PM
I would seriously suggest you have someone else with you if your bathing them for the first time, Im my experience the cats I've bathed at work dont like it lol but they deal with it!

If you dont want to do it yourself why not try a groomers? That way you can make sure the cat is properly groomed out and dried, But if you want to do it yourself just be calm around him while you bath him and try to avoid the spray in the cats face, try just putting some water on their tail and seein their reaction

02-24-2006, 12:25 PM
Make you sure you can keep them warm until they are completely dry, you dont want them to get chilled.

02-24-2006, 04:26 PM
Seafa jumped in the bath yesterday! She raced downstairs last night to tell me that the kittens werein the bathroomand did i want to get in the bath. i ran upstairs after Mum and we heard this plop and seafa came streaking out of the bathroom,dripping wet. It was about 10 seconds that my Mum wasnt in the bathroom.Lol I hope you see the funny sideof this. They wouldnt have drowned as they could both hop out of the bath and there was only a few centimetres of water in the tub. donbt worry i wouldnt intentionally leave them in the bathroom with a full tub! But it was so funny seeeing seafa streak out of the bathroom.after that we dried her off and she finished the job! then her and kansas ran around the bathroom and they just satthere watching mesometimes with their little paws up on the side of the bath. soooo silly.

sorryabout thejoinedtogetherwords. wehave had to get out our old keyboardbecasue the one we were using got broke.