View Full Version : can goldfish and betta's....

02-22-2006, 04:12 PM
My mom is tired of me having so much tanks in my room so she wanted me to ask you guys this.
We just got a 10 gallon tank and I have 2 fantail goldfish in it, my mom wants to know if we put a betta in there if they will get along?

02-22-2006, 04:31 PM
They should be fine so long as your goldfish won't be mistaken as another male betta by your betta. Otherwise goldfish and bettas make excellent tankmates.

02-22-2006, 04:42 PM
there willy and orca in my siggy,they look nothing like a betta do they??

02-22-2006, 04:50 PM
not really. How big are your goldfish? You need two gallons of water per inch of goldfish. If they are small, like only an inch long, then you have room. but remember goldfish will grow up to 10" -- you'lll need to get a new tank by the time they are 5" long.

Don't forget to take into account the space your gravel and pants take up.

02-22-2006, 04:53 PM
there willy and orca in my siggy,they look nothing like a betta do they??

Well if they have long fins, that MIGHT cause problems. But as far as coloration goes, no the betta will not mistake them as another male betta.

Some fish though like neon tetras don't do well though with bettas because they think they are other bettas and will attack them

02-22-2006, 04:53 PM
this is the tank and how it looks right now
Yeah I new they could get up to 10 inches and they need 2 gallons each and so I think there would be enogh room

02-22-2006, 04:55 PM
They should get along fine but catnapper is right about needing extra tank space later. Also, make sure your betta gets enough to eat, goldfish are hogs! Sometimes they gobbled things up faster than my betta could get to the food because he was always looking and stalking the food before he'd strike so I set up a little plastic "cage" part I could block off with a removable side to help make sure he ate enough. But if you see that he is being able to get to the food fast enough before they eat it all it should be fine.

02-22-2006, 04:57 PM
umm here is a full picture of them, without it croped off
this was in there old tank, too small for both of them

02-22-2006, 04:58 PM
ok I am trying to think of my betta's personality,
Jedi is a slow easy going guy, who takes his time and doesn't go to food very fast

rudy flares at everything and eats really fast
would rudy be a problem with them?

My Peanuts
02-22-2006, 05:09 PM
They should be perfectly fine. I'd introduce them when you are going to be home and keep and eye on them, but I've never heard of it being a problem. (I have large African Cichlids where this is a big problem :rolleyes: )

Ok, goldfish enthusiasts will tell you that a 10 gallon tank is too small for that many fish. They have told me that 1 goldfish for every 10 gallons. Meaning 2 goldfish 20 gallon tank.

That being said, I think that 2 gold fish and a betta in a 10 gallon tank is perfectly fine. I had 1 gold fish in a 5 gallon tank and when these people told me it was wrong I got a bigger tank and he died. Stick to what is working for you. I wouldn't add anymore though. Also if it's an un-cycled tank do 20% water changes for a while to lower the ammonia level until the "good" bacteria has a chance to grow. Even a cycled tank needs frequent water changes when new fish are added.

If you have any other questions you can ask me. In the past few years I’ve become a fish enthusiast myself. :D

02-22-2006, 05:11 PM
They should be perfectly fine. I'd introduce them when you are going to be home and keep and eye on them, but I've never heard of it being a problem. (I have large African Cichlids where this is a big problem :rolleyes: )

Ok, goldfish enthusiasts will tell you that a 10 gallon tank is too small for that many fish. They have told me that 1 goldfish for every 10 gallons. Meaning 2 goldfish 20 gallon tank.

That being said, I think that 2 gold fish and a betta in a 10 gallon tank is perfectly fine. I had 1 gold fish in a 5 gallon tank and when these people told me it was wrong I got a bigger tank and he died. Stick to what is working for you. I wouldn't add anymore though. Also if it's an un-cycled tank do 20% water changes for a while to lower the ammonia level until the "good" bacteria has a chance to grow. Even a cycled tank needs frequent water changes when new fish are added.

If you have any other questions you can ask me. In the past few years I’ve become a fish enthusiast myself. :D
thank you so much!!! I have this whole week off, so I think I will try but which betta should I put in there?
ok I am trying to think of my betta's personality,
Jedi is a slow easy going guy, who takes his time and doesn't go to food very fast

rudy flares at everything and eats really fast
would rudy be a problem with them?

02-22-2006, 05:21 PM
If Rudy is quick to flare then I would probably not stick him in with the goldfish, just to be safe.

BUT you never know. You can put him in there and WATCH him just to see. Who knows?

And that's odd, one goldfish per two gallons? I've always heard that goldfish can live in closer quarters with one another than other fish can :o

My Peanuts
02-22-2006, 05:23 PM
thank you so much!!! I have this whole week off, so I think I will try but which betta should I put in there?
ok I am trying to think of my betta's personality,
Jedi is a slow easy going guy, who takes his time and doesn't go to food very fast

rudy flares at everything and eats really fast
would rudy be a problem with them?

I've never had goldfish and bettas together personally, but I have heard they are fine and seen it with my own eyes. I would try both and watch them, like I said. Be prepared with a tank or a bowl in case someone started getting nippy.

Right now I'm trying to introduce a "highly aggressive" large cichlid in with my already aggressive cichlids. The guy I get my fish from said it possible, but I'm doing the same thing you are. I'm going to do it in about a month (the new fish is being quarantined) but I prepared with the other tank because I doubt it will work. I do think your bettas will work though.

Fish are all different. Inside those tiny brains are so many different moods. I'd try it and watch them.

02-22-2006, 05:25 PM
Thanks everybody!! I have learned so much from this thread!!!

My Peanuts
02-22-2006, 05:26 PM
Also, The two fish I have living together right now and for the past 3 years are techincally supposed to be killing each other. Just thought I'd let you know that.

02-22-2006, 08:22 PM
Wait a sec!! I could be mistaken...but aren't goldfish coldwater fish and bettas tropical?!

In that case, even if their personalities are compatible, their environments CERTAINLY aren't!

02-22-2006, 08:31 PM
Haven't read all the other posts, but CathyBogart is right!

Goldfish are coldwater fish and bettas are tropical. They should not mix.

Goldfish also need atleast 20 gallons for the first goldfish and 10 gallons for every other one. They also need a heavy duty filter since they produce so much waste, and that could cause problems for a betta. Bettas are also must faster, and although they have different diets, they would most likely eat the food before the goldfish would.

02-22-2006, 09:21 PM
ok I tried the betta out tonight, and no... it did not work, my betta like attacked my fish, so he is back in his old aquarium.

02-22-2006, 09:27 PM
Well you said your mom was complaining about having so many tanks. What if you bought one of those double-betta tanks that comes with a separator? That way you can go down to two tanks instead of three?

02-22-2006, 09:48 PM
I have two Goldfish and a betta in a 10 gallon currently. They have lived together in peace for 5+ years now. :) My Betta loves "his" goldfish.

02-22-2006, 10:03 PM
Bettas may be technically considered tropical, but most Bettas do not live in heated tanks. If a betta gets cold he is less active, but it's not deadly like with tropical fish. They do prefer warmer water but they can live in unheated tanks, unlike other tropicals. As for the betta eating the food before the goldfish, it depends on the Betta. Mine liked to circle his food and then "kill" it. The goldfish would eat everythign before he even had a chance, I had to make him a special place to eat to make sure he got enough food.

02-22-2006, 10:12 PM
Bettas may be technically considered tropical, but most Bettas do not live in heated tanks.

Yeah that's what I was going to say; most bettas aren't in heated tanks so they would be OK being tank mates :)

02-23-2006, 03:07 AM
From what I have read the only fish that should be kept with goldfish are goldfish.

And I do think you need a bigger tank for those guys in awhile, right now it is fine because they are so small, but later you might have a problem.

My Fav Fish Site (http://www.aquahobby.com) :D

02-23-2006, 12:51 PM
ok i was told that they will both be ok in the 10 gallon tank even when they get bigger.
I am going to wait a couple month untill I try the betta again.

Is it normal for the betta to flare and chase them at first? He started to do that and I took him out before he even had the chance

My Peanuts
02-23-2006, 02:41 PM
You could also try to put the two tanks next to each other for a while. Maybe the betta will realize that those are goldfish and stop flaring. My new betta that I got from Kara (goldluv00) flares at even me.

I'm actually going to try putting my two cichlids tanks next to each other so they get used to seeing each other. Doesn't hurt to try. :)

02-23-2006, 03:04 PM
The only thing I would worry about homing any fish with a goldfish is how dirty goldfish are. From what I understand bettas like clean water... atleast mine does.

My Peanuts
02-23-2006, 04:56 PM
The only thing I would worry about homing any fish with a goldfish is how dirty goldfish are. From what I understand bettas like clean water... atleast mine does.

That's true. You should by a small gravel vacuum. It will cost under $10 and it will help you big time with the cleaning. They make it easy to get the filth off the gravel bed where it hides. I have a big one for my big tanks and I think it was under $15. All a gravel vacuum is a powerless siphon. I even use one in my bettas 5 gallon tank.

02-23-2006, 04:57 PM
That's true. You should by a small gravel vacuum. It will cost under $10 and it will help you big time with the cleaning. They make it easy to get the filth off the gravel bed where it hides. I have a big one for my big tanks and I think it was under $15. All a gravel vacuum is a powerless siphon. I even use one in my bettas 5 gallon tank.

Yes REALLY cheap. I think the siphon hose for the 10 gallon tank at PetCo is like $5 or $6 actually. :)

02-23-2006, 09:35 PM
ok i havn't even heard of that, not this weekend, but next weekend I will go buy one. thanks for all the advise!!

02-23-2006, 10:34 PM
Honestly, I think it's way too much of a stress on the Goldfish and the Betta to keep them together. Yes, Bettas will become very depressed in cold water and it WILL make them sick and/or reduce their lifespan. All of my Bettas either have a heater, or are in a heated room... the only times I've had sick Bettas is when they were in <70* tanks.

I think, if your Mom doesn't like so many tanks, you should buy either a 2.5 gallon or 5 gallon Minibow (OR, a 10g, if you want to be generous) and divide it for the 2 Bettas, and add a small heater/whisper filter. They'll be MUCH happier, and you will be down to 1 tank instead of 2! You could also move one of the Betta tanks into the living room, and decorate it nicely... that way you really won't have as many tanks in your room ;)