View Full Version : 33 lb. cat in China

02-22-2006, 12:54 PM
A 33-pound cat in Qingdao, China is being described as a "feline monster" because of its 31-inch waist and large size, according to a report. (http://www.local6.com/slideshow/news/7267787/detail.html?qs=;s=1;p=news;dm=ss;w=400)


02-22-2006, 01:05 PM
I saw that on TV yesterday. Poor cat! :(

02-22-2006, 01:19 PM
:eek: Yes, I saw that kitty too. She really is far too fat I think. Well, Dylan is twenty pounds too, but he is also a large cat in general.

I did feel a bit sorry for the cat on TV, but she looked happy. I hate that they call her "monster" :( It isn't her fault.

02-22-2006, 01:54 PM
I know we all have cats that get a bit tubby, but we do keep an eye on things. IMO, anyone who keeps an animal overweight deliberately and does nothing about it is guilty of animal abuse.

I hope this news story results in some education for the owners from people worldwide!

02-22-2006, 02:09 PM
Poor cat! :(

02-22-2006, 02:11 PM
Oh my, that poor cat. That is abuse. How sad.

02-22-2006, 02:18 PM
That Poor Cat.
I dont think that even Cat Zilla is near that heavy,and she eats and Cat Zilla is a regular Hoover of a Cat.
Thats like the Cat Pumpkin,An Orangie and who was 29 Pounds, and was always in my Home Town newspaper.
And died,in pain at the age of 6.

02-22-2006, 03:01 PM
OmG the poor kitty :( :(

02-22-2006, 03:05 PM
I saw that a week ago!! its sick!!!! I wonder if they did that for the attention. :rolleyes:

Don Juan's mom
02-22-2006, 04:07 PM
Poor baby!

My friends' cat Gus is under vet's orders to lose 3 to 4 pounds (1.36 to 1.8 kilos)... and I think he's only around 20 pounds (9.09 kilos).

(I sent Gus a toy to help with his weight loss program. Maybe we could organize a toy drive for the Chinese cat.)


02-22-2006, 04:21 PM
He will have a short life. Poor kitty.

Miss Z
02-22-2006, 04:21 PM
They say that they think the cat is healthy...ahem, that is FAR from healthy. Think of all the pressure on his little heart, and he has to be helped out of bed, that is no life for him. His owner should be ashamed:mad: :( :(

02-22-2006, 09:08 PM
This is one of the broadcasters that showed the picture and told the story. I emailed them and asked them to pass on the message to Xu Jirong regarding his cat.

From the story, they are Chinese/English broadcasters, chinabroadcast; the email is: [email protected]

I was going to post my email, but it wasn't automatically saved.

I also suggested to chinabroadcast that they could do a followup story on the progress of this kitty, who, if slimmer, would spend many MORE happy years with his family!

Spread the word, ok?


02-23-2006, 12:45 AM
that cat should be taken away from the owners. that is not responsible pet care. i hope nobody I know treats a cat liek that. it disgusts me. They are purposely "de-catting" that cat. They are makign it look like an overweight dog. its not fair on it. That could almost be described as animal cruaelty. Ok would they overfeed their children on purpose? i think not! grrr...

02-23-2006, 04:35 AM
That is pittyful.I feel bad for that kitty.That is not healthy. :(

02-23-2006, 03:29 PM
It was obvious to me the cat was much loved and spoilt and adored, it is a shame that they let it become so overweight, hopefully they will put him on a diet, i am sure they did not do it on purpose,but perhaps they need some education on the care of cats regarding its feeding, some people just have no idea really, hopefully all the media attention will help them to make a decision to help the cat loose weight.

Mad Mags Moo
02-23-2006, 03:34 PM
Oh my,what a very sad thing :(, poor kitty, wont have a long life at all. I know that my puss cat Squeak is a wee bit on the heavy side but she is positively skinny compared to this puss cat! :eek:

02-23-2006, 06:12 PM
i saw the cat on TV too, and I found it very upsetting to see an animal so grossly overfed :(
My Chow Chow kitty got up to 18 lbs in his prime, but he was a very big cat. -certainly never looked like that poor kitty!

02-23-2006, 07:09 PM
After reading that the cat likes to eat 6 pounds of fish, you wonder WHO is in charge at the house! We ALL love our cats, but they do not get away with stuuf like that!!! Our vet would totally freak out if one of our cats was that heavy. In his prime, sweet Ashley, was 15 lbs(and he was a BIG cat). He was put on a diet and got down to 11-12 lbs. He looked much better. The Chinese cat weighs as much as 3-4 of our 8 cats!!!!

02-25-2006, 10:45 PM
I saw that story on Inside Edition early in the week, and it made me mad. I can't believe anyone would let their cat get that fat and not do anything to help! It's not something to be celebrated. I imagine that the cat is pretty content, since she has a home and all, but I think she'd be happier if she lost a few pounds and could be more active.

I have two 8-lb girl cats and one 17-lb boy cat and one 18-lb boy cat. My cats ALL get low-calorie food and they get plenty of exercise and visit the vet each year. Some cats, like our boys, tend to be heavier. Bailey was a very sick 1.5-lb kitten when we took him in as a stray, and he has since grown into a very long, lean, muscular 3-year-old cat. He doesn't appear to have any excess weight - he's just a bigger structured cat. Leo is the heaviest (and also taller than Bailey by a couple centimeters when they stand up or stretch all the way out), with extra weight in his belly, probably from when he was surviving out on his own before he was rescued by the no-kill group and adopted by us. Sometimes I think Leo has a few issues because of his extra belly weight, so I can only imagine what a 33-lb cat must go through every day. It certainly couldn't clean itself, without flexibility. I hope cat and dog owners worldwide take notice of this story and figure out that it's a good thing to make sure your animals are healthy.