View Full Version : Hills Prescription Diets

02-21-2006, 02:32 PM
Well Bandit ended up in the hospital again.
6 months ago he was hospitalized for stomach troubles (vomiting, dehydration and weight loss). After spending 4 days and numerous tests, they found nothing conclusive and thought perhaps he had something similar to acid reflux like humans get. He was put on Hills d/d canned.
He was doing good until 2 weeks ago when the vomiting started up again and then he quit eating altogether.
Initally the vet suspected arthritis in his back (prescribed Rimadyl for 4 days) and since he had a temp. also gave him a round of anitbiotics. He did a bit better for about 3 days then went down hill again. He is now in the hospital since yesterday. His blood tests are all negative/normal and they were to try giving him food today to see if he will be able to hold it down and then collect a stool sample.
I did some looking on Hills website and it sounds to me like the i/d food might be a better choice if he is having gasterointestinal problems. I will ask the vet about this.
Has anyone had a cat with anything similar to this happen and what was the out come for you?

Bandit is my 8 yr old male(n) purebred Snowshoe

02-23-2006, 01:04 PM
I am just wondering if your kitty has pancreatitis. The symptoms you describe sound like what our Ralph had. I posted on this section, if you want more detail. I am making a homemade diet for Ralph. The I/D did not have enough fiber for him and he developed constipation(same with baby food). Good Luck!

02-23-2006, 10:09 PM
How did you find out about the pancreatitis?
Bandit spent 2 days in the hosp. and nothing conclusive was found again. They sent him home with Prednisone and said to keep feeding him the d/d.

The problem is that Hills has changed the formula of the canned d/d to venison and it now has a really pasty texture. He just licks at it and rolls it up into balls in his bowl. The old d/d was made with lamb & rice. I wonder what made them change.

He is doing better than he was, at least he hasn't vomited since he's been home, but he seems on edge.

02-23-2006, 11:32 PM
My Artful Dodger had Irritable Bowel Syndrome from about age 8 to 16, when he died of CRF, Cardiomyopathy and Hyperthyroidism - my absolute favorite cat and he had everything! Dodger's first symptoms were blood in the stool but he was treated initially for giardia, worms, etc. Later he became nauseated and just stopped eating. I had to force feed him for a while and then give him the Innovative Veterinary Diets, venison & field peas which worked very for a year or so. (Hills may be copying IVD's diets which have proved very popular.) The final diagnosis of IBS wasn't made until he had surgery and a biopsy of his small intestine was taken, there is no other way to diagnose this condition with any kind of accuracy and even then they say "it looks like". This kind of gastrointestinal problem is really hard to diagnose and treat, not just IBS but similar disorders. Dodger was given heartburn medication for years, and that did help him. There were months, even a few years at a time when everything would be fine and then there were flare-ups that just happened. Each time he decided that he didn't like one special diet and stopped eating altogether, I'd have to go through several more to find one that he'd eat and that wouldn't cause bloating, nausea and blood, slimey stools. Dodger's blood tests were normal also.

Good luck. It's much easier when they can find something with a blood test.

02-24-2006, 08:20 AM
Ralph becomes so lethargic and refuses to eat, then starts to vomit!!! When the vet palpates his abdomen, she notes he guards it, but it is tender, He usually is put on Baytril for 14 days(this last time longer). He has been having more frequent episodes and it is taking him longer to come back, but he is nearly 14. Ralph is now eating a homemade diet.If I were you, I would go to the Hill's website and you can send them a message about why they changed the ingredients to the I/D. They will response back in a few days. I do not care for their food, but I have 2 kidney cats that eat their K/D minced. The regular K/D had the consistency of a hockey puck!!! Please let us know what you find out!!!! Thanks! Sandra

02-24-2006, 09:04 AM
I happen to have samples of a pure Aloe gel made by Herbalife - not to push a partcular brand...but the Aloe Drink has chamomile in it too, and has helped MANY of my friends with IBS and other digestive troubles.

It soothes inner inflammation like Aloe does on the skin.

You might want to check with vets or a good health food store, and try a wee dab on their paws. It won't hurt - and certainly might help!

Just a thought.


02-24-2006, 10:33 AM
Lizzie made a good point that I forgot to mention!! Ralph, like her Dodger, is taking a heartburn OTC medication: Pepcid 2.5 mg 15 minutes BEFORE meals. You also can get the generic: famotidine. A 10 mg tab can be split(I used a pill cutter)into quaters which equal 25. mg. Maybe ask your vet about that.