View Full Version : Rottweilers

02-18-2006, 02:40 PM
Does anyone have one? They are one of the most beautiful dogs I've seen in my life time. They are so bold and look so... scarey but are so... friendly. I love them!!! What do you guys think of them? So many people are giving them such a bad reputation... but they're such sweet dogs. If everyone met one everyone would love 'em!

02-18-2006, 03:24 PM
i love Rottweilers.One of my favourite breeds :) And it is a shame they get such a bad reputation,but your right they are a wonderful breed,but def. not for everyone.
I would love to have one with a natural tail.

02-18-2006, 05:43 PM
Rottweilers are wonderful, if they live with the right owner. They're most certainly not for everyone. I've had Rotties my entire life and currently own a 4 month old female pup named Morgan. Each Rottweiler I've had have all been very sweet, gentle, extremely loyal dogs. They're also very stubborn though...lol but they more than make up for that with they're sweet nature.

lol...I personally don't think they look scarey at all but I guess people who aren't used to being around them often might get that impression.

02-19-2006, 11:35 PM
They are absoulutley awesome dogs. I love them! It's horrible that they have a bad reputation :rolleyes: People are being really weird these days with Pit bulls and Rotties and Dobies... it's a shame... a true shame...

02-20-2006, 09:07 AM
I don't have one any more, but I did...for almost 13 years. His name was Angus and he was the best dog a person could ever have:D
Here's a couple pictures of my RB rottie...

02-20-2006, 02:31 PM
I agree with you everyone will love them if they ever get around one. Almost everyone in my family has had one at one time or another. My boyfriend and I have one and hope to get another one in the near future.


02-20-2006, 03:05 PM
Rott's r actually good dogs. My ex brother in law had them and they were so sweet. His male, Gordo, was VERY protective of my daughter when she was an infant. Only problem we had with him was when someone outside of the family tried to pick her up and he went ape on them. He did NOT like the idea of anyone besides us holding his baby.

Suki Wingy
02-20-2006, 03:55 PM
My old neighbor had one named Maddie who we absolutley loved. He frequently couldn't take care of her so we watched her a lot.
When he had to move away we almost took her but everything worked out and he could keep her. I miss her. :(

02-21-2006, 10:44 AM
Of course I love them! :D Here's some pics of my Raustyk girl:




02-21-2006, 10:51 AM
I LOVE them. :) I have a rottie mix/yellow lab mix (Jenny) and Orangutango is right, they are very stubborn but make up with it with their sweet nature. :)
I have also had a pleasure of meeting a few rotties and all of them have been very sweet. :D
attached are pictures of my beautiful Jenny girl. :)

02-21-2006, 02:23 PM
I love Rotties too! :D They are one of my favorite breeds, I never want to live without one!

Here is my 10 year old Shadow girl... :D




02-21-2006, 02:32 PM
I didn't know Shadow was 10! :eek: :eek: She looks great! :D ;)

Give her a bil ol' hug from me please. :D

02-21-2006, 04:47 PM
I didn't know Shadow was 10! :eek: :eek: She looks great! :D ;)

Yup, She'll be 11 on April 2nd :eek: Thanks! :D

07-17-2007, 11:17 PM
Does any one besides me see them as lap dogs? Just about every one i have met LOVES to sit on your lap (and i absolutely love it... even though I'm a tiny person.) :D

07-18-2007, 08:20 AM
Shadow really has never been a lap dog, but it you're laying on the floor with a blanket and a pillow she WILL be there! And she'll keep getting closer so eventually you're pillow and blanket-less! Sometimes she'll come up on the couch next to you and lay her head on your lap...but that's about it.

07-18-2007, 01:39 PM
My Rottweilers never were lap dogs. Winston (Doberman) definitely thinks he is, but not the Rotties. They all prefer/ed their own space, and if they wanted to cuddle, they'd lay/sit close to us.

07-20-2007, 10:55 PM
When I stayed at a campground for a couple of weeks, there was a Rottweiler "next door" and she was alone most of the time. I randomly started throwing sticks to her but kept my distance. After I've watched her with her owner, I discovered she could do the most amazing tricks! So, when I tried to get near her by the trailer I was way too terrified she would eat me. After a while I actually got as far as touching her and then everything happened by itself :) You should have seen the jealous looks from the other campgrounders when I cuddled the hell out of that dog :D Miss her so much :rolleyes:

07-21-2007, 01:04 AM
Wow, what a coincidence. Even though I always loved Rottweilers my love for them was cemented when i went camping with my parents years ago. a couple "blocks" over there was this couple with a HUGE German Rott. I still don't think I've seen in person any Mastiffs as big as this gal. And she was the sweetest thing. (Her only "flaw" is that she was food aggressive.) Her paw prints were so big that the ranger station was getting several complaints each day of bear prints in the campground! LOL. She was such a sweetie though. I hung out over there a few times while we were at that campground. She never even once paid any mind to my Rat Terrier.

When I stayed at a campground for a couple of weeks, there was a Rottweiler "next door" and she was alone most of the time. I randomly started throwing sticks to her but kept my distance. After I've watched her with her owner, I discovered she could do the most amazing tricks! So, when I tried to get near her by the trailer I was way too terrified she would eat me. After a while I actually got as far as touching her and then everything happened by itself :) You should have seen the jealous looks from the other campgrounders when I cuddled the hell out of that dog Miss her so much

07-22-2007, 09:13 PM
I have two at this time,but have owned a titled quite a few..
Daphney and her son Elwood
could not get pictures to work so I'll try something else.

07-22-2007, 09:24 PM
I've always loved Rotties. Handsome dogs.

07-22-2007, 10:18 PM
Rottie's are the most wonderful dogs!!! My family was blessed with Natasha for six years, she was given to us when she was only 2 mos old, and we had never had one, we followed the advice of the vet, kept her inside for her hips, she was raised with my two RB cocker's and had no idea she was as large as she was. At her healthiest she was 130lbs. Very large for a female...lol She was a miracle to us, the only one of a litter of eight to survive, and her mother died just two months after she was born from old age. Natasha was as sweet and loving as any dog I have ever seen, she loved all of us and thought she was a lap dog like the cocker's. When she became ill we fought with everything all of us had to keep her with us as long as it was not at the cost of her suffering, when she came out of remission we agreed it was time to put her to rest. It was a hard decision for all of us, for anyone that met her fell inlove with her including her vet, she actually had to have another vet give her the shot to put her to sleep, as she was crying right along with my family. I would love one day to have another one. I wish everyone could meet one that has been raised correctly and loved they way that they are meant to be and they would see there is nothing to fear!!!!!!