View Full Version : Prayers please

02-16-2006, 09:53 AM
Looks like the strays are starting to come out again in my area. I caught one yesterday evening, a sweet young girl who was pregnant and unfortunatly LEUK AND FIV possitive. :( She was helped to the bridge with ones that loved her during her last moments here. I didn't get to know her well, only saw her shivering a few times back in the hedgerow, coming closer for food but scurrying off as soon as she saw any movement.

Then there is a handsome (boy I think) orangie who also showed up about the same time. He's been living under my trailer the last few days. He is a little larger, so maybe a little older than she was but I am thinking they were dropped off together????
My trap is out & ready to catch him since I can't get close enough to him. When he is under my trailer (goes in & out through an open vent space aka stray cat home) he will allow me to pet him and he purrs up a storm, but once he's out from under there he scoots away. I think he feels protected under there knowing I can not get to him.

Lets please hope & pray that not only do I catch him but that he is healthy. EVERY cat I have caught in my trailer park has been FIV+ and some were even LEUK+ as well. :(

02-16-2006, 10:13 AM
Good thoughts and prayers that you can catch the little boy and that he is healthy!

02-16-2006, 11:37 AM
This is so sad. :( I sure hope that the others are healthy so that they'll be able to find their new forever homes. Prayers and positive thoughts are being sent their way.

02-16-2006, 02:08 PM
I Know What You Are Going Through As They Are Coming Every Day To The Porch.
The Only Thing Is That There Are Pets Coming Here That Are Bigger Thanthe Kittens And The Starry Cats Are Not Always Getting The Food.
I Mean When Catzillas There She Alone Eats.
Thank God,i Was Able To Help Scrappy2,and Tubby2.
And Gem2,is Under Observation,as With That Rb Cat You Mentioned,shes Too Young For Kittens.

02-16-2006, 04:45 PM
That's so sad that all of them have been sick. Undoubtedly with them all being strays, they probably have come into contact with each other at some point or another and are just passing everything around. Hopefully you can break that cycle for them !!

02-16-2006, 05:51 PM
me too! hope you're gonna break the cycle. wow, how many now have you caught total if you know?

in california - I have caught not more than 6 before but all are healthy (two are now, were infected with some bugs) and never saw more around my old home. I now saw maaany around here, was going to ask you if I could borrow your trap - guess you still need it too.

anyway, pray, hoping you have caught him and find him not affected too as when you come back! I thank you for doing this! let us know..

02-20-2006, 11:22 AM
Well he's still out there. I picked up the trap Friday because of the high winds. Put it back out Sat morning in hopes to catch him because it was AWFUL cold out over the weekend. I have caught him "inspecting" the trap a few times over the weekend but he won't go anywhere near the opening. I wonder if he has been caught before, or had a bad experience or what. It seems as if he knows that he should not enter it.
I am not keeping my hope up with him being FIV &/or Leuk possitive. He just looks so much like most of the other cats I have caught. God I hope I am wrong.

me too! hope you're gonna break the cycle. wow, how many now have you caught total if you know?

I have caught 7 so far, in my park anyways within the last 8-10ish months or so. I am pretty sure most of them were related. 2 looked a lot a like & I bet money they were brother & sister, the sister was a momma and I caught her 3 babies (well not baby baby but a few months old) then there was one more a month or so later who looked a lot like the prior ones. Then the girl I just caught last week who was the only one who didn't look anything like any of the others.
I am thinking that since all of the park residents cats are FIV & LUEK NEGATIVE that the bunch of cats over the last year were maybe staying together then dumped here. The 6 I caught last year all arrived about the same time & looked a lot a like. I am not sure if these 2 were "leftovers" from last year & I just didn't see them or what. My neighbor is a cat person & she feeds the strays and also tries to catch them. We often talk about cats & she sometimes see's strays that I don't see (she has no dogs at her house lol) so it is possible that these 2 are last years dumps.

02-20-2006, 11:33 AM
Good thoughts from The Tribe for all the kitties you are helping. Thank You for caring for them and hopefully ending the cycle of illness for these strays.

02-20-2006, 02:00 PM
What a sad situation, but thank YOU so much for helping all that you can!

02-20-2006, 06:07 PM
:) Hi all,
just like to introduce myself.
interested in all ur comments,as I have worked with feral cats and urban foxes for 11 yrs.Seems the problem here is worse in the states.If I can help in any way,please e-mail me.
right now I,m the adopted Mom of two dogs,Skye...Border Collie and Storm...staffixscotch terrier.Also Bonnie...calico cat...Barney...rescued Guinea Pig....Ebony...who is 12mth old alligator.....AND MY BABY!!
thank you all for caring for God,s beautiful creatures.
God bless.