View Full Version : Dittle

Former User
04-16-2002, 03:48 AM
Oh my oh my, Dittle, you are one in a million! Such a sweetie, can't get enough of your picture! And you are something, loving your mommy so much, and obviously your mommy loves you too. I bet she is very happy that you like to do things together with her, like watching telly!


04-16-2002, 10:01 AM
Dittle, what a sweet little girl you are and so photogenic. It sounds like you have picked your one and only and love her very much. What a great companion you are and so friendly to her.
Congratulations dear, sweet, Dittle, Our Very Best Pet of the Day.
I'm sure your human will be giving you some extra treats on your extra special day.

04-16-2002, 10:09 AM
What a sweet heartwarming story to start out the day!

Pet Talk has taught me that bunnies can be the very best pets and you are proof that this is true.

Dittle I know this will be a very special day for you as it is for us to celebrate your honor on being our Pet of the Day.

I hope a new box is waiting for you!

04-16-2002, 11:41 AM
I love your name. How did you get it, I wonder? What a bundle of bunny sweetness you are. I hope you get lots of extra mom cuddles and treats today. Congratulations on being our special Pet of the Day today.:)

Sam's My Baby
04-16-2002, 12:55 PM
Dittle, you are so cute! I love your picture, and you sound like a very affectionate bunny! Have fun on this very special day! :)

04-16-2002, 06:13 PM
Hi Dittle! You certainly are one photogenic little bunster! Your expression has me "coming back for more!" How touching to read that you share such a deep bond with your human! I think she or he loves you back tenfold! Who wouldn't?? You are just precious! And Dittle, tonight when you are all curled up with your human watching TV, please tell your human thanks for all the work that he/she does in behalf of homeless bunsters!:) Congratulations to Dittle, our most adorable, photogenic, precious Pet of the Day! Nose wiggles and cuddles to you dear Dittle!!:)

04-16-2002, 08:19 PM

Hi Sweet Bunny, your name reminds me of the children's
rhyme "Hey Dittle Dittle the cat(or Bunny) and the fiddle"
So glad to meet you today and offer congrats on your
Special day as our PET OF THE DAY !!!