View Full Version : Oh Inka, you have made me so happy!!!

02-11-2006, 01:21 PM
My dearest Inka, Soncat just brought our mail in. And he said there was something for ME! Your Valentine card came today and not even catnip could make me happier! And a lock of your beautiful fur made it even more special! I will treasure your card always and simply cannot thank you enough :D !

Snuggles, kitty hugs, and lots of kitty kisses,
With love...
Your Groucho

PS: Be watching your mail, dearest Inka, something is on its way to you...

Maya & Inka's mommy
02-11-2006, 04:09 PM
Awwww, I am SO happy that you like my card, and my fur!!! I will love you forever, my sweet American prince!!

Love from your Inka

02-11-2006, 05:40 PM
Aww, isn't that so sweet? I love a happy ending! :)

02-11-2006, 06:02 PM
And Groucho will be even Happier when he Finds out taht JJJ3 and Moose have set up a Romantic Dinner for two for Inka and Groucho at thier Own Table for Two in the Skylon Towers.
Those Two are Incurable Romantics.
They hope Inka and Groucho have a Good Time.

02-12-2006, 02:39 PM
And Groucho will be even Happier when he Finds out taht JJJ3 and Moose have set up a Romantic Dinner for two for Inka and Groucho at thier Own Table for Two in the Skylon Towers.
Those Two are Incurable Romantics.
They hope Inka and Groucho have a Good Time.
Oh wow!! Thank you so much, Mr. Catmandu, for delivering this exciting and wonderful message! JJJ3 and Moose, I cannot thank you enough for working so hard to make this possible. I will always be in your debt. I know for sure that this will be a very special evening for Inka and me. I'm so excited and honored by your efforts that I don't know what to say (and we all know that's not usually a problem for lawyers!). Well, I'm going to contact Inka right now and I'll be contacting you about the details. Catch up with you later, guys.

Your friend,

02-12-2006, 02:43 PM
AWWWWWW!!!! Ain't love grand.

Groucho, you have one pretty lady there, that's for sure. :)

02-12-2006, 05:31 PM
Inka I can see why he is taken by your beauty what a pretty little princess that you are. Happy Valentines Day