View Full Version : Company Is Here

K & L
02-10-2006, 06:48 AM
First, Leila is fine...so...she just has an attitude! Second, since company arrived there hasn't been a problem (yet)! :eek: Third, the yorkie (Rolex) and the cats are getting along famously. It's like they've always lived together! :) Mouser is so intrigued (I believe this is the first dog he's ever seen) and Gabby has been talking and trying to head-bump Rolex. Poor Rolex got a little frightened last night cause at least 5 cats were approaching and cornering her. Not being mean, just curious of her! She did settle in and finally fell asleep on the couch. Let's just hope harmony remains throughout the visit. I'm beginning to believe our cats prefer company vs. just us! :eek: :D

02-10-2006, 09:01 AM
We hope taht Your Pets and Rolex can break away,at least for a day to be at Pet Feast at the Outback on the 14th,all the Food they can eat,and all the TNRS will have the meal of thier Lives!!

02-10-2006, 09:04 AM
That's great, Lisa! I'm glad things are going so well so far! I hope all are able to enjoy a nice, relaxed visit! ;)

02-11-2006, 12:36 AM
This is wonderful news. :) Maybe you should think about adding a little dog to the mix. ;)

K & L
02-11-2006, 05:33 AM
This is wonderful news. :) Maybe you should think about adding a little dog to the mix. ;)

Maybe! ;) Leila hasn't peed anywhere but the litter box since they arrived! Maybe the vet scared her enough to behave so she didn't have to go back! ;) Good thing nothing is wrong with her though. I usually can detect a medical issue, but it's better safe than sorry!

02-11-2006, 05:33 AM
Sounds good (except for Leila's attitude). Hope all continues well.

Have you given thoughts to medicating Leila (to calm her in hopes of stoping the behavior)? Or maybe the outside may simply be better for her. Maybe indoor/outdoor?

K & L
02-11-2006, 06:30 AM
Sounds good (except for Leila's attitude). Hope all continues well.

Have you given thoughts to medicating Leila (to calm her in hopes of stoping the behavior)? Or maybe the outside may simply be better for her. Maybe indoor/outdoor?

Medication is a thought (maybe some for Mouser too :D ), but indoor/outdoor wouldn't be good. If she was the only cat coming and going it would be OK, but all I need is for her to bring something in and spread it! :eek: :eek: Talk about expensive! :D I'm thinking Leila may have been somewhat abused. She's in fear of the broom (which may be one clue) and it seems she does this behavioral thing whenever you upset her. The other day when she peed in front of me I was vacuuming and she got scared, ran into the water dish, and cowered. Then she peed! Hopefully this will all work out. We're also still dealing with little Scooter and his dripping problem.