View Full Version : Happy Birthday to my Mema!

02-09-2006, 10:00 AM
Today is my Grandmother's 81st Birthday. I just wanted to post a thread dedicated to her. I know she will never read this. She is 81 years old today. My grandmother has had a great life and overcame many obstacles. When I was a kid instead of going to a daycare/preschool I went to my grandparents to stay every day while my parents worked. I didn't know it at the time, but I was so lucky to spend so much time with them. My grandfather died when I was 5, but he was a great man. Everyday around 3:00 I would go ring the bell at our back door. He worked right in his shop right behind our house fixing motors. Well, I would ring that bell and he would drop everything he was doing to come play with me. He was a great man.. Luckily I got to know my grandmother alot more. We were extremely close growing up. I used to go over her house and she would fix me some good ole food everyday! We used to talk about everyday. Abotu 10 years ago, she got bit by a mosquito and got something similar to the West Nile Virus and was in a coma for about 3 months. She has strong faith so she pulled through it. She is now battling Alheizmers. That is one bad disease, but when she sees us she always has a smile on her face. Tonight my entire family is going to her nursing home to celebrate her birthday with food and gifts for her. Sooo Happy 81st Birthday MeMa!!!

Pawsitive Thinking
02-09-2006, 10:02 AM
I hope she has a great birthday! Bet she's a lovely lady

(Alzheimers is terrible, you all have my sympathy - my Grandad had it :( )

Daisy and Delilah
02-09-2006, 11:11 AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEMA!!!!!! God Bless you and your Grandmother Tia. You have such a wonderful family. Grandmother's are such special people in our lives. I miss both of mine terribly and think about them every day. That's just lovely of you to post this for her. Have a wonderful day :)

02-09-2006, 12:14 PM
Happy,happy, Happy Birhtday To Her.. :)

02-09-2006, 12:33 PM
happy birthday Tia's grandma! :) I hope she has a great day. :)

02-09-2006, 02:07 PM