View Full Version : Big Valentines Day Pet Party at Niagara Falls

02-08-2006, 03:54 PM
And The Found Cat Hotel.
Monday everyone will assemble at Casino Rama,and have a big Banquet.
Then there will be a Visit to The Tourist Area of Clifton Hills.then a Dinner at Skylon Towers.
Then after a Good Night at One Of The Luxury Hotels,itwill be time for All The Angels to visit the Found Cat Hotel,and meet The Kitten Trio.
On the 15th,it will be a Visit To Toronto,to see the sights and dine at 4 Star Restaurants,and then home.
All are welcome and 737s will come to YOU.
See You Pets,and Pet Angels next week!!!!

02-08-2006, 05:35 PM
Gary!!! The Clan has started to pack and is wondering if formal evening clothes(gowns and tuxedos)will be needed for this gala event!??

02-08-2006, 05:55 PM
Buddy and Abby would love to see Niagra Falls....especially Abby since she is a "water cat" .
Hopefully she will not try to sneek down to the falls to try to take a swim :eek: :eek: That may not be such a good idea :eek: :o
But anyway, they are already packing up some toys and treats for the long plane ride :)
Just make sure they arrive back home safely, as I will miss them much ;)

02-08-2006, 06:33 PM
we have never lost a Pet Yet,and we guarantee that Your Companions will get home 110% Safe and Sound.
Pouncierge is here,and is she excited to be seeing All The Pets from Pet Talk,and The Found Cat,And Porch Angels.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-08-2006, 09:25 PM
Better watch Tubby2 while you're there. Tubby was always the daring type and I'd hate to see Tubby2 try to go over the falls in a barrel. ;) :rolleyes: :D

02-09-2006, 01:05 AM
Gary, watch out for my girls trying to climg the curtains wherever they go. they can climb very high, and remember that kansas will do whatever seafa does. they want to bring their beds on the plane because they are so warm and fuzzy. They were told some time ago that airplane seats are not comf enough for a cats liking, so I expect the finest fabrics on these seats, or the girls will want to pack their beds.

Kansas has a smashing hat which she loves to flick off, so she can get those boys to go and get it for her, and she wants to bring it with her for the fancy parties etc.

got all that? lol

02-09-2006, 01:17 AM
Finnigan thanks you very much for the invitation but as he gets air sick he can't go, maybe next time. :)

He's also needed at home because his dog is very sick. :(

02-09-2006, 06:56 AM
I have seen the falls many of times,but this will be a first for my Felix.He is so excited.He even packed some extra treats incase he finds a special friend while away :rolleyes: Hey it is valentines...love is in the air :o Be safe all and have fun! :D

02-09-2006, 12:48 PM
:) Oh yes the girls have already started get the Valentine treats together with candy hearts to bring & almost done with packing..

Edwina's Secretary
02-09-2006, 02:43 PM
Edwina wants to make sure she is on the correct side of the falls to meet up with her beloved.....JJJ3!!!!!

02-09-2006, 05:59 PM
JJJ3 has been saving up for a Deluxe Meal with H H Lady Edwina Rose at the Outback!!
Of course she can have whatever she wants,be it the Prime Rib,or Drovers Platter,with Shrimp on the Barbie!!!!
Nothing is too Good for H H Lady Edwina Rose,and Abby English as far as JJJ3 and Moose The Magnificent are concerned,Money Is No Object.
And All Thier Visitors and Pet Angels may have waht they wish,as well!!
The Found Cats are Not Pikers.

02-09-2006, 11:01 PM
So THAT's what the barrel I found was for! Now I'm not so sure I'm letting my girls go off to Canada .. Besides, isn't that the marriage capital ?? !! :eek:

02-10-2006, 07:49 AM
We just got the Tribe settled into the Olympic Village and now they say they MUST go to the V-Day Party at the Falls w/catmandu & crew!
I said what about the Games?...they said there would be lots of kitty babes at the Party. I said where's the dedication and discipline? They said Carpe Diem! They would be back in the blink of a cat's eye and ready as ever to do their best in the Games! I have to trust them...so be prepared Gary. The Tribe is on the way.
PS - keep an eye on young Scooter. He's very impressionable at this time in his life. He's a good boy with mischevious brothers!

02-10-2006, 08:50 AM
There will be 737s shuttling the Atheletes back to Turin for thier events and then back for some R and R at the Falls.
There will be Lunch at the Deluxe Niagagra Falls Mandarin,as well as the Excellent Winery Restaurants with 4 Star Dining Experiences!
Fun,Food and Pets,And Our Pet Angels by the Millions.

Maya & Inka's mommy
02-10-2006, 08:55 AM
There will be 737s shuttling the Atheletes back to Turin for thier events and then back for some R and R at the Falls.

That is great!!!! My kiddo's want to come, but have booked their rooms at the Olympic village too! Wow, 737's, that is super!!

02-10-2006, 08:59 AM
First Class,Of Course with Perrier, Chateau Briand and Potatoes Au Gratin.
And Cheese trays,with Fancy Feast Canapes.
And Sheba on Cut Crystal.
And Paul Newmans Chicken Dry Food and Dick Van Pattens Natures Blend,fot those in Training!

02-11-2006, 10:04 AM
Oh gosh Pixie missed her train yesterday with all the confusion going on. She now hitched a ride and is on her way... I told her hitchhiking is bad but she insisted so let me know when she gets there Okay?

02-11-2006, 06:57 PM
We have Good News,the Kitty Shuttle found Pixie and she is not in the Niagara Falls Marriot wuth the Early Cats,and has just had the Meal of her life,nad will Pixie have a Treat for You wen she comes home!!!

02-12-2006, 02:57 AM
Kansas and Seafa cannto contain themselves, as their excitement is too much to just sit there purring. they must chase each other into the food cupboard to that they can smirk and at 'common' food and loom forward to the fine cusine that is ahead.

02-12-2006, 06:29 AM
The Clan cats have busied themselves by making Valentine Hearts for all the attendees of this Gala event!! Something to keep them busy on a snowy day!! They are very excited to see all their Cat Talk friends!!

02-12-2006, 12:19 PM
And Once gain I have to Thankl Felix with that Wonderful Potrait of The Canadian Olympic Team,with the Found Cats as its Back Bone.
Thats a Wonderful Portrait that is now in My Meow Mail Folder!

02-12-2006, 05:00 PM
Hi Mr. Catmandu, I'm so excited about the trip to Niagra Falls and the special arrangements JJJ3 and Moose made for my lovely Inka and me. I sent a message to my Inka about this but haven't yet received her reply. I hope we won't be too late and miss the trip. Meowmie is helping me pack right now.

Your friend,