View Full Version : Poor kitty. . . :(

Toby's my baby
02-05-2006, 09:29 PM
On Friday night, my dad told me that he saw a stray cat in our shed, and that he set a trap for it, and set food out for him. Every couple hours i have went out there to check it. I went out to unset it for the night tonight (couldnt make any animal stay in a trap over night, when it's SO cold out here) and he was in there. BUT, he was absolutly crazy. His face was bloody from running back and forth into the walls of the trap, and he was one of meanest cats I'd ever seen. I wanted to take him out, nad just hold him, but I knew it wasn't possible. If I even set my foot close to the side of the trap, he would try to attack. It was so sad. I brought him into my g-pa's heated work shop, to see if he would calm down, but with no such luck. I had no choice but to let him go again. I dont think he could ever be tamed, I think if I would have let him go in the shop with me, he probably would have attacked. I feel so bad for him, but there is nothing I can do. He has food and water available to him, and shelter, so I hope he is ok. . .sorry, I had to vent about this poor guy. .

02-05-2006, 10:04 PM
Did you name him already? I love the name.

He was really panicked and would have hurt himself more - you did the right thing.

Is there a place where he can see you putting out food for him, and you can see him, even from a distance and talk to him?

He might be tameable - my Oscar was over 2 years old and wild, and is fine now - but it took six months of feeding and talking to him and having him run away a lot.

This one needs a slower pace...but he may well come around. Just be patient.


02-06-2006, 03:06 AM
Is it possible to trap again in the working hours and bring the trap right to a vet or shelter to calm down?That must of been so sad to let him back out for you.I know you were in fear and had to do it.I think once he gets enough food ,water and warmth..he'll stop being so vicious.possibly.And seeing a human bring him the food so to know humans are good.well... some humans ;)

02-06-2006, 08:48 AM
He's definitely feral. When feral cats get caught in a trap, they thrash around and try to get out. It's normal, even the bloody nose part. All you needed to do was put a cover over the trap. That would've calmed him down. I kinda doubt that you'll be able to trap him again because of his "experience" the first time. It wouldn't hurt to try though. I guess the best thing you can do for him right now is to make sure he's got shelter, food and water.

Nice try. I hope he'll go in the trap again.