View Full Version : neutered cats

04-14-2002, 09:32 AM
I have set up an appointment next Friday to have Snow Cat neutered. Does anyone know how this affects their character. Also, will it cause him to stop harassing the "girls" and marking territory? Although Snow Cat is not a lap-cat, he is still affectionate. Will this procedure change that factor of his personality also?


Former User
04-14-2002, 09:52 AM
Before Casper was fixed, he was harassing Kitty. After the operation, not once has he tried anything. His personality didn't change much, he is more loving now, and much more vocal :D
I hope the marking will stop, but I don't know about that, Casper hasn't ever marked anything here (PHEW!!!).
Good luck for Snow Cat, and keep us updated! Casper says "enjoy while you can Snow Cat! ;)

04-14-2002, 02:22 PM
I think once he is neutered the marking will stop, altho some cats keep doing it after. As for character.. when my parents got their cat done, he was MAD! he wouldn't even look at us until his bum stopped hurting. Then, he just got fat. But he's still the ornery Sox we know and love! :) Good luck!

4 feline house
04-14-2002, 04:29 PM
He may not stop his spraying even after he is neutered, especially if he has been sexually mature for some time. Also, some cats can begin to spray even if they are already neutered, or even if they are female, so neutering may or may not curb this behavior. But he needs to be neutered whether or not he sprays. His metabolism will slow down, too, so watch his weight, but there is no reason to assume he will get fat. Neutering does not generally alter their personality, except to possibly make them more affectionate.

Good luck to little Snow Cat!

04-14-2002, 10:53 PM
I know that a neutered cat will be more affectionate, healthier, and happier. I have three neutered cats. They were already neutered when I got them so I don't know if it affected their personalities. I do know that it makes them more kittenish and playful. I briefly had a neutered male who sprayed so I don't think that neutering will solve this problem. Good luck.:)

04-15-2002, 12:05 AM
As far as the spraying goes, sometimes it depends on how old they are when they are neutered: the younger (within reason of course), the better chance they will never spray, or stop if they have already started. :)
How old is he?

I have 2 males who were both neutered at about 6 months, and I have never had ONE problem with spraying :eek:
And yes, females DO spray too sometimes.................although it's a little more common with males.

Wylie (1 yr. now), calmed down quite a bit when he was neutered last summer.

Good luck!!! :D

04-15-2002, 02:02 AM
Sydney was neutered when his was 6 months old . His character did not change ; he turned into a quiet , even lazy cat . Spraying ?? thanks goodness he never did that :rolleyes: :rolleyes: .
Another result : he's got a hanging belly ; I asked the vet , but there is no need to worry , it is only a result of his being fixed !!
Say good luck to Snowball:D :D :)

Former User
04-16-2002, 02:15 AM
I also forgat to mention that Casper has big belly now, hanging...He's 5 kg's now and has a healthy appetite.

04-16-2002, 07:59 AM
Yorkster, Snow Cat will be 1 year old in July. He has just recently become sexually conscious. He chases Orphie around the house and is now making plenty of meowing sounds. He as began to spray and make a general nuisence of himself.


04-16-2002, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by wayne0214
Yorkster, Snow Cat will be 1 year old in July. He has just recently become sexually conscious. He chases Orphie around the house and is now making plenty of meowing sounds. He as began to spray and make a general nuisence of himself.


Uh-oh, time for Snow Cat to be neutered for sure! :eek:
Kedi started doing that at about 6 months, but fortunately not the spraying.
Good Luck to you AND Snow Cat on his upcoming surgery. :)

06-07-2002, 10:32 PM
My little she wasn't fix because she was only two mos old, she used to bug the hell out my other cat, he is male and he was fix at that time. Before I got my girl fix, she was soo loving and affectionate and she would just come on my lap and give me kiies. Now she don't evern do that anymore. Neutered change my guys personality too but he more loving to me. Purrs more then she does and is a very gentle cat. Getting cat fix, makes them not soo agressive.

Kat Kommando
06-08-2002, 12:32 AM
Neutering (sometimes called desexing) may add a couple of years to your cat's life. They do not necessarily lose their sex drive.

Former User
06-08-2002, 03:26 AM
Originally posted by Kat Kommando
Neutering (sometimes called desexing) may add a couple of years to your cat's life. They do not necessarily lose their sex drive.

They do lose their sex drive...Our cats are neutered (as you know) and they have no sex drive what so ever!

06-08-2002, 07:13 PM
I agree with Niina. I have three male cats and if they still had their sex drive they would be trying to run away so that they could mate with a female. One thing that neutering does is to make them calmer and less territorial. Now they just act like big kittens.:)