View Full Version : Please help :found puppy What breed is he?

01-31-2006, 12:50 PM
We found this puppy with no known owners yet but we have to find a home for this puppy very soon . I think he is going to be a large dog and if so we definitely cannot keep him..But not sure what bread he is please let me know so this will help in finding him a home Thanks for your thoughts?

01-31-2006, 01:00 PM
he looks like a fila/mastiff/boxer mix, but he could be a medium breed

01-31-2006, 01:10 PM
Do you think he is going to get bigger than say 25 pounds? His paws are small but then again have no idea how old? Very Timid puppy sits in corner and lays around alot.. I thought maybe pitt bull but was not sure ...
Thanks for replying ..

01-31-2006, 01:17 PM
He looks like he'll be anywhere from 50-65 lbs. I see some Pit Bull in him.

01-31-2006, 01:40 PM
I am going to say that he is going to be a relatively big dog. Say, maybe 45-50 lbs or more. He looks like a Bull Mastiff Mix at about 7-8 weeks. His bone structure looks fairly large which would imply that he is going to grow quite a bit. But you never know with mixes. If you do keep him a while (say maybe 2-3 weeks), you might want to check his weight peridically. A gain of 7-10 lbs in a week would be a very "big" sign! :D

01-31-2006, 01:44 PM
I see Pittbull/Sharp-pei. I agree with .sarah on this. He may get really big.

01-31-2006, 01:49 PM
I'm glad you are looking for his owners. Hopefully he has a loving family that is frantically searching for him right now and I hope he finds them.

I see so many breeds in him. lol I'm guessing he'll be of a decent size, maybe about 45-65lbs.

01-31-2006, 01:53 PM
The first thing I saw when I looked at the picture was Shar-pei (sp? :o )
They are medium sized dogs. I could see Pitt in there also.
If I had to guess how much he would weight as an adult... ehhh... I guess I'd say 45-50 lbs. On the larger side of medium. ;) :p

01-31-2006, 02:27 PM
Wow.. thanks for all your help...
I hope we find his owners that would be a lot easier.. The thing is I would like to find him a good home soon since he is a puppy still. We have two dogs already a pitt bull mix and a Shiba inu mix they are a handful .. lol ... and we just can not afford another dog right now unfortuntalty... Vet bills, more dog food and if this is going to be a big dog then we will be in trouble.. I feel so bad .. But I could not just leave this poor puppy out there it is cold here in SC ... Well Thanks again..

01-31-2006, 02:29 PM
Have you contaced local vet offices, shelters, grooming salons, pet stores etc... to see if anyone has reported him missing?
Have you hung up fliers or posted adds in the paper?

01-31-2006, 06:13 PM
he looks like maybe a pit bull/fila mix.

he's adorable!!! :D

01-31-2006, 06:22 PM
It looks like a shar pei and/or shiba mix. I'd guess maybe 50-60 pounds full grown. It'd help to know what breeds are common in the area, but i'd not figure him to have fila in him.

01-31-2006, 08:03 PM
He looks like he'll be anywhere from 50-65 lbs. I see some Pit Bull in him.

The facial structure definitely screams "pit" to me

But honestly though at his young age theres really no guaranteed way to tell until he gets older :)

02-01-2006, 04:26 PM
Oh I am sorry I forgot to metion:that when my husband found him , he was working at this house and actually thought it was their dog.. they said no , so my husband went down the road asking anyone and found the guy who said he had the puupy but had given it to a girl, who obviously let it go. The guy said his other dogs were beating up on it .. and he keeps all his dogs on chains outside. well my husband did not feel comfortable leaving this puppy there due to the missing hair patches on his leg. So he gave this guy our phone number is case the girl comes back. The girls he said was very young. but no response .. I have just put a ad in the paper good home only inside vet references.. I wish I could keep him but just cannot... The orginial owner did not have much to say actually just if you wanna leave him tie him up over there.. my husband was upset by this and that is why we have him... crazy huh.. we live in a cold atmosphere so this is horrible..

Pit Chick
02-02-2006, 07:52 PM
I definitely see Pit all over that pup. He's a cutie, I hope you find a good home for him.

02-02-2006, 11:34 PM
He's adorable! I really do see Pittie, maybe some Boxer because of the black mask. My advice would be to take him to a low-cost vet to make sure he's healthy, and charge an adoption fee covering the vet & food costs plus maybe $25... So the whole adoption fee will be around $100. This will hopefully help weed out bad homes a bit. Try your BEST to meet the entire family that is adopting, learn everything about them, and if you're comfortable ask for a home visit. You should also either adopt him out on a neuter contract (meaning, the adopter promises to get him neutered and leaves a deposit with you or a vet), or get him neutered at a low-cost facility (my city neuters Pit bulls for FREE) before adopting him out.

It sounds like a tough situation, but you did an awesome thing for this puppy, and he really does deserve a great home - unlike the one he came from :(

02-03-2006, 08:29 AM
Where abouts do you live maybe someone could take him off your hands.