View Full Version : OK... What Breed is BOB?

01-31-2006, 12:41 AM
I got a new puppy and a companion for my beagle Ginger. He is a rescue dog who is just darling. He's a crowd stopper. Everyone wants to know "just what kind of dog is he"? I don't know. The rescuers advertised him as a Cocker Spaniel Mix with maybe some Blue Heeler. I just don't see the Blue Heeler... maybe some Cocker. Others have since said he is anything from a Jack Russel to a Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen (PBGV). In researching these breeds, I can see some PBGV maybe as he does appear to be getting shaggier all the time, but he is minus the long ears. Take a look at the pictures and give me your take. The first picture is a 1 week span - 8 weeks to 9 weeks. The second is 7 weeks to 9. Thanks, Dan



01-31-2006, 04:10 AM
aw.. how cute :D
Bob looks like a long haired Beagle

01-31-2006, 08:06 AM
Would not have a clue about breeds, but Bob is adorable :D.

01-31-2006, 08:07 AM
What a cutie! :D

I can't believe it but I do see some PBGV, they are a pretty rare breed so it is unlikely he is mixed with a PBGV but you never know.

His colors indicate that he has a breed with some ticking, like a cattle dog, pointer, setter, etc... Cockers do have some ticking but it's limited to their muzzles & feet (usually on a well bred one anyways).
He also has the tri colors and spots which are commonly seen in hound dogs, like beagles.
his feet look almost like a medium-ish sized dog... possibly a beagle?

It is hard to tell breeds in mixed puppies, as they age you can usually get a better guess.

01-31-2006, 08:40 AM
Thanks, I agree with you all. And yes, it is so very hard to identify a mixed breed puppy, especially when they have so many different and interesting characteristics. It is interesting that someone mentioned Beagle, cause I never thought so, but when Bob got his first bath... I thought, "Oh my goodness", he looks just like a Beagle. Especially when he is soaking wet... when the rinse water is first poured over him (before his hairs have a chance to pop back up). It also surprising how little and skinny he is. When dry, he is all fluffy and even looks a little stout. But when he's wet, there's hardly anything to him. He only weighs 8.5 lbs at 9 weeks. Oh well, he's Bob! Here are some more photos - first one dry, 2nd wet and the 3rd a tad lathered up. Thanks agin,




01-31-2006, 09:03 AM
I have no clue on his breeds, but he is SUPER cute. :D

01-31-2006, 09:04 AM
I have no idea what breed he is but he is absolutely adorable! I also wanted to welcome a fellow Pittsburgher to Pet Talk :D

4 Dog Mother
01-31-2006, 09:56 AM
Oh, Dan, Bob is one of the most adorable pups I have ever seen. Here is a picture of Taggert when we first got him. Except for the coloring they could be brothers.

However, I am not sure they will look as close as they grow older.

Whatever Bob is, he is very, very cute!

01-31-2006, 10:17 AM
I have no idea what breeds is in him. I just wanted say he is one of the cutest puppies I've seen in a long time! :)

He kinda looks like he might have some kind of terrier in him. But maybe that is just me.

01-31-2006, 10:39 AM

Sorry I called you William the other day... I am thinking now that William is not your name , but rather the fella who uttered the quote you display at the end of your posts. Am I right... Uh duh, and maybe a little slow. Taggert sure does look like he could be Bobs brother. That was why I first asked you about him... cause even now he put me in mind of Bob. I guess I will have to just watch Bob as he grows and see what he develops into. I will keep you posted and send/post occasional updated photos of Bob!

Thanks for sharing, Dan

01-31-2006, 10:42 AM
But nobody likes the noble distinction... everybody says he looks like just "BOB".

01-31-2006, 12:22 PM
Oh my Goodness, 4 DOG MOTHER... Taggert's doing an impersonation of BOB!!! You were right - give Taggert Bob's colors - and they could be brothers!


01-31-2006, 02:44 PM
Must be I need glasses or some computer tom foolery! :cool:

01-31-2006, 02:56 PM
Bob is such a sweetie maybe some Jack Russell Terrier or some Border Terrier in him.

Suki Wingy
01-31-2006, 03:49 PM
I agree with everything Lv4dogs said :)

01-31-2006, 03:56 PM
i think he has some schnauzer and shih tzu in him.

01-31-2006, 06:28 PM
Some terrier and some something. At first I thought schnauzer and lhasa. But he looks BIG, how old did you say? He reminds me of my friend's airedale puppies, with those stiff legs. Maybe he's airedale and beagle. That would create a medium sized dog. Beagle would account for the stop rather than the aire's eggy muzzle.

01-31-2006, 08:00 PM
You know after someone else said Shih Tzu, I'm thinking samething. He might have some in him. He reminds me a little of my Tucker boy. He is part Shih Tzu.

01-31-2006, 09:30 PM
Thanks to all of you. Your input and suggestions are all great and well worth investigating. As many of you mentioned, it is particularly hard to discern breed(s) when dealing with a puppy of unknown ancestry.

I have begun taking photos of Bob periodically and then comparing them at a later date. I try to take shots of similar angles/poses and lighting. It's easier then to compare one week to the next and see how he is maturing and changing.

I find this all to be rather interesting and revealing. I always owned purebreds (Beagles mostly), but not necessarily papered dogs. While they were all different and had their own personalities, there was never any mystery about what they were going to look like.

This is a new experience for me. And it's been pretty cool so far!

Just for fun, I thought I would post photos of Bob's known relatives. Sadie, Bob's mom was a lovely dog. She was the original rescue dog (then discovered to be pregnant). She birthed and whelped 9 pups. Some were smoother, shorter coats with Beagle-like markings. Others were more like Bob (see Bob's brother below). And I also included a shot of a Shih Tzu. Very cute but rather small and seems to be more toy-like than Bob.

Thanks again,





01-31-2006, 10:00 PM

I think I'm going to have to say Beagle now! His markings and Bob's markings make me think Beagle, definetly.

02-01-2006, 07:04 PM
What a cutie Bob is!!! He does remind me a lot of Taggert!!!

02-02-2006, 04:01 PM
Shih Tzu's are tiny little dogs. Bob looks like he's going to be mediumish. More like a Beagle. Which by the way, he does esemble when wet. :D

02-03-2006, 04:52 PM
Shih Tzu's are tiny little dogs. Bob looks like he's going to be mediumish.

i know a shih tzu mix that is close to 50 pounds, so that doesnt mean anything.

02-04-2006, 08:57 AM
Wowzer Yowzer! I guess you are right Cocker-Luva. That is a mighty big Shih Tzu!

i know a shih tzu mix that is close to 50 pounds, so that doesnt mean anything.

I guess when you are a mix anything can happen. In that case, maybe a Tzu so!

02-04-2006, 11:00 PM
Don't have a clue but how cute! Want to snuggle with Bob.

02-05-2006, 09:52 AM
Bob was gettingtowel dried and Lizzie snapped this one!


02-06-2006, 07:38 AM
Hey bob are you a cutie I think some one in your family was BORDER TERR. and the other looks like Beagle But your DAD should see the way you act to know 4sure any way I'm sure you got a Foreever home Great Job Dude :)

02-06-2006, 07:53 AM
I have actually seen a full blood shih tzu that was HUGE. Not fat or anything, just big. He was about 40 lbs, I believe is what the owner told me. I love shih tzu's so I noticed quick what he looked like and swore I was wrong till I talked to the owner. (Even after). He is adorable though!!!

02-07-2006, 10:04 AM
...but the body spots do suggest Beagle. Don't see much Cocker in there, imo. Let's see if I can get a picture of RX when he was younger to show up.

Forget how old he was in that one, but the face is similar and the coat gets pretty shaggy on some of them. Can you "pluck" the coat fairly easily? I.E., long hairs pull out fairly readily? Their coat is reasonably wirey, although, not as wirey as, say, a rough-coated Jack Russell. You can see the facial furnishings are pretty similar. Just that Bob's nose seems a bit longer.

Well, whatever he is, he's adorable.

There is a dog genome project going on at one of the universities in Michigan, I think it is. Keep forgetting, because I've not submitted RX's dna to them, but eventually, they may be able to tell what breeds are likely to be in a mixed breed. Wouldn't that be wild??

Hugs to the doggies,

02-07-2006, 07:00 PM
He could have border terrier, shih tzu, or jack russel in him. If he is 8 pounds and only nine weeks ols, he prolly has a medium size dog in him. Maybe some beagle or schnauzer?

Whatever Bob is, he is a cutie!! :D