View Full Version : cat toy safety, be careful!

04-13-2002, 03:20 AM
well things are okay now, but I had, I should say, Emma had a bad scare this morning!
Last night I kept getting woke up by a thumping noise, so I got up to see, and everything was fine... then this morning when I was here at the computer, I heard it again but different...Emma was playing with one of those over the door toys, that have the elastic with a squeaky toy.. well she has loved that, played with it all week, and when I heard the noise, I turned, there she was, I laughed at first, she looked like she was having tons of fun, then I suddenly realized she was jumping, and trying to free herself, from the string!!

I jumped up and grabbed the scissors , cut it, it was wrapped around her middle. I tried to unwind it off of her, but she was going wild, so i just cut the string, then she was running around the house with this squeaky toy and string wrapped around her back foot, and I kept hearing the squeak. It would have been funny if I wasn't so worried about her, and she did not want to be caught. finally after 10 minutes of chase and moving out the couch, I got her in a corner and had to grab her by the scruff, pulled her straight up, and cut the string.

her leg is okay, it wasn't that tight luckily. I threw all toys like that away. the horrible thought of that happening in the night, just makes me so scared, I guess those are not safe, I usually don't leave those kind of toys out when Im not home or at night,
but sometimes they get left out. I feel so bad endangering them like that, I am just glad I was there when it happend. it was pretty awful this morning, and I feel like such a bad "mom" for that happening. that minute when I realized she wasn't playing...:(

Former User
04-13-2002, 03:24 AM
You didn realise that she wasn't playing and that's good! You're not bad mom, don't blame yourself, it's not your fault! We also always take all kinds of toys that can harm C & K away while we are not watching (like mice).
I'm glad Emma is fine! Hope you all have a great weekend!

04-13-2002, 04:40 AM
:eek: That must have been a horrible feeling !! But , Niina is right , do not blame yourself !! You could not have known !!
I know that some toys are quite dangerous , so I always keep attention when I am in the shop looking for a new toy !! Those ALL look so great and colourful ... !
I hope Emma is fine now and that you're back to your usual self !!

04-13-2002, 10:13 AM
Wow! :eek: Thanks for the head's up. I never realized that one could be dangerous. As it is, I wind up all the 'feathers on a stick' toys whenever we're done playing, but am not so great about getting them back in their cabinet... :(

04-13-2002, 11:59 AM
This happened to us too with Pepper!!! Luckily her "scream" woke dh up and he cut her loose!! Talk about SCARY!!!

04-13-2002, 01:43 PM
Everyone is right, you can't blame yourself. We all seem to rely on the fact that if it's made as a cat toy or product, it will be safe. Both my cats wear break free collars with bells, mostly so I don't step on them in the dark as the never go outside. One night I was at my computer when Tilly came running into my room. She sat down by my feet and froze. I started talking to her, asking what was wrong, but she didn't move. Then she did the dinosaur stance (up on the back feet) and attacked my foot! I looked down and saw that her collar, which I had on too loose, had gotten stuck on her bottom teeth, and I guess she wasn't strong enough to break it free. So I picked her up and tried to break it free. It must have hurt because she was moaning, but she was sure happy when it came off! I felt terrible.. after that I tightened her collar a little bit. She is used to wearing it now, but I am so glad that she knows to come and get my attention any way possible for help!

04-13-2002, 02:52 PM
well I wish these cats, Muffin included would come to me, but they would run.

04-15-2002, 06:14 PM
Poor kitty....I know, I've always worried about those when I am at work and used to take them down in the mornings. Our furballs prefer to eat the string rather than actually play with it how it's meant to be played with... :rolleyes:

Don't worry, she's OK and probably wants to do it again! :rolleyes: You know how cats are! :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-16-2002, 04:40 PM
I've also heard that the string that hangs down on blinds - you know the one that you pull to pull the blinds up and let them down - can be dangerous to kitties, and puppies, other pets and children even. Seems they get caught in the string when they are looking out the window and can strangle themselves. And the more they try and get away the tighter the string gets. We always make sure to put the strings up, out of harms way.

04-16-2002, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
...blinds - ... can be dangerous to... children even. ...

Tragically, one of my coworker's grandchildren was killed in an accident with a blind cord -- I definately try to keep cords out of the way of kids and fur-kids both. It's not common knowledge how dangerous they are. Thanks for the reminder.