View Full Version : Do cats have nightmares?!?

01-27-2006, 11:14 AM
Okay, I think we all know that cats dream. But today, I witnessed something that makes me wonder if they can also have bad dreams!

Lily was sleeping curled up on a chair, and I heard she was breathing heavily, louder than usual. After a couple of minutes, she started making whining sounds, really pitiful, and this whining ended up in a loud scream! It sounded horrible, as if somebody had hurt her, or as if she was in a fight.

Luna, who had also slept, woke up and looked at her, more interested than worried btw.

After she had cried out, Lily woke up too, sat up and looked really confused, and didn't react to me or Luna. Then she started washing herself and fell asleep again.

It was almost eerie. I wonder what kind of dreams this little girl has! She has never experienced something bad, as far as I know.

I'm living with cats for more than 20 years, but never witnessed something like that! Hope she's alright.

Anyone else here whose kitty seems to have nightmares?


Maya & Inka's mommy
01-27-2006, 11:49 AM
No, never noticed such a thing. But I sure saw Inka dreaming one afternoon: she was purring and making happy feet during her nap! I think she was dreaming about her loverboy Groucho ;)

01-27-2006, 11:55 AM
Yep, that sounds as if she had a nice dream - how sweet! :)

But I still wonder what it was that gave poor Lily such a scare! :eek:


01-27-2006, 12:13 PM
Fister has had nightmares a few times, so it does happen. One night a few years ago while he was sound asleep in the bed, he suddenly jumped in the air, growling and acted as if he was in fight with another kitty - he had been down in the yard a few days before that and confronted an "intruder". :eek:

Hopefully, none of them will have any more bad dreams!

A good cuddle right after should help. :)

Laura's Babies
01-27-2006, 01:19 PM
Gee... I never thought about that... THAT would really be heartbreaking to watch but love and comfort from Meowmie would do a lot to sooth the nerves, I am sure of that!

01-27-2006, 01:40 PM
Oh, poor Fister!!! Sounds like he definitely went through his backyard experience again! :eek:

Laura, in fact, I feel a bit guilty. Of course I'm beginning to wonder why Lily suddenly has bad dreams, and I think that maybe she's stressed by the Luna situation, too.

Of course, I was very worried and she may have picked up my vibes. Besides, Luna is getting all the attention and extra care now. And because she felt so bad with all her UTIs and because I worried so much about her, she was in my thoughts all the time, and maybe Lily is feeling left out now? Poor girl! :( I have to admit, there were days when I worried so much about Luna that I almost forgot there's also another kitty here. :o :o :o How selfish of me. :(


01-27-2006, 01:41 PM
:) Yes Yes they do = my Calitt is always talking in her sleep & in fact this last Sunday afternoon we were all napping & she woke me up hissing & making other noises like she was in a cat battle & she was asleep the whole time.. My Buttons has nightmares too.. Now the other babies have not ever noticed them in one..

Miss Z
01-27-2006, 02:41 PM
I expect they do, many a time i have noticed Zsa-Zsa scrunching into a tight ball whilst sleeping as if trying to protect herself. Sometimes she moans too. But, also, she must have her fair share of good ones, as she stretches out and twitches, and sometimes even purrs in her sleep!!!:D

01-27-2006, 05:13 PM
I saw Tubby2,doing the same thing growling and moving his paws.
He must have been battling Catzilla,nugget or one of the Porchies that he had to regularly fight for his dinner.
Then he got up,and ran to his full bowl,and was happy.