View Full Version : Look at this handsome boy!

01-24-2006, 09:46 AM
I voulnteer my time for the animal shelter here (dont worry its a dont PTS shleter) so some animals have been there for a long long time. but there was one cat that i clicked with so much..isnt he a handsome boy?



Queen of Poop
01-24-2006, 09:59 AM
He's a beauty.

Laura's Babies
01-24-2006, 10:09 AM
Yes! He is a very handsome boy!! Hopefully, he will find a good home fast!!

01-24-2006, 10:17 AM
He is so handsome. I have a soft side for orangies. What's his story....why at the shelter so long? :( Such a handsome baby like that, you would think he would have a good home by now.

01-24-2006, 10:18 AM
The guy i work with told me that a lady from Californa came and took pictures of him, to be in the next 9 lives commerical, but the lady said his eyes werent yellow enough.

01-24-2006, 10:20 AM
Hes been there for about 2 weeks now, or so. He was resused from the bar here, in this little town. the bar fed him beer and grease and greasy foods, so when they fed him cat food he acted funny, but hes fine now, he just needs attention, he just wants to cuddle. im talking to my parents to see if they woud want him, hopefully, i love this boy and i just met him :) I never thought i would fall in love with another cat, besides kitty but he was the only one at the shelter that caught my eye. My sweet angel kitty sent him to me:)

01-24-2006, 11:03 AM
He is a beautiful guy. :)

I uderstand you so well. I also volounteer to a home-rescue, and I love all the kitties, but I have my favorites. Amongst them, there is a cute orangie with feline leukemia, Romeo. He and his buddy Max have their own room and piece of garden, completely separated from the other ones. Everytime I see them, I can't help thinking it could be the last time I see them...so I do my best to make them happy when I am here. They are three years old, and they were born with the leukemia :( , but up to now they are OK except some minor infections now and then.

Good luck at the shelter :) What's the name of this orangie?

01-24-2006, 11:15 AM
Ooh! What a beautiful big orangie boy! Of course I have a soft spot for orangies - no not prejudiced at all :rolleyes: :p :D I do hope you get to make him yours! Just look at those cute turkey toes!

01-24-2006, 11:15 AM
He is very adorable .... orangies are usually always sweethearts! :D
I'm so glad that your shelter is no-kill, and that you are able to help with the rescues there. I understand how hard it can be, especially seeing the Feline Leukemia positive ones, but what you are doing is a great service to them!
I hope you can find a home for this sweet orange boy soon!


01-24-2006, 11:22 AM
OH boy, sorry i forgot to iclude his name. This is Vincent.

01-24-2006, 04:13 PM
When I see this Big Orangie,and I see my Michael all curled up,its a case of there but for the Grace Of God,go I.
We are hoping that this Orangie and his Fellow Shelter Mates can find a Furr Ever Home soon.

01-24-2006, 04:15 PM
what a cutie!! :) I love orange kitties! <3

01-24-2006, 06:20 PM
there are lots of gorgeous kitties in shelters. At my local shelter there is a SPCA pet cat, owned by the workers called georgie, and hes very sweet. he looks a lot like vincent here. For some reason I love the big cats at the shelters. I find that the ones with the best coats get homes quickly, and sadly tabbies arent very popular a my local shelter. I hope all cats get good homes!

01-24-2006, 06:55 PM
Handsome is an understatement, Vincent is gorgeous!!!!! I firmly believe that our pets choose us and it certainly looks like sweet Vincent has chosen YOU!!!!! Be sure to let us know when he officially moves in with you.....