View Full Version : gggggggrrrrrrrrrrr

01-23-2006, 12:18 PM
I asked what i had to have for madison when she go's to her puppy class next month well the lady said that she needs a choke chain and a 6foot leash

Now doesn't this dink know how dangerous those are for puppy's..


she is the only trainer in my area so this bites and i am not sure what the heck to do

01-23-2006, 12:22 PM
how can they even ask someone to get that?? those are dangerous... i woulden't go to the puppy class if it was nessacary(sp?) to have those....

sammy: i woulden't want to go madison... but if your mamma says it's safe and you do have to go, listen to her. mammas know best! kissies and sniffies!! love, sammy

01-23-2006, 12:23 PM
Hmm sticky situation :confused:

(thunder says to tell gracie kisses :p )

01-23-2006, 12:27 PM
Why don't you just skip puppy class and socialize her in other ways? I'm sure you know how to teach her to sit and come :)

I would just wait until she is old enough to have a prong collar and then enroll her in a basic manners class.

01-23-2006, 12:36 PM
Simple, tell her your dog won't be wearing a choke collar to attend the class and if she doesn't accept that, then tell her nevermind you don't need her class. My dogs never had puppy classes and they heel, sit, stay, and are well behaved in stores in public, and on the leash. So you don't have to have the puppy class. A little time and treats are all you need to really train your pupy if that lady is going to insist on a choke chain. My dogs have never worn anything but a flat leather buckle collar for any training. You of course need to do what you think is right but I would not let someone force me to put a choke chain on my dog or puppy just for some training if I thought it was wrong. Good luck, I hope it works out.

01-23-2006, 12:40 PM
Why don't you get a Martingle collar (humane choke collar) (http://www.sitstay.com/store/equip/collars3.shtml) for her? It won't choke her, it's humane..however you cannot leave her unattended with it on. Just use it while training her. I agree with .sarah .. if you don't want to take Madison to that puppy class, then you could train her and socialize her yourself. :) Good luck! :)

01-23-2006, 12:55 PM
>:[ There's noooo way I'd take my puppy to that class. I'm against a trainer implementing chokers with difficult adult dogs, but with puppies it's just overkill. The trainer obviously doesn't know enough about positive reinforcement and repitition training.

I really wouldn't take her, even though just doing obedience commands with other dogs and people around is great practice with distrations. Train with her at home first, to get the basic commands down, and slowly begin practicing them with more and more distractions until she's comfortable doing all of her commands at a busy park. Also, you should really seek out any puppy play groups in your area for good dog socialization. But, IMHO, just doing what you know to do would be much better for her than going to an uneducated "trainer". Also, if you do want that help from a pro, you could seek out a behaviorist in your area to come over once or twice and give you personalized advice, for probably the same cost as going to large classes.