View Full Version : Fritz was Limping

01-22-2006, 06:04 AM
Fritz was limping when we came home from dinner yesterday,mom thinks he could have cuaght his paw on the screening on the air register,so now she put him in his cage when we go out.He seems to be pretty mobile now.Dad was out for a walk yesterday and met a man walking a Bichon mix and the poor dog has no eyes and is blind,but dad said he knew where he was going and knew where dad was by sound.Fritz not doing welll this time around in the best in group on astralenterprise.He is tied in 3rd with 14 votes with a Dalmatian, a Boston Terrier Daisy May leads with 58,followed by Buddy,a Chinese Sharpei with 52 votes.There will other chances to win and Fritz will always be Number 1 in my heart. :p

Daisy and Delilah
01-22-2006, 08:12 AM
Awwwwwww!!! Fritzie, you're always number 1 in our hearts too. Always!!
Don't ever forget it buddy. We're so sorry to hear you're not feeling well and limping sweetheart. Take care of that pawsie and get all better! :D

01-22-2006, 08:52 AM
Sorry to hear that Fritz was limping. I'm hoping it was nothing and he'll keep feeling better every day:)

01-23-2006, 07:38 AM
Oh no...I hope Fritz is feeling better today.

That's interesting about the blind Bichon mix. It must have been a cute dog (not as cute as Fritz though).

Hope Fritz is feeling better.