View Full Version : clear diarrhea and vomiting

01-21-2006, 02:14 PM
Hi, I am new to this and am not very computer literate so I will try my best. We adopted 2.5? mo old at the County Shelter 2 weeks ago-We brought her home the day she was spayed and she did great. No problem pooping or peeing. The next day we took her to the vet and she was given Dermalone for ringworm. That night she vomited once. After 2 or so days on the dermalone ointment her poop started getting soft to practically diarrhea. We took her back to the vet in a week and the ringworm was almost gone. He said the ointment wouldn't cause diarrhea so he gave her Panacur for paracites. I did not get a good feeling about him so I took her last Tues to another vet and they said the ointment might be causing the diarrhea and gave her a lyme sulpher dip to treat the ringworm and we repeat again in a week. She said her 3rd eyelid is showing a little so you could tell she was fighting off something. I had taken in a sample for the fecal test. The vet called back 2 days later saying everything was negative. Her poop now though was brown liquid then turned to clear. She has had about 6 clear liquid poops in the last 24 hr. Last night she vomited with a little food in it then 5 mon later vomited clear. I called 4 ER vets and 2 said to bring her in and the other 2 said to watch her. I took awaythe foof last night. She slept with me all night. Drank water this morn no vomiting but 3 diarrhea episodes. The last one she didn't quite make it in the litter box. I bought wet organic cat food-couldn't find just plain chicken baby food without a bunch of ther stuff in it. I read about the yogurt-is it nonfat plain? Give it straight? She has eaten a little wet food and a little yogurt so far nothing. I would love any help!!!! I LOVE this kitty!!! She loves and licks like crazy-very affectionate! I am anxious to hear from anyone!!!

01-21-2006, 05:17 PM
Gosh, I would be concerned too! It sounds like you have tried all the typical things, and have done well for taking her to two different vets! I would be sure to take her back again though if she keeps the diarrhea up. Kittens can dehydrate very quickly!!!! :(

Good luck!


01-21-2006, 05:50 PM
Yogart (plain) fat or non fat your choice.
1 tsp couple times a day, I give it through a syringe without needle (you can get them in pharmacy section at drug store) that you would use to give kids liquid medicine. This is to replace bad baterica.

Pumpkin pie filling (100% pure, Libby's) is to bind the potty.
Spoonful couple times a day in a dish.

I would continue to monitor her and take her back to a vet to be rechecked.

Sounds like all the medications caused the potty problems and upchucking. You did right thing taking her to another vet. As far as the ER vet split decisions to bring in or not. It's hard for the ER vet's to diagnosis over the phone if they haven't seen the animal. Also, depending on the situation your calling about they wont offer to much advise over the phone because of legal reasons. One good thing once they were to see the animal and there is a problem related to what they saw giving advise etc over the phone is pretty standard.

01-22-2006, 01:43 AM
I hope things are getting better for your kitten. Craftlady is right, the emergency vets won't make assessments over the phone, not only for liability reasons, but because the way we describe symptoms etc. is variable and not accurate clinically.

Keeping her hydrated is of high priority and that's why it's good that you are feeding her wet food. I use Metamucil in wet food (and sprinkled over dry for a cat that isn't dehydrated) to help solidify fecal matter. If she won't eat the pumpkin pie filling either on its own or mixed in her food, get the non-flavored Metamucil and don't use much because, even though a cat won't taste it, it is a little grainy and some don't like the texture. You might want to stick with low-fat yogurt until her stomach is more settled.

Clear vomitting can be caused by stress and hunger also. Your kitten must have been very stressed from the shelter, surgery, vet visits, new home and then being medicated. Very often there is more than one reason for a symptom and that can be confusing for all of us, including the vet. Cats are notorious for hiding their illness so by the time they show you they are ill, they are really ill.

Good luck to both of you!

smokey the elder
01-22-2006, 07:18 AM
Most systemic ringworm meds are quite toxic, so I hope once they clear your kitty's system she'll feel better. Good luck!

01-23-2006, 07:06 PM
As I was reading your story. It has brought back memories from when I brought Chloe home. She was amazingly small for a new kitten. I brought her into the vet for an overall check up and she was tested for everything and they found that she had a severe case of Coccida. We brought her home and started to treat her for the parasite and all of the same things started to happen to her. Lose of appetite clear diarrhea and she just kept going and going. So much that she was getting dehydrated from going so much. Eventually we had to take her in for dehydration and subcontainous fluids and antibiotics. It was really strange when we started to give her the antibiotics within 8 hours she snapped out of it. She still had the diarrhea but was wanting to eat and drink alot more. Plus your little kitty has gone through alot in the little time that you have had her. You can check it out I hope that I was some help. I know how you feel it doesn't take long for them to wrap themselves around your heart. I missed several days of work making her eat and drink. You feel so bad because you can see that they just don't feel well :(

01-23-2006, 10:17 PM
Gosh does this sound familiar. This was my life all last spring and Summer with Angel.

She had what is known as Campylobacter. Some vets argue that it is part of a normal GI tract in a cat. Others argue that it can multiply to a bad number which causes major problems. It is a cousin of the salmonilla family of bacteria. Like it would cause vomiting and diarrhea in us, it can cause it in cats if its grown at a high rate.

I'm sure you'll tell me the poo smells awful. Is it like nothing you've ever smelled before? The only way to detect it is by a direct fecal, where they take the sample straight from inside your kitty and immediately look at it under a microscope. It took me countless vets before I finally found one who did this test and as soon as she was on the proper antibiotics for this, she started to get healthy again.

Tell me, when you pick her up, does she "leak" poo? If so, you are experiencing exactly what I went through last summer. It was awful, and I did everything I could because I loved that little girl. It took MONTHS to diagnose this. I had vets actually flat-out accuse me of malnutrition and neglect. I had vets tell me I was nuts, that there was nothing wrong with her. I wold never want anyone to go through that ever. Please ask the vet to try the direct fecal test for campy. If they won't do it, find another.

Then go home and scrub those litterboxes. Dump the litter every night, scrub the boxes every night until the end of the antibiotics.... its what I had to do to finally get rid of it. You don't want to reinfect her. I kept having my cats reinfecting each other.