View Full Version : Yawn!

Laura's Babies
01-21-2006, 11:22 AM
At 1 am this morning, the lights are out.. Me Samantha and Amy are in bed. In strolls Chester doing his purrrr-cry doing his ritual head count on everybody. I just lay there with my eyes shut, not moving. Then I head jingle, jingle, jingle... I lean over the edge of the bed to see WHO is playing with a noisey toy this time of night and this is what I see....

(Note the big ball in the stroller with him, it has a BIG bell in it!)

Well, being the Mommie I am, I had to get up, go get the camera and take pictures and he gladly posed for the camera.

This one I took the other day and it was so pretty of my big boy that I had to post this one too! He is such a handsome boy!


01-21-2006, 12:12 PM
Aww, Chester! You were just in a "posing" mood, no matter what time it was!

You are a handsome devil; I wouldn't be able to stay mad at you for more than a minute! :D

01-21-2006, 05:25 PM
LOL! How adorable! "But Mommy, this new stroller is SOOOOOO comfy!" "It makes the perfect playpen!!!" :D

01-21-2006, 05:41 PM
Chester wants to Thank You for that wonderful Cat Bed On Wheels.
He really finds it very comfortable to sleep in,and thinks that that was so thoughtful of you to buy it for him.

Laura's Babies
01-21-2006, 07:07 PM
That was part of their Christmas and that one ABC had so cheap just before the holidays as seen here...> http://www.abcdistributing.com/cf-bin/virtual_cat.cfm?vc=1413&pg=1&search=&cat_code=0805F1&

Check this out oo, wouldn' this be facinating for kitties? http://www.abcdistributing.com/store/1205X9/460700.cfm?

Rie Rie
01-22-2006, 01:38 PM
That is why I don't have any of those kinds of toys in my house. I have a hard enough time getting to sleep without being woke up because someone decided it was playtime in the middle of the night.
Annie has started doing that same meow cry and I think she's looking for Chester, even though she really doesn't have anything to do with him when he's here, but I guess she misses him when he's gone.

Laura's Babies
01-22-2006, 02:08 PM
Rie, tell Annie that Chester will be back soon, then they both can wander around at night crying together!! YIKES!!

I see someone made a nice siggy there... You did GOOD!

01-22-2006, 02:28 PM
Oh Chester you are just as bad a boy as my two rascals here. They also know that kind of tricks :D

01-22-2006, 04:26 PM
:D Maybe he was trying to get you up for a late night (early morning?) stroll! :D