View Full Version : Anna - can you tell me about Angus?

01-19-2006, 11:31 AM
Every now and then I search through people's old posts to try and find out about their RB dogs. Today I went through looking for things about ChristiansMommy's Dale and I was bawling my eyes out. :( Anyway, when I saw one of your posts in his memorial thread I decided to look for Angus' memorial, but I couldn't find it.

I just wanted to know more about him, because I know you said he was your "heart dog". That makes me think of Nova, because she is my heart dog, and I can't imagine how hard it must have been to lose him.

I'm sorry if this brings up bad memories, but I was just hoping it would bring up good memories ... and a few photos as well ;)

Oh, and how was your surgery yesterday? Are you feeling okay?

01-19-2006, 11:41 AM
This is a lovely tribute to sweet angus


01-19-2006, 11:51 AM
I was pretty new here when Angus passed on so I tried to go back and read that thread and I was crying too much what a special boy you were to everyone Angus.

01-19-2006, 12:06 PM
Oh my how seeing this instantly brings tears to my eyes. Not in a bad way though, just the thought that you would want to know about my boy (and me...yes my surgery was fine, thanks for asking!) makes me feel so very lucky to have such good friends.
One of the reasons you probably couldn't find his thread is because it wasn't started by me, it was started by Robilee.
Our Beloved Angus....A Friend Lost (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=58012)
Boy, even seeing that thread again makes me cry. But please don't feel bad. I just loved him so much and even after all this time to think of him very much makes me cry. It hurts just as much now as it did then.

He was the best dog we've ever had. Yes, I love all the dogs we've had but he was something special, not to us but to the many people that knew him personally as well as the people who only knew him through my pictures and posts. A lot of my thoughts about him are in that thread, sorry I still can't bring myself to say or even type them out again. The thread may be long but if you look you'll find my posts (sorry to make you search:o)
As for pictures, I have sooo many so here are a few of my favorites...
Even at the age of 12 he was the most perfect boy to me, just look at that smile:D
This was way before we ever had a digital camera, I think he was just under a year old here. One of my favorite pictures of him.
I think he had the most beautiful eyes. Even when he was getting on in years they looked so full of life.
He was definitely a beautiful boy.
Some may not find him very appealing, but I think he was the most handsome dog I've ever seen:D
Needless to say I could go on and on and post a million pictures (they make me smile:)) but here's his album (http://www.imagestation.com/album/signin.html?id=4290794567&rf=&ru=%2Falbum%2F%3Fid%3D4290794567). I have many more pictures of him in my other albums but that's the one I started for him.
Thanks again for making me think of him today.

And Dale...oh gosh how I cried for that boy and Robyn. He was a star in such a short time and he really crawled into my heart. I will always miss him.

01-19-2006, 12:25 PM
Some may not find him very appealing, but I think he was the most handsome dog I've ever seen

Are you kidding, Anna? I do think your boy is beautiful. :) He was lucky to have you and your husband in his life. :)

I will never forget Dale either, he was such a handsome boy, too.

01-19-2006, 12:27 PM
He was stunning, Anyone who disagree's needs their eyes checked, He looked like a soft old boy :)

01-19-2006, 12:39 PM
I read through his tribute and I am bawling again. He does sound like he was a wonderful boy. It seems like everyone here loved him, almost as if he was the epitome of Pet Talk and what everyone feels for each other's pets. I have certainly loved everything I have read about him, he has touched my heart.

Thank you for posting those pictures. He was a beautiful Rottie boy. Every time I see your avatar it makes me smile because he just looks so happy (and also because I love reading your posts). :)

01-19-2006, 01:03 PM
How I wanted to see him so badly but never did. Here's a coupld of my favorites.
Here's one after a gift swap. He had just eaten some treats I'd mailed and he's wearing a bandana I had made for them.
There are these special dogs in our lives (Duke is mine) and they only come along once, I believe. Tears as I'm typing. I heard somewhere they're called heartdogs. I also like furry soulmate. So, if you do get one in your life, you're really lucky. I know I cherish my Duke.

01-19-2006, 01:23 PM
Anna, you should post Angus & his big red ball (I'll never forget that big red ball), He was some happy boy with that big o' ball of his hehe

01-19-2006, 01:30 PM
I'm not Anna, but I will tell you he was one amazing boy.
I still remember hand-feeding him wet food in the vet's office. It's something I will NEVER EVER forget. And how he so eagerly took treats from me when he was sick.

Mu most favorite memory of Angus is when he let my goofy Nala rest her head on his bum, while sitting under a tree in Ohio with Robin, Tori, Mark, Anna, Angus, & the girls.


*Edited* to add a second picture.

01-19-2006, 01:33 PM
Anna, you should post Angus & his big red ball (I'll never forget that big red ball), He was some happy boy with that big o' ball of his hehe
Ask and you shall receive. I like this pic, too.

01-19-2006, 01:40 PM
YAY its the big red ball!!!

but wasn't there a photo of him playing with it? I swear thats the one stuck in my head.

01-19-2006, 01:43 PM
I just read the thread. I am crying now. That is so sad! Angus, you were so sweet and handsome. :(

01-19-2006, 01:58 PM
This is one of my favorites of him and his ball. You can tell how happy he was to play with it. :D (Warning, it's rather large!)


01-19-2006, 02:44 PM
ive been wanting to ask the samething but never did.
i know how teary i get when someone asks me about my bridge girl.

he was a great dog by the looks of it. :D

01-19-2006, 10:39 PM
Geeeeee, now here is a thread that brings instant tears to my eyes ....

I too never got to meet him, but I "knew" him ............. such a darlin boy, you can just see it in his face.

As for your comment Anna "Some may not find him very appealing, but I think he was the most handsome dog I've ever seen "

Come here .......... I need to *slap* you ..........:D

01-19-2006, 10:50 PM
I guess I was pretty lucky, we had just moved to findlay and I met Angus at one ot the PT picnics before I knew what PT was, just thought it was an awfully nice bunch of people having a picnic! I remember looking across the park at Angus, and talking to Anna with Angus at her side. I had Star there and my RB rottie-girl, Rosie. Angus just had something about him that was special!

01-20-2006, 05:07 AM
This is one of my favorites of him and his ball. You can tell how happy he was to play with it. :D (Warning, it's rather large!)


Thats the one!

Sara luvs her Tinky
01-20-2006, 06:48 AM
awwww look at this picture....


*kisses* for Easter Angus!


oh he was sooooooo adorable!!!



look at valentine angus *swoon*


It was nice looking at Angus' album. He was truly loved by so many people. What a handsome GOOD doggy!!!! *KISSES* for you Angus... we all miss you so much.

Daisy and Delilah
01-20-2006, 07:02 AM
What a wonderful thread and a wonderful tribute to such a sweetheart. You'll never be forgotten Big Man! We love Angus! :D :) :D :)

01-20-2006, 09:57 AM
This thread is so sweet and it has made me feel good to see Angus. I always thought he was a gorgeous boy from the minute I joined Pet Talk and of course Anna's pictures and stories made me fall in love with him. What a thrill it was to actually meet him in person.

Here is one of my absolute favorite pics of Angus;)

Love ya, Big Guy!!

Ginger's Mom
01-20-2006, 10:42 AM
I came to late to ever get a chance to "know" Angus, but I really am loving these pictures. He was a handsome guy who wasn't afraid to show his cute/soft side. I, personally, have never met a Rottweiller that I didn't like, but Angus seems like he was a cut above the rest.