View Full Version : Cat Attack!

Ben E Gas
04-10-2002, 10:38 AM

I haven't written on these message boards for quite a while. I have a question about what my cat, Zeezu did the other day. I was sitting down drinking coffee on a nice sunny sunday morning. Zeezu was fast asleep under the end table. The next part all happened in about 1 or 2 minutes. I spill my coffee and since it was in a travel mug it poured out slowly through the small opening. This sounded like trickling water or maybe another cat marking up the territory. I immediatle say, "SHHHHHHhh#$^@%". Possibly sounding like a hissing cat. But in a split second my cat come screetching out from under the end table and begins to bite me and scratch me on my feet and then even trying to jump up on me like he didn't even know me. I backed away, pitifully swating at him with the first thing I could find, a sweater. I then managed to back into another room and close the door. I gave him a minute out there then went to go see what the hell just happened. I approched him slowly and he recognized me and began rubbing up against me almost saying "oops, sorry, didn't realize it was you."

This happened once before when I realized the trash collectors were outside of my house and I hadn't taken the trash out. I jumped up in a similar fashion and ran to the front door. He ran at me and attacked me.

Why would he do this after cuddling me, greeting me at the front door, sleeping next to me, jumping on my shoulders, etc.?

04-10-2002, 11:05 AM
Ben E.!!!

Welcome back! We were worried about you.

Re, your question, I think your estimate of what happened was spot on. Zeezu was startled and over-reacted; came out fighting. She loves you, but didn't have time to process what was going on.

:rolleyes: Perhaps this means we shouldn't startle our cats. I know my sneezes startle my fur babies, but at least they don't feel threatened by them. :D

Welcome, welcome back. And don't stay away so long ... or **evil grin** we'll tell Zeezu to GET you! ;)

04-10-2002, 10:12 PM
hey! Ben is back! :D

interesting topic. years ago I had a cat that sometimes would come out of a deep sleep, and she seemed as if she was not fully awake for awhile. sometimes I think she would be having a intense 'kitty dream' and she would act not herself for a bit. :confused:

I dont' know....maybe that is it. all I can think of.

4 feline house
04-10-2002, 11:01 PM
Ben! Ben! You're back! A couple of us emailed you trying to see where you've been, Ben (sorry, couldn't resist that) but kept getting non-delivery notices. It's nice to see you back!

Oh, you have a question about Zeezu, too, don't you?

My guess is you are simply startling him, and of course, when kitties get startled they do one of two things - run, or attack!

If it should happen again, just try to calm him and soothe him, and that might help him handle it a little better next time he's startled. I know it's hard to try to calm and soothe flying hissing claws, but it's better than trying to swat him away, as that will only reinforce his attack mode.

04-11-2002, 06:25 AM
Welcome back Ben! I have no suggestions to explain Zeezu's behavior but just wanted to take this opportunity to tell you we have missed you. Hope you'll stick around!

04-11-2002, 10:04 AM
Welcome back Ben.E! I think that most cats will either hide or attack if something threathening (for them) goes on, so I'd say, it's completely normal behaviour. Pure instinct! :D

Ben E Gas
04-11-2002, 11:10 AM
thank you all.

I wasn't going to say this but I feel I have to. Trajedy struck my family over this past christmas. It is almost like a nightmare. It still seems like it's all a dream, but it's all too real. My 15 year old cousin was struck by a drunk driver who was traveling at 100MPH and swerving back and forth through all lanes on Christmas night. The drunk driver was released from the hospital the next day. My cousin Joey, was in a coma for about 74 days. He kept fighting till the end but he passed away on march 9th. My little cousin, my buddy, my brother, he was all of these things. I just have a message to bring to all of you, a little advice: Tell your loved ones you love them everyday. You never know when you'll see them again. And if you've ever driven drunk, don't ever do it again! It's just plain stupid. Think to yourself after you've had a couple of beers, 'do I really want to ruin someone's life tonight?'
My family is dealing with this and we are getting by, but it's like a thorn in your heart when something like this happens. The thorn may go away someday but the memories that little kid gave me, will stay with me forever.

sorry, I know this is supposed to be a happy website about pets and whatnot, but this had to be said. Joey also had a big black dog that he loved so much. I'm sure the dog's still waiting for him to come home.

04-11-2002, 02:25 PM
{{{Ben E. and family}}}

You've struck a nerve. A lot of us (most?) have been affected by the horrors from people stupidly driving after they've been drinking. :mad: :(

Each pain is new, though, and I'm sorry for you, your cousin, and all your family. I will hold you all in my prayers for healing.

We have missed you and hope you feel up to returning.

04-11-2002, 06:54 PM
Ben, I am so sorry to hear about your cousin. There are not enough words to say what I want.
Please know we are thinking & praying for you and your family.
Take care, and we are glad you have come back to Pet Talk. You were missed.

4 feline house
04-11-2002, 09:19 PM
Ben, I spend alot of time on another board on which someone asked about his little sister's (16) heavy drinking. Should he "rat" on her to their parents?

Everyone came on with the general attitude of "what, drinking every weekend until she passes out or throws up? What's to tell on her about? Every teenager does this."

I came on with about twenty links with statistics to traffic accidents involving alcohol and the correlation between unchecked teen drinking and later alcoholism, and I got flamed.

I guess I feel differently about it since I lost my sister to a drunk driver 21 years ago.

I am not a teetotaller and have nothing against responsible drinking, but I have very, very strong opinions about drinking and driving.

I don't have the words to express my sorrow upon hearing about the loss of your cousin. Being the mother of a 17 year old boy, I feel especially linked. I have never quite been able to handle kids dying, but especially when the reason is so, so preventable.

Your pain jumps right out of your post, and I wish there was something I could say to make it feel better. But time is the only thing that will ease your pain, even though it will never go away.

I am holding you and your family in my prayers, that God's loving grace will help y'all find comfort in this, the worst thing you will probably ever experience.

And, thank you for letting us know. Yes, this is a "feel good" board, but that means also that this is a good place to come when you need to "feel good" because things are happening that are so horribly bad.

04-12-2002, 01:06 AM
I would not be worried about your cat's sudden attacks !! I'm sure it just got startled and attacked in a moment of fear : his instinct tells him to do that to foreigners !!)
Sydney always attacks when my daughter Indra walkes in with her tiger-slippers on ... He thinks those are real tigers ... hahaha . He also attacks when I lay down on the couch and move my fingers ; this is the fault of my son , who learned Sydney this when he was still a small kitten .... Shame on him , I know , but it is to late now to re-teach him . But after all , Sydney is a sweetie you know !!!!!!:mad: :D :D :D :D

04-12-2002, 02:16 AM
Prayers, Peace, Love & Understanding to you and your family.

04-12-2002, 04:29 AM
Ben I am so sorry to hear of your young cousin. I understand the 'thorn in your heart' too. It explains the feeling exactly. Your whole family must be going through the worst part of grieving - he'll never come back. Oh how sad for you all. I feel for you all and send my sympathy over the miles.


04-12-2002, 05:43 AM

when I saw your post I was really glad to see you back on the board, but when I read your second post I was terribly saddened to read what your family has gone through the last few months. There is nothing more that I can say about the tragedy that has hit you other than what the others have said. You and your family are in my thoughts. Take care.

04-12-2002, 07:40 AM
I didn't see your second post, Ben, until Leah mentioned it in something she wrote in another section, so I came looking. :(

I'm so very sorry for the senseless loss that you and your family have endured. Death is hard always, but to lose a vibrant, promising young man, in that way, is even harder to take.

I will absolutely take your advice to heart, and express my love more often. You are to be commended for reminding us of what is important, through your terrible pain. I will keep you and your family, and your nephew in my prayers.


04-12-2002, 07:53 AM
Ben I am too just reading the second part of your post here and just wanted to express how sorry I am. So often we hear of this type of senseless act (that of even thinking of getting behind the wheel of a car drunk) and I can't begin to imagine why someone would even consider doing this. My heart goes out to you in the loss of your cousin. I would hope the operator of that car will be losing their license forever and getting acquainted with the inside of a jail cell!! I can't even imagine the pain that you and your family are in. My hope is that someone who might have driven drunk in the past might begin to re-think what a horrible outcome that behavior could have on someone and their whole family after reading your post.

Ben E Gas
04-12-2002, 08:32 AM
thank you all for your kind words. they made me feel good today at work. Ofcourse, it's friday too, that may have something to do with it.

The drunk driver will most likely get a slap on the wrist. It was his second offense, which means it was the second time he got caught. He'll be charged with a maximum fine of fifteen years. Fifteen years!? That's nothing to stop anyone from doing it again.

There were 3 other kids in the car with my cousin. Thankfully, they survived. My cousin was sitting behind the driver and got the worst hit. They needed the jaws of life to get 2 of them out. My aunt had just called him on his cell phone and told him he should come home. He told her he was going to go to McDonalds and then he would come home. He was about a mile from the house.

Thank you again folks,

p.s. glad to be back on the boards.

04-12-2002, 02:08 PM

I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you, but I wanted to say how sorry I am about your family's tragedy. :( Prayers to you and your family...

Regarding the "crazy cat" (that what I call it when our cats do this stuff)...Noel freaks out when one of us sneezes...she runs and hide and you'de think we did it on purpose the way she acts. The only time one of them has bitten us is when playing with catnip toys and we play along...:rolleyes: