View Full Version : Roscoe strikes again

01-16-2006, 06:50 PM
I'm getting a little frustrated - I posted a little while ago that we were going to have to crate Roscoe. Well, my husband really doesn't want to do that (he thinks that Roscoe won't handle being in the crate well). So, instead, we covered up the picture window in 'Roscoe's room' (the one he was jumping out of) with a board. When I got home today Roscoe had apparently been clawing at the door all day and had about half of it torn apart :o Obviously we can't put him back in there, he'll end up tearing through the door and probably hurting himself. Hubby thinks we should give him a chance and give him less water, walk him before we leave so he can mark everywhere, and let him run the house. Then get a crate if he pees. I guess I just don't know what to do...

01-16-2006, 07:29 PM
How about this one?


01-16-2006, 07:31 PM
Ugh never mind, that one doesn't come big enough

01-16-2006, 07:37 PM
Please help! What size crate do I need?

01-16-2006, 07:45 PM
How big is Roscoe? Winston's a pretty large dog (27 1/2 inches tall at the withers, a little over 80lbs) and the large size crate would fit him. Is it possible for you to take him to a pet store? If so, that would probably be a good way to see which size crate he'd need.

01-17-2006, 07:48 AM
How big is Roscoe? Winston's a pretty large dog (27 1/2 inches tall at the withers, a little over 80lbs) and the large size crate would fit him. Is it possible for you to take him to a pet store? If so, that would probably be a good way to see which size crate he'd need.

Oh, I guess that would help - he weighs 93 lbs. but I'm not entirely sure how tall. I'll have to check. I think I can take him to a pet store to check it out, and a girl I work with is going to let me borrow hers to see his reaction before I buy one. I was pretty upset last night when I started this thread - thank you!