View Full Version : What breed would you love to own but ...

01-07-2006, 02:36 AM
... don't fit your lifestyle?

I absolutely LOVE Basset Hounds, but I don't think they'd suit my lifestyle :( I'm totally crushed. I love all of the Bassets at work, and I used to own a Basset mix. I've gotta do more research, but as of so far, it doesn't look like I'll be owning one :( Sucks too, because there's a rescue around here and I check every week for the new Basset boogers, and they're all so darned cute!

I would also love to own an Anatolian Shepherd, but they don't really fit my lifestyle either (possibly my future lifestyle though, if I *do* end up living on a farm like I want, they could be a livestock guardian).

There are more but of course I'm having a brain fart. lol

01-07-2006, 04:52 AM
Great Danes! I have always loved Danes, they are amazing. I remember the first time I walked a Great Dane, I was working at a vet clinic. He was 9 years old and in very poor health (he passed away). I am 5' 6" and this dogs withers were at my stomach! Not to mention I had to hold his IV bag above him while walking him. I would love to be owned by one, but my daughter is still very small for a extra large dog. I live in a large, ground floor apartment, big enough for any dog, but I want to wait until I have a house with a large yard.

American Staffies are another on my list. I absolutely adore them. In all honesty, I dont think I could handle a dog that strong! Besides that, most of my family would be very upset with me if I ever adopted one. Thanks to the media! :mad:

My fave breed right now is Labrador Retriever. I love chocolates and I hope to come across one in the shelter soon. Strangely, there has been quite a few, but all say no cats, no kids? But yet the yellows and blacks are always the opposite!

Okay, I better stop before I get carried away... :p

01-07-2006, 05:12 AM
Papillion....They are totally adorable!! But a dog (any dog) simply would not fit into my cat-oriented lifestyle)

Miss Z
01-07-2006, 08:51 AM
Well, if i ever got a dog.....:rolleyes:

But i think that my lifestyle wouln't be right for a greyhound. It'd need so much exercise, and although i could give it that, when i'm not there my mum or dad couldn't. I love little dogs, like lancashire heelers:D , but we may be able to get a dog in the future, when my brother is old enough. And also, Zsa-Zsa would be so unhappy if we got a dog, and i wouldn't swap her for any dog in the world:)

01-07-2006, 08:52 AM
Hmm...Probably a Greyhound. I absolutely love the breed, but my mom doesnt, and she would never let me have one...But someday... ;)

01-07-2006, 10:36 AM
Belgian griffon, Chinese crested, Xolo...
The first two are way too small and wouldn't do so good in a play group with newfies and other big dogs, they also don't do any work and would be to me as a gerbil is to everybody else. I'd be out doing things and the cute little gerbil dogs would be in a tank somewhere sitting on a pillow. Sorry all you small dog owners, they are adorable but I need a dog that can do stuff with me.
The chinese crested and Xolo don't do as well in the sun all day and also they have no protection in the brush. In th dog park with other dogs jumping all over them I'd be afraid that they'd get claw scratches or cuts.

01-07-2006, 01:42 PM
Newfoundland. I've always loved them but for me, they're just way too big. But who knows, maybe some day I'll live in a big enough house to have one a long with a couple Tollers....

01-07-2006, 02:27 PM
Caucasian Ovcharka without a doubt! I absolutely adore the breed but my house is to active for a Ovcharka, I'd be scared that the dog would go after someone that entered our hosue.

01-07-2006, 04:34 PM
Some dogs I absolutely love, but know will never fit for me:

The Tosa-Inu(or tosa-ken), the Kuvasz, the Neopolitan Mastiff, the Fila Brasileiro, and the Karelian Bear Dog. I just know I'll never be up to being the type of master and providing the type of training, handling, and environment that I believe these dogs need to have to really thrive.

Some breeds I love that don't fit for me right now, but I believe can/will eventually include most of the other mastiff breeds I love.

01-07-2006, 05:50 PM
Well, if i ever got a dog.....:rolleyes:

But i think that my lifestyle wouln't be right for a greyhound. It'd need so much exercise, and although i could give it that, when i'm not there my mum or dad couldn't. I love little dogs, like lancashire heelers:D , but we may be able to get a dog in the future, when my brother is old enough. And also, Zsa-Zsa would be so unhappy if we got a dog, and i wouldn't swap her for any dog in the world:)

That's not true at all. Whoever told you Greys needed a lot of exercise must have been referring to their puppy stages, and, even at that, they're major couch potatoes. From puppyhood til about 1 1/2 years, Greyhound pups have quite a bit of energy. They're like BCs up until this point, hence, their unofficial nickname, "landsharks" LOL. However, once they reach 2-3 years, they begin settling down and their energy decreases DRAMATICALLY. They can literally spend a week inside the house with no walks and have no qualms about it, although that certainly isn't recommended! This just means that if you're snowed in in the winter and it isn't feasible to take the Greyhound on a walk for a few days, s/he won't really care and will certainly not be bouncing off the walls for some work, like a JRT or similar dog would. The reason that Greyhounds don't need a lot of exercise is because, contrary to popular belief, they are sprinters and have small bursts of energy. I often joke that Greys are either sprinting or sleeping.

A brisk 15-20 minute jog/walk once or twice is enough to suffice an adult Greyhound, although more exercise never hurts. I usually take Giselle for 15 minute jog in the morning and an easy evening stroll later on in the day. On the weekends, we either hit the beaches or the dog park and let her run herself silly. She stays trim and healthy and spends the rest of the day *literally* sleeping on the couch.

As for dogs I would want but could never own would be:

Australian Cattle Dogs- I love the robust look of these dogs and I love their can-do, go-get-'em attitude, but they have way too much energy and need way too much mental stimulation.

One breed that I'm not certain if I could own, but there's a possibility I could is a Doberman Pinscher. I can socialize a Dobe puppy on the weekends, but I'm sure the pup would need way more attention than I can provide. Therefore, I think it's possible I could adopt or buy an adult Dobe. Still...who knows?

Suki Wingy
01-07-2006, 06:11 PM
Probably a poodle, I could never deal with the hair :( and I really don't like the way they look with short hair. I love corded poodles too.
Komondorok too because their cords are too hard to deal with.
I can deal with hard push, terrierlike personalities because that is what I already have and what I'm used too.

*future vet*
01-07-2006, 06:11 PM
Hmm, probably a Kooikerhondje, I think they're so cute! :)

01-07-2006, 10:42 PM
aussies and border collies. definatly woulden't have enough time for their on going energy and drive to work! but i love them sooo much.

01-07-2006, 10:47 PM
American Staffordshire Terriers/APBT. They're beautiful dogs but they're not for me.Most of the smaller breeds dont really fit my life style either.

01-07-2006, 11:05 PM
I thought of the some of the others.

English Cocker Spaniels: They fit my lifestyle for the most part, but even well-bred Cockers seem to be riddled with health problems. I just hate to see my dogs sick, even if it's minor. I also like larger dogs anyway.

Irish/Irish Red&White/English/Gordon Setters: They are so frickin' beautiful! They are kinda crazy though. I'd only get one if I had tons of time to devote to training.

German Shepherd Dogs: They are all beautiful. Mandy is half GSD and has the exact personality of one. I love love love my girl, but I'd never own a GSD again unless, like with the Setters, I had a ton of time for training!

Bloodhounds: I actually don't know much about this breed, but there is a lady who breeds them that I know and I truly love her dogs. She has the most beautiful Bloodhounds I've ever seen too! I don't see them fitting my lifestyle, but maybe!

And there is more, I know it, but I can't think of them again lol.

01-08-2006, 12:06 AM

I had a Gordon Setter.. he wasn't crazy at all. :)

He was the calmest, most loyal and loving dog I had ever owned.... *sigh* :(

RIP Wolfie.. :(

01-08-2006, 03:03 AM

I had a Gordon Setter.. he wasn't crazy at all. :)

He was the calmest, most loyal and loving dog I had ever owned.... *sigh* :(

RIP Wolfie.. :(
Wasn't he a mix though?

All the ones I've met has either been crazy or VERY well trained. I want a "challenge" dog so-to-speak one day, and it will probably be a Setter. But for now they don't fit my lifestyle ;)

01-08-2006, 09:23 PM
Here's another of mine:

Dalmatian- simply because it's very hard to find a well bred Dal with a great temperment these days it seems. Another reason is their short coat, I prefer to own dogs that need grooming.

01-09-2006, 01:58 AM
I dont think there is a breed out there that i could not handle ;). There are certainly breeds i will never own because i am not fond of them, not because i could not handle them.

Dandie Dinmont Terriers don't fit my life style but i am willing to find activities that a lil Dandie can do safely and get involved in them, when the time comes of course.

01-09-2006, 08:20 AM
A blood hound. but they need to be worked and i wouldnt be able to work one daily

Suki Wingy
01-09-2006, 02:14 PM
Dalmatian- simply because it's very hard to find a well bred Dal with a great temperment these days it seems.
I KNOW! Newt is great, I wnat a direct decendant of him in the near future. I havn't met them but conformationally I love Signature Dalmatians, too bad she stopped breeding :(

01-09-2006, 02:23 PM
I love basset hounds!!!! It like one of my favorite breeds, but the fact is I am a active person that goes too alot of agility trials and I need dogs that will do good in it and enjoy it, I know a basset hound that does it and enjoys it but he has to go slowly and even when you enrolled in agility class that doesn't work because people can get so impatient at classes, so I want to adopt atleast one dog, so maybe that will be my next breed to adopt because we get tons of that breed in our shelter every year.

01-09-2006, 02:26 PM
Irish/Irish Red&White/English/Gordon Setters: They are so frickin' beautiful! They are kinda crazy though. I'd only get one if I had tons of time to devote to training.
well actually english setters, are a breed that always wants to please, I have have over 5 english setters in my lifetime and they were always eager to pleased and loved to cuddle, I 've had irish setters and gorden setter and their behavior wearn't great because they are clowns and don't listen. But your right irish and gorden setters are beutiful!

01-09-2006, 03:04 PM
I love basset hounds!!!! It like one of my favorite breeds, but the fact is I am a active person that goes too alot of agility trials and I need dogs that will do good in it and enjoy it, I know a basset hound that does it and enjoys it but he has to go slowly and even when you enrolled in agility class that doesn't work because people can get so impatient at classes, so I want to adopt atleast one dog, so maybe that will be my next breed to adopt because we get tons of that breed in our shelter every year.

I was actually at an agility show 2 weekends ago and there was a lady that had some really fast bassets!! They were making time like the rest of them, it was sooo much fun to watch.

01-09-2006, 06:11 PM
i'd love to have a blue or lilac shar pei. i'm not sure if lilac is a recognized color, if not, i'd settle for a blue one.

i don't think i could have one though, because all of the care they need for their skin and coat. too much work.

01-10-2006, 08:36 PM
Akitas, because they aren't good with small animals or cats. And I really like Dobies, but they have a lot of health problems from what I've read.

I'll probably stick with mutts. :)

01-10-2006, 09:22 PM
I would absoulutly LOVE to own a Great Dane, but they are too big, much to big for me. And they require way too much food and excersize.

I would also like to own a Doberman... but as said above, they have too many health problems.

Shar-Pei's have always been a great breed to me.... but they have lots of health problems like Dobermans.

Manchester Terriers.... but too small.

Or a Neapolitan Mastiff.... but they are too large.

01-11-2006, 06:50 PM
Keeshond! My parents' next door neighbors have one and I adore him, but he is so high energy and high maintenance as far as grooming, and he doesn't seem like he's very motivated to please.

Ah, but he is one of the most beautiful dogs I have ever seen.

01-11-2006, 07:33 PM
Irish Wolfhound or Great Dane. I love these breeds for their size...they have such a presence about them, and I LOVE that, but they are just too big for me. Swissies are as big as I go ;)

A neighbor down at my mom's shore house has an Irish Wolfhound, and he just walks around his property (unfenced), and is soooo obedient and just so huge...he just has this presence about him, and we LOVED meeting him...I love HUGE dogs :) But with a 4 year old and one on the way, they jsut don;t fit my lifestyle...but who knows, maybe when the kids are grown we will have one...

I also hate how their life spans are so short. A Swissie's is short enough ( 10-12 years)...some of these really giant breeds are even shorter, and it is so hard to think of losing them so fast...

01-12-2006, 06:14 PM
I love Dobermans but my mom hates them.

01-12-2006, 06:32 PM
Well never say never, but these are the breeds I would likely never own, even though I really like them.

Old English Sheepdogs - Too much Grooming required

Berners - Too short of an avg life span

Huskies - Too hot where I live

Newfies - Too much Drool


01-12-2006, 10:18 PM
A Standard Poodle, but too much grooming. And a Dachshund-I love them, but I like really active dogs that I can go out and do stuff with, plus I would worry about health problems.

01-12-2006, 10:50 PM
A Standard Poodle, but too much grooming. And a Dachshund-I love them, but I like really active dogs that I can go out and do stuff with, plus I would worry about health problems.

Actually, Dachshunds are very active dogs and love all sorts of activities! They don't really have too many health probles that you ahve to worry about either, they can get back problems but out of all the Dachshunds I've ever known none of them ever developed any :)

01-13-2006, 02:29 AM
A Standard Poodle, but too much grooming. And a Dachshund-I love them, but I like really active dogs that I can go out and do stuff with, plus I would worry about health problems.
My Dachshund, Buttons, and all of the (young, healthy) Dachshunds at work were/are very active little poop heads. They're stubborn though lol. But, I love them for it. I hope to own another one some day. There is just no love like a Dachshund can give you. It's something about their horrible breath I think ;)

01-13-2006, 02:32 AM
They don't really have too many health probles that you ahve to worry about either, they can get back problems but out of all the Dachshunds I've ever known none of them ever developed any :)
Same here. Doxies are very popular around here (and everywhere else lol) and I see them a lot at work, and I have not met one with disc problems or arthritis associated with their long backs. I know a few with some extremely long backs too, and they're fine!

01-14-2006, 12:00 PM
I think any dog that is sort of lazy I wouldn't be able to handle I need a active dog. The only lazy type dog I will have will be my Dane and Chinese Crested, those are my dream dogs and I will change my life style to fit them in it. I also would need a dog that needs grooming and is kind of high mantinence (excluding my 2 that I said above). I havn't found a dog that I like alot that dosen't fit into my lifestyle yet.

01-15-2006, 12:09 AM
I love many breeds that dont fit my lifstyle.

Australian shepherds, Border collies, Shelties, Malamutes, Saint Bernards, Mastiffs, Pit bulls. The list goes on ;).
I love alot of breeds.. But would only own a couple.