View Full Version : Cat Behaviour

Lennie B.
04-06-2002, 11:56 PM
My Vinny has recently discovered the top of the refrigerator. He likes to propel his fifteen pound body up there via a nearby countertop, find a comfortable vantage point, and survey the scene below. His favourite time for this escapade is late at night after everyone has gone to bed- he's often up there when my daughter comes in at two a.m. after a night out with her friends. He doesn't even object to the fact that the top of the frig is not the cleanest part of the house- he's quite happy up there with all the dust bunnies! Does anyone else's cat do this? :D :D :D

04-07-2002, 12:01 AM
We put a cat condo on top of my dh's bookshelf. Thats a fav place for all 3 cats.... they try and cram themselves in LOL

04-07-2002, 12:42 AM
We don't use the cupbord above our fridge. It is occupied by Mocha Bean. Daddy even put her special "Treat" plate on top of the fridge. Can you say P-R-I-N-C-E-S-S.;)

04-07-2002, 01:31 AM
And I thought my fur-babies were spoiled! You all are raising the bar, guys! :eek: :D ;) :rolleyes:

04-07-2002, 08:38 PM
Oh yes, the refridgerator is a fav place for both my kitties! :) they just love to look down on us...........and the dog!
Then the dog gets jealous that she can't go up there. :rolleyes:

Lennie B.
04-07-2002, 09:19 PM
Vinny likes other high places as well. Sometimes he stakes out an upper compartment in the computer workstation when someone is working there. The other compartments are filled with books and computer stuff, so it's kind of funny to look up and see a large fluffy striped cat face looking down at you! We put a folded towel in there for him to lie on, and he thinks this is quite a comfy arrangement! :) :) :)

04-08-2002, 01:17 PM
My daughter's cat, Stormy, thinks the cabinet above the built-in ovens is the perfect place to sit. He has to jump up on the short freezer, then the refrigerator, then across the aisleway to the cabinet. My daughter wanted me to ask everyone if that was normal for a cat. Guess I don't have to ask:)


04-09-2002, 07:10 AM
Top of the fridge too easy for our Ketchum - he jumps on the counter top, takes a flying leap and lands on top of the wall cupboards - I've even put a towel up there to make him comfy!!
He peers over the edge and watches everyone with eagle eyes.


04-09-2002, 07:15 AM
The top of the fridge is a popular hang-out for my Trevor. He loves to come to the edge and look down at people who are going in and out of the refrigerator for food, but his favorite thing is to reach down and knock all of the magnets off the fridge within his reach with a swipe of his naughty little paw! :rolleyes:

Heather Wallace
04-09-2002, 07:53 AM
Yes my cats also love the top of the fridge, cupboards etc. We even put some boxes up there as they like to sleep up there at night time to.

04-09-2002, 10:40 AM
The fridge ?? Oh oh , way to high for my Sydney !!!!
How do your kitties get there so high ??? Here , it would not be possible for any cat , because my fridge is a high one .
Well , let's take a bet : any cat who thinks he (or she) can get up there , well you're welcome !!! 10 € a bet , hahahahahaha:D :D

04-09-2002, 11:02 AM
My two use the top of the refrigerator as a hangout when I am cooking and preparing foods. They get there via the nearest object (washer and dryer, water cooler, stove)... and they leap to the nearest cabinet from there. They were using a curtain rod between two windows as their super highway until I put the refrigerator in front of the windows, now they use the top of the refrigerator as their highway. What spoiled kitties we have....
Mine are most certainly spoiled.;)

Former User
04-09-2002, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by lut
any cat who thinks he (or she) can get up there , well you're welcome !!! 10 € a bet , hahahahahaha:D :D

You might as well bring that €10 with you on Thursday, nothing is too high for Casper! I'll show you then where he has been :D

04-09-2002, 09:32 PM
Misty's favorite spot is the linen closet. I have a space cleaned off so she can lie there. :) http://www.photogra.com/index.cfm/a:31416

04-10-2002, 06:01 AM
Great pics., Ila - Thank You. :D :D

I must do something about getting my pics on!!:eek: :eek:


04-10-2002, 10:46 AM
I think my cat is scared of heights. He doesn't try to climb very high, and when he gets put on higher places (like the yop of our speakers), he's actually afraid to jump down!! Hehe.. we were wondering if it was normal :)

06-07-2002, 10:40 PM
My little girl goes up on the fridge, she sleeps on highest cupboard. We have box up their that she love sleeping on. My oldest boy never try to get up there but he jumps on the counter and that's the highest he will go and declawed boy, try once but he couldn't get up there, he just got on thr fridge and that is the highest he went. We make sure he does attempt to jump up there since he has no claws on all four paws and a broken foot.