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12-28-2005, 02:47 PM
I don't know if anyone noticed but I haven't been around much the last two or so weeks ;) We moved out of our "apartment" since the Christmas season at the theatre HJ is working at was over, they get 2 1/2 months off while the theatre is closed, so we moved out and went back to St Charles to visit with friends and family, and I am also working again at PetCo during my stay. I just wanted to let everyone know that everything is fine; my parents just don't have internet at their house. Well, they called to order SBC Yahoo since my sister got a computer for Christmas, but that was almost a month ago, and the modem has still not arrived yet... so I'm becoming rather impatient! I have so many pictures to show you of Charlie and Jamie, and even of my new kitten!! His name is 007 (Goldeneye 007 haha or we call him double-oh for short), he has golden eyes (hence the name), and is the most personable kitten I think I've ever met. But I'll have to show him off later, since I didn't bring my memory card with me :(

Anyway so I just wanted to let everyone know what's going on; I'm not dead and nothing bad has happened, I'm just without internet for the time being! :)

12-28-2005, 02:51 PM
I don't know if anyone noticed but I haven't been around much the last two or so weeks ;)

Yup, I noticed :) Can't wait to see the new pictures of Jamie and Charlie!! And Congrats on the kitten, he sounds adorable!

12-28-2005, 03:06 PM
i noticed too, but i saw your thread mentioning your leaving for a while, glad to hear from you, adn congrats for the new kitty!!! canīt wait fit those pics!!1

Miss Z
12-28-2005, 03:08 PM
I too noticed your absence and i'm looking forward to hearing more about 007!

12-28-2005, 03:18 PM
I to have noticed you have not been on.Congrats on 007!

12-28-2005, 03:19 PM
I noticed but I knew you were moving. :p
Congrats on the newbie! Sounds like a cutie!

12-28-2005, 03:20 PM
yes I have noticed even though I wasn't around that much! ..either. just got back from my lovely roadtrip.

looking forward to adorable pictures .. :)

12-28-2005, 03:54 PM
I did notice, but then remembered the thread about going home for the holidays. I can't wait for pics of the dogs, and of your new kitten! How exciting! How's your job going? Feel like you never left Petco? ;)

12-28-2005, 03:56 PM
I noticed you missing. ;) Congrats on your new kitty! Can't wait to see pics! :)

Toby's my baby
12-28-2005, 04:17 PM
I noticed!! I was missing your beautiful pups, and your posts!! Congrats on the new addition! I hope we get to see pictures soon!

12-28-2005, 04:23 PM
I did notice, but then remembered the thread about going home for the holidays. I can't wait for pics of the dogs, and of your new kitten! How exciting! How's your job going? Feel like you never left Petco? ;)

Yeah actually it does. Eventhough I was gone for almost nine months, my first day back it felt like I'd never left! I'm enjoying it thoroughly (except cleaning the bird room.. hehe).

Anyway thanks guys! I'm going to call SBC and find out where the heck the modem is... I REALLY want to show you guys pics! :D And glad to know I was noticed hehe. ♥♥♥

12-28-2005, 04:35 PM
I don't know if anyone noticed but I haven't been around much the last two or so weeks ;)
I noticed, Robin (Robilee) and I were just taking about you this morning:)
Glad to hear all is well and I'll be looking forward to seeing many pics of those gorgeous pups of yours!

12-28-2005, 04:38 PM
Well of course I noticed LOL. I knew you'd be gone from your site, though.

12-28-2005, 04:57 PM
Glad to see you back. Do you have photos up yet of 007? I would love to see him :)

12-29-2005, 06:22 PM
Yay I came home from work this afternoon and the modem was sitting on our front porch in a box! :D We have internet set up on my sister's computer in her room but not on mine in my room YET. Probably later tonight! :D

12-30-2005, 10:11 AM
I noticed! Glad to hear you,Jamie,Charlie,and Goldeneye are okay! That is so great that you got a new kitten. :D

Anita Cholaine
12-30-2005, 10:33 AM
Glad to see you back! :) I can't wait to see pics of Jamie and Charlie, and to hear more about the new kitty. He must be adorable!

12-31-2005, 01:29 AM
Aw thanks for the warm "welcome back!", guys!

Just thought I'd let everyone know that I posted new pics of the gang here