View Full Version : Cousin that this mean to animals???

12-23-2005, 06:11 PM
My cousin is really mean to animals.He has butted my cat in the head and done other stuff to other animals of his and mine.My aunt and uncle don't think he is and laugh it off. :mad: I have seen him do things to his pets and have stopped him but I mean he is evil.My brother said he had to hit to make him not thorw his hamster on the roof(the hammie later died).I don't know what to do.This has be happening for years.I think he might have killed one.I don't know for shore but he has had so many animals die(lizards,hamsters,snakes,)

when he does stuff to my animals I stop him but I have to put all my pets in a room when he comes over because he so mean

I am not kidding!

12-23-2005, 06:16 PM
That is so sad! Why would anyone do that???? :mad:

12-23-2005, 06:20 PM
I don't know what to do. :mad: :(

12-23-2005, 07:31 PM

12-23-2005, 07:48 PM
How old is he? How old are you? His parents might not take you seriously, maybe you need to go to another relative and talk to them about this, and they can get through to his parents. Abuse with animals can lead to abuse on humans, make sure you tell them that...I'd be a little worried too.

My little cousin, I think he was 4 or 5, came over my house and found a frog, and he was showing it to me from behind our glass sliding doors. He put it on the glass, squished it and dragged it down the glass. :eek: Then started laughing and running around going "froggy dead!". He has been diagnosed with several mental disablities, since then. His parents ended up getting chickens (in a chicken pen) and they work with him on it, but he is ALWAYS supervised around them. He's gotten better. Definately talk to someone about your cousin.

12-23-2005, 08:36 PM
My cousin is 11.My parents have ever told my cousin and his parents and they still laugh it off.I have started to tell him I will call the police if he does anything to my pets or his that I can report.I mean my cat Pumpkin was found outside and had kittens(know she is fixed)and we wouldn't even let them have one we gave them to other people(my brothers friends).I think they would get a clue.When we said no your son is mean no kitten.My aunt and uncle lie alot too.

12-23-2005, 08:42 PM
sorry to bug you guys with this but I really needed to tell someone

Miss Z
12-24-2005, 03:43 AM
His parents must be pretty irresponsible then if they don't know what their son is doing. I'm not trying to be mean to your family by saying that, but really it proves that they don't spend a lot of time with him. Do his parents spoil him? Sometimes spoilt kids are like that.

12-24-2005, 08:47 AM
that is horrible and i know there family but you may want to call the spca and tell them the situation and they might be able to give them a warnign or something that next time something happens they will have all of there pets taken away. they cant do anything to your cousinbut they can to his parents cuz there letting it happen.

12-24-2005, 08:58 AM
I would treat this seriously, as the others have mentioned. Find out who his teacher is, or school, or guidance counselor, or pastor is, and send a letter to them. This kind of behavior is a bad, bad sign, and if not caught and dealt with now, cou;ld lead to more tragedy in the future,

12-24-2005, 09:08 AM
that is horrible!!!
that makes me soooooooooooo mad :mad:
wut u should do is wutever he dos to the animal tell him im ganna do that to u
or actually do it to him.

how can u want to see an animal in pain its not right!!

12-24-2005, 09:22 AM
my aunt and uncle refuse to admet there is a problem and yes he gets like everthing he wants.

12-24-2005, 01:08 PM
im tinking hes a only child... :rolleyes:

12-24-2005, 01:52 PM
im tinking hes a only child... :rolleyes:

Only a child. :o He knows the diff.beware right and wrong.He is really smart.He knows if i hit him it hurts. :mad:

12-24-2005, 08:45 PM
no im mean hes a only child like hes got no siblings lol , i think hes probly bored he needs someone to play with, a pet would be good of he understood how to take care of one..

12-25-2005, 03:05 AM
I feel bad that you have to see and live with this. hes horrible and i dobn't even know him! :mad: maybe you can talk to one of your parents and explain what hes doing and how many pets died. and ask them to seriously, sit his parents down and tell them what he IS doing.

i'm sorry you have to put up with this, i'd surely have asult charges if it was me.

12-25-2005, 01:16 PM
No he is not an only child and He doesn't live with me but I see him a lot

12-25-2005, 06:42 PM
What he is doing is animal abuse, which is illegal. When I was 11 I knew the difference between right and wrong. That was only 2 years ago! I think you really need to call your local ASPCA. Please don't stand by and watch this.