View Full Version : Cinder & Smokey ~ Just Checking In...

Cinder & Smoke
04-04-2002, 01:58 PM
Hi, Ebberbuddie ~ It's Cinder & Smokey, checkin in ~

Miz Zippy's been kinda houndin us kuz we haven't been seen too much here on Pet Talk lately... We ax'd Dad if it'd be OK to say hellow an he said it would be OK wiff him; so here goes ~

I started havin a lil problem wiffa 'itchy' tummie in mid-Feberary -started *skratchin* an lickin sumpin terrabul on my tummie an lower chest. Eben had a couple of lil raw :eek: spotz. Smokey had a pointment wiff Doc Mike to get his owie shotz on Feb 20th - but *I* gotz dragged inta the White Coat Lab instead! Dad ax'd the Gurlz if he could swap Dawgs kuz I had a worser problem than Smoke needin shotz. Course they said OK (drat my luck!) and I hadda ride the up-an-down table furst. Onlee gud thing in the hole deal wuz the meter thingy told em the short rations we been on wuz doin sum gud kuz I wuz unner my 50 poundz limit! Thingz went down-hill frum there :(.

I gotz a complete look-me-over - Doc used that kold listenin thing in his earbonez all ober my bod; then stuck his telescope in MY earbones; then started lookin up at my tummie. Next thing I knowe I'z layin on my back wiffa hole bunch of em holdin me down! :mad:! Doc's pokin an tiklin my tummie an then getz a razer blade an startz skratchin off summa my skinz! He spent a lotta time lookin at the skrapinz unner anudder telescope thingy onna desk... Said he dint see no kreepie-krawlie thingz.

I wound up havin ta take antibiotic pillz fur a week an sum lil steriod pillz fur 2 weekz. They helpt wiffa skratchin an my tummie gotz a lil less 'pink' fur a while.

SmokeMan here ~ the BAD thing wuz Doc said he'd make time an *I* gotz a look-over AN hadda getz the *owie*shotz* we started out ta get! THEN they started playin wiff my *trick kneebone* agin! (I been *yippin* ebery wunst in a while when I twist or step wrong and my bad knee hurtz me,) Doc sez the joint has deteriorated a lil in the last 6 months. For the pain - his Rx: is 1/2 adult 325mg aspirin 2x a day with meals. To help soothe the joints in my knee - his Rx: is 500mg 2x/day of Glucosamine Sulfate/Glucosamine Hydrochloride (with or without Chondroitin). The Glucosamine has been shown to improve the joint cartilage and also promotes lubrication of the joint. Humans benifit from the dual agent drug which contains Chondroitin - but animal studies have not proven that doubling the cost of the drug by adding the Chondroitin has any
benifit in canines.

We're savin penniez to pay fur a trip to see Doc Mike's buddie Sir Jury fur a Sekund Pinyun an ta see how much munnie Sir Jury wuntz ta mabee do a 'fix' onna kneebone. Doc thinkz it'll be bout $800-$1200 buckz ta do a fix. I keepz tellin Dad I don't wanna see the Sir Jury guy - an to put the munnie inna Biskit Fund! Since I been onna Glookz pillz I don't hardly *yipp* at all. And I'm usin my bum leg a liddle more often, too.

Thingz were goin purdy well till last week - then my [Cinder here] left eyeball started leakin tears down the sidda my face
;(. Yep - back to Doc Mike's place! Anudder session of pokin an peekin. Eben stuck a thermiemeter up my butt! :mad:! Telescope inna earz an anudder wun inna eyeball. Dad gotz a lil toobie of 'ointment' ta squeeze inna eyeball twicet a day. Thatz kinda like a curkiss act - Dad dont have enuff handz an finnerz ta pry my eyeshadez open an still squeeze onna toobie!
I kinda quit fightin him though - he putz a full-nelsun on my neckbonez an I kant get away...

Doc took anudder look at my tummie. It wuz a lil less *itchy*, but still a lil 'raw'; so's he sold us a packet of "Frontline" to kill off any lil kritterz he dint see wiffa telescope.

Dad sez I'm still *skratchin* too much an I still gotz pink placez where I skratch; an altho the eyeball duzint leak tearz now - it still lookz white or pink round the eyeshade partz. I thinkz I smell anudder trip back to see Doc Mike :(.

We ax'd Dad iffin he wuntz ta say [i]Hi[/]; but he sez he'll take a pass for now... Sumpin bout a big dust-up a cupla weeks ago? He sez nunbuddie wuntz ta hear frum him fur a while... :confused: Dad's spendin a lotta time onna telle-dinger talkin to surance peepul bout GranMom's medikul billz... She gotz a new surance kumpanie an they're all fussin bout who payz furst.
Dad ain't been too happie fur a few weekz. :(

Hope all our *sickie* FurBuddies are startin to feel better! Killian's been kinda quiet lately - hope that's a Good Sign :D he's feelin more better!!

Yap at'cha laterz...

04-04-2002, 02:13 PM
Hi Cinder & Smokey,

Sure good to hear from you guys. Sorry to hear about
Cinder's itches & Smokey's knee bone tho.Your Pop Phred
sure has his hands full right now.My Mom says to tell your
Pop that my knee bone got re-builded & ligiment fixed for
900.00. Hope you guys itches & outchees gets cleared up
real quick. You pal Buddy (from Indy).

04-04-2002, 02:15 PM
Awww Cinder and Smokey. So good to hear from you! You two get better real soon.

Lots of tail wags and hugs! :D

04-04-2002, 02:21 PM
Cinder & Smokey!! How nice to hear from you! I'm sorry you've been feeling on the bad side....I hope you feel better soon!
Tell Dad that insurance companies are a PAIN!! I understand completely!! ( I work for one! ;) )
We'd love to hear from him soon!! :) :D

04-04-2002, 02:45 PM
Awww, Cinder & Smokey I sorry youz had to go see Doc Mike. I had to goez last Spring coz of the itchies.... I'm 'Lergic to grass :( :o ... Glad to know youz all OK. Hopez ya feelz better soon....tell, yoor Pa we MISS HIM too.... " Dad ain't been too happie fur a few weekz. "... Give him extra slurpy doggie kisses and tail wagz that might cheerz 'im up.:)

04-04-2002, 02:46 PM
It was so nice to hear from you boyz!!!! 'Cept, the vet tales are pretty nasty! Poor dogs. Hooch knows a bit about those... uuummm, "itchy" things. He gets hot spots. They think it's due to the heat in the winter-time. The dust particles and such that add up when the house is all closed up. He has been on Clavamox and a steroid himself. Those steroids make him pee rivers man!! He stands outside for 30-45 seconds at a time when he is on those. It's hilarious:D!

But, the hot spots are gone now. Hopefully they will hold off until the weather breaks, too. Good thing is that the vet just gives us the meds when they flare up again. He doens't have to go in for a visit. Lexi is healthy as usual. She LOVES the snow. She gets so excited when she sees it snow. She hops thru it like a bunny! And of course eats it and such. It's all gone now though. She will have to start liking lakes and rivers soon, hopefully she will have fun in them like Hooch does!

Anyway, sorry to go on. It was great to hear from you Phred. I miss Cinder-tales and Smokie-stories!!! Keep em up coming! And I truly hope that they get all healthy and in tip top shape:) Take care:)

04-04-2002, 03:05 PM
What a time you have been having. SmokeMan, I take glucosamine for my arthritis and it helps the pain a lot so you be sure to keep taking yours as long as Dr. Mike says.

Cinder I'm so sorry about your itchy tummy. Hope it's all well soon.

Boys, tell your dad, WE DO TO WANT TO HEAR FROM HIM WHENEVER HE HAS TIME! I know what a pain insurance is. I used to work for an insurance company. Glad I don't now.

Please, keep us posted when you can.:)

Dixieland Dancer
04-04-2002, 03:26 PM
GLAD YOU GUYS CHECKED IN WITH US! We were beginning to really worry about you!

Smokey, Hope your second opinion is better news than the first. I don't want to see you visit the Sir Jury guy either but after you do you will probably feel like a new pup! Cinder, Itchies are no fun. Hope you're feeling better real soon.

Let us know what your dad is up to more frequently if possible and have some understanding if he is frustrated with the insurance companies. It can be a real hassle.

04-04-2002, 03:51 PM
Great to hear from you guys!!!! Thanks for asking about Killian. He is holding his own right now. That's all we can ask for!!

Poor Cinder!!!!! So sorry about your itchies!!!!!! Did you change dog food recently?? goodies? Get your carpets cleaned? Get a new rug? I hope they can clear up those itchies! Keep us posted.

Smokey-Boy! Sorry about your knee. I hope it gets better and you don't need surgery. UGH!

You have sure been busy, visiting vets, talking to insurance guys... No wonder you haven't had time to visit!! Be sure to check in when you have a chance and let us know how it is going!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-04-2002, 04:55 PM
I know I'm normally on the Kitty Cat page, but I just wanted to let you guys know it's good to hear from you again. Sounds like you've been busy with visits to the Doc and all, and your Dad is busy with his mom and her surance, but it sure is good to hear from you again!

Hope your itchies and scratches and bum knees get better - without a visit to Sir Jury or any more visits to Doc Mike. Tell your dad not to be a stranger here on PT. You guys are the best!

04-04-2002, 05:00 PM
What a nice surprise!!! Hearing from Cinder and Smokey made my afternoon!!! Now, you guys just tell your dad that we really do want to hear from him too!!! OK??? :D :D :D

Smokey, you hang in there buddy. If you have to go through Sir Jury, we'll be here for you!!!

Logan, Helen (who is pretty wimpy herself, right now) and Lilly and Honey

04-04-2002, 05:58 PM
I'm assuming all is well with Boots the kat?

04-04-2002, 06:16 PM
Oh, our precious Cinders has got the itchy owies. This is NOT a good thing. Tell Dad to get out the oatmeal shampoo and give you a nice soothing tubbie. Then look in the water. Maybe there will be a few fleabees floating there. Smokers I can sympathize with you 'bout the knee thingy. One of my old joints gives me a few problems now and then. I hope you both get better soon 'cause summer is a coming and there will be lots of ripping and running for you dogs to do.

04-04-2002, 06:17 PM
Cinder, Smokey, Boots, Dad....Star***Shine and Cody Girl here! Wow! Kant believe our pals are back!:):):) Guyz, we gots lotsa katchin up to do! And NawteeDawg tales to share! We sure duz miss you guyz, ALL you guyz, lots and lots. We been thinkin bout yuz all the time, and worrying our paws off!:confused: We sure sorry both yuz guys been makin so many trips to the white coats!:( We're gonna put are paws together and hope and pray that you guyz gets well reeeeeeel soon. Even if it means a trip to SirJury....:( Summers comin, and ya gotta be in yer bestest shape fer swimmin and and playin! Please make sure yer dad lets ya paw onna puter so yuz two kan tell all yer furfriends how yer doin. We lots ya lots an miss you. Pleeeeeeeze don't go way no more.:( Love, yer pals, Star***Shine and CodyGirl

04-04-2002, 07:19 PM
Hey you guys good to hear from you again...sorry to hear you had to go the white coat so much lately but at least you're getting better. Smudge and Winter say hi by the way.

04-04-2002, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
Miz Zippy's been kinda houndin us kuz we haven't been seen too much here on Pet Talk lately...

:o :o :o

Glad you guys checked in with us--we were worried 'boutz you. Furkids, you get well real soon and no matter what yer Dad sez, don't bite the in-sure-ants ppl!

We sure didz miss you guys!

Zippy aka the Hound

04-04-2002, 07:52 PM
Hey Cinder and Smokey, Bella here! Wow you guys are havin' your problems wiff the itchies and knee bones, and eyes and all! I betcha don't even feel like bein' NAWTEE DOGS. That's too bad 'cuz then it is all left up to the rest of us to be XTRA NAWTEE to make up for no nawtee dog tales from the two of you. I always try to do my part, you know that! Then I was readin' some stuff about lil Keegan the other day and she is doing real good in the nawtee dog department too. But we needs you both to be gettin' better and get those tales a rollin'. Tell yer dad we miss hearin' bout him too, and those two cats I live wiff even were askin' about ole Boots.

Well, Mom says time for me to get off the pawboard. Hopes you will be feelin' fine reel soon.
Love, Bella

04-04-2002, 08:28 PM
Yo, Cinder and Smokey! Even tho we're katz, we're happy to hear from ya!!:) :) Bummer about the visits to the white coat guys. Stump here: I just learned I gotta go back to see Dr. Sheri so she can check on my thyroid again, just to make sure everything's still ok. Fooey!! Dr. Sheri is cool (she sez I look like a million bucks even after the thyroid incident last year!) but I hate to go there!:mad:

You guys hang in there and take extra good care of Mr. Phred. He's a special human!! Our human Ms. Cindy is glad he's back on Pet Talk!! Lots of purrs and headbumps to our tux buddy Boots!

Stump and Emmett

04-05-2002, 02:36 AM
FINALLY!!!! We were going to organise search parties if you didn't check in with us :D Don't leave it so long again please.

I'm sorry to hear you have not been well recently, I hope you are going to get better and better. And by the way Cinder and Smokey, do you think you can knock some sense into your dad?!? Of course we want to hear from him too!

04-05-2002, 06:13 AM
AT LAST!!!!!!

Wonderful to have you boys back even though you've been feeling poorly lately - hope your both on the full road to recoverey and that you can persuade your dad to get back on board - we've all missed his input and need him back - SOON!!!

I know your big brave boys but Bagel, Ketchum and Dan send fond Miaows and big sloppy purrrrrrrs to you both.

I could do with some of your medication Smokey - if it's helping your knees it might do something for my old joints too!! :eek: :confused: :eek:


04-05-2002, 09:09 AM
Hi Cinder and Smokey, sorry to hear about your itchy problems.
and that you both are not feeling well. We will be sending out positive thoughts and prayers your way for a speedy recovery.
Tell your Dad we miss him and will be glad to hear from him.

04-05-2002, 10:16 AM
Hi Cinder and Smokey! Carina here.
It's good to hear from you boys again, even if the news are not very good. Sorry about the itchies,the bum knee, and all those trips to see the white coat guy.
Mom and I hope you start feeling better really soon (withouth any Sir Jury intervention) and we send many get well wishes.

04-05-2002, 11:15 AM

NOW everything is back to normal!

We sure are glad to hear from you guys.!! I don't like hearing that Cinder and Smokey are making so many visits to the white coats and poor Dad has to pin them down to get the medications applied.

I remember when insurance used to be a smooth event. How did we let it get to be such a mess now?

But what you DIDN'T SAY and makes me happy is that your Mom isn't too ill and it's just the insurance that is sick!

Phred, yur gonna be pritty buzi reading all of the posts to you guyz, cuz we are pritty happi yur bak!


04-05-2002, 08:30 PM
Phred & Cinder & Smoke, I searched all over the board to find you. You are so very much missed. Please don't believe for one second that we don't want to hear from you. You 3 guys are top of the list of reasons why Pet Talk & its humans & animals are so great. Please post again...
I'm sorry you're having such a hard time re the insurance company. I hope it all gets sorted out soon.
About those itchy hot spots. Our Sheltie Danny developed them years ago & he chewed so hard that they'd turn into raw spots. Then he'd have to take antibiotics to prevent infection. Over the years, we've found ways to make his hot spots manageable...some of the help has come from vets but some has come from other pet owners.
First I learned to get in early on a hot spot...just as a pink bit was forming & Dan was beginning to bite it. I cut all the hair back around the hot spot (so hairs don't irritate it further & so it's got a chance to dry out). Then I spray the spot with Scholl's Tinea Powder Spray ( available in supermarkets & pharmacies. This product dries, relieves itching & burning sensations.)
Second I battle to keep all fleas off Danny...& use Frontline regularly. To do this means keeping the fleas off the other animals as well...including the cats. Anything you can do in the battle against fleas in the environment is good. (A man who owns working dogs told me that one of the best flea deterrents is to take dogs to swim, regularly, in salt water.)
Third I keep Danny's diet bland...rice, Pal chicken casserole, vegetables & a dog dry food that has no artificial colourings.
Fourth the vet prescribes prednisone tablets to be taken at the lowest possible dose if the hot spots get out of hand....but they don't too much these days as a result of doing all the preventative things above. But I always have the prednisone tablets on hand...
Hope this helps.

04-06-2002, 12:17 PM
Ya know....

I know Mizzer Phred's gotsa diggie cam, so....

I think we're due a lil' uppy-date pic on the pups and Boots "Tuff-Stuff" the kat!:p

04-11-2002, 02:22 PM
Kin we hav an uppy datey puleez?

04-11-2002, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by gini
Kin we hav an uppy datey puleez?

Yep, we second that opinion! Where iz you guyz?!?! Hopez yourz all OK!!!:p

04-12-2002, 07:50 AM
I keep checking for an update from The Big Three. Guys, you're missed here in AussieLand.