View Full Version : Mouser and Tail

K & L
12-14-2005, 09:03 PM
Bo was quite intriqued with Mouser's bandaged tail:

Thinking it was a toy she started chewing on it:

Bandaged finally removed:


Mouser's still a handsome dude even if he is missing some tail! ;)

12-14-2005, 09:23 PM
He sure is handsome! Once that hair grows back in, you'll never know the difference!

Bo is so gorgeous ... sure would like to see more of her too! ;)

12-14-2005, 10:17 PM
Poor Mouser, and his sad looking tail. But just look at Bo's tail - gorgeous!!

12-15-2005, 01:09 AM
I'm glad to see that Mouser's recovering well. :) He'll be as good as new once his fur grows back. :)

12-15-2005, 02:19 AM
Looks like Mouser didn't mind Bo biting his tail: "Hey, Bo, can you get that bandage out for me?"

How is Mouser behaving, has he slowed down or is to his naughty self again? :p

Anyway, glad Mouser's tail is healing nicely. :)

12-15-2005, 05:10 AM
Bo, that's your BROTHER :eek: Not a toy!! :p

12-15-2005, 05:49 AM
But it LOOKS like fun! :D :D

12-15-2005, 05:58 AM
It looks so strange to see the hairless tip! I bet once the hair is gone, you'll never know he had an accident. Kisses to the sweet little boy.

12-15-2005, 07:47 AM
Oh my, that kind of looks like ChrisH's Ebby when she had her tail tip cropped off. Don't worry sweetie, that fur will grow back in no time.

12-15-2005, 08:19 AM
I have never seen a portion of a Cats tail sans fur.
It really does not look like very much does it?
I hope that Mousers Fur Grows back in soon,and hes his own regal self again.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-15-2005, 09:51 AM
So where's the picture of the fight that ensued after Bo chewed :eek: on Mouser's bandage! :eek: :rolleyes: ;) :D

He is most definitley as handsome as ever, if not more so. Now he has that "air of mystery" about him as people wonder why his tail is shorter than normal. And we all know women love a man of mystery. ;) :D

Love the last picture. Looks like he is looking at the little stub like "What is that thing?" :D

12-15-2005, 10:03 AM
Oh mouser it's good you can entertain your sibs so well. :) It will soon be all better .

K & L
12-15-2005, 04:00 PM
How is Mouser behaving, has he slowed down or is to his naughty self again? :p

Anyway, glad Mouser's tail is healing nicely. :)

He has slowed down, but we've noticed now that he's feeling better, he's becoming his ole self again! :eek:

12-15-2005, 07:18 PM
He has slowed down, but we've noticed now that he's feeling better, he's becoming his ole self again! :eek:


Since the day you posted a picture of him, as a kitten, holding the feedig bottle with his four paws, I knew he was the little man of my dreams... :D ...have a soft spot for smart naugthy kitties! :rolleyes: :D

K & L
12-16-2005, 07:06 AM

Since the day you posted a picture of him, as a kitten, holding the feedig bottle with his four paws, I knew he was the little man of my dreams... :D ...have a soft spot for smart naugthy kitties! :rolleyes: :D

This has always been one of my favorite pictures! He's always been a hearty eater. I still have to feed him seperate from the others or he will steal their food! :D


smokey the elder
12-16-2005, 07:59 AM
Bo is probably thinking, "Why is the end of your tail nekkid?" :)

12-16-2005, 02:57 PM
Love the last picture. Looks like he is looking at the little stub like "What is that thing?" :D

LOL!!!!! I was thinking the exact same thing Debbie. :)

Mouser, once your fur grows back, you will be more handsome than ever.

12-16-2005, 07:47 PM
Glad to see you on the mend there, Mouser. And no matter what... fur or no fur... you're still very beautiful!

12-19-2005, 02:54 AM
Awwwww....thank you for posting this picture again!
Is one in a million! :D