View Full Version : I hate party poopers!

12-14-2005, 08:21 PM
I ordered aring for myself for Christmas. I excitedly picked it up from the jewlery store today (it had to be resized)

I just showed it to hubby and the girls... and the girls said its cheap looking, and they don't like it. All of the sudden I think my ring is not as pretty as I thought it was twenty minutes ago.

I showed the the girls the photo of my new couch which I am totally in love with, and they both scrunched up their noses and asked me why I'd buy another light colored couch (its basically the same color as the one we're replacing)

Why do people go and ruin my fun? I was so happy and excited, and now I'm just blah about everything :(

Is it so hard to just smile and let me have my fun? :(

12-14-2005, 08:28 PM
But do YOU love them??? If the ring, the couch make YOU feel good, that's the most important thing!:) It would be nice if the family could at least be happy for you, but hey, maybe they're jealous!!;) Enjoy your ring and couch and to heck with the crepe hangers!:D

12-14-2005, 08:36 PM
I am sure the ring is lovely, and will be better when you're wearing it. Some people seem to like squashing other people's joy - fie on them! (The "if I can't be happy, no one else can" crowd. Hah! Grinches, all!) I bet the couch is lovely, comfy, and they'll all sit on it just fine when it comes.

Believe in yourself, dear, and in your choices. Rejoice! And let the nay-sayers eat hay with the horses!

12-14-2005, 08:42 PM
I am sure thr ing is lovely, and will be better when you're wearing it. Some people seem to like squashing other people's joy - fie on them! (The "if I can't be happy, no one else can" crowd. Hah! Grinches, all!) I bet the couch is lovely, comfy, and they'll all sit on it just fine when it comes.

Believe in yourself, dear, and in your choices. Rejoice! And let the nay-sayers eat hay with the horses!

like Kraen said..that says it for sure.. :)

12-14-2005, 08:52 PM
Oh i know the feeling!

i can kinda relate to you.
ill tell my mom i like some actor/actress and normally she doesnt.. and point out what she thinks are negative things about them.

like i like Meg Ryan.
and she keeps rattling on about how big her hands and feet are,, about the 'mensish looking cloths' shes wares. sometimes i just look at her and say 'mom. shaddap' LOL but it makes me feel bad and wish i never told her at all.

dont let what others think change your mind or you feelings for nothing.
who cares what they think.. what matters is what you feel/think.

12-14-2005, 08:53 PM
Catnapper, some people are simply negative by habit. We used to call them "downers" when I was in college. They can't help it. The important thing is that you know that it (negativism) is possibly. contagious...so avoid it yourself and enjoy your ring and couch.

12-14-2005, 08:53 PM
Okay, first of all, I saw the pic of your couch and I LOVE IT! Looks so comfy & cozy!!! And microfiber is sooooooooooooo nice!

As for everything else . . . heck with them! Sounds like Negative Central around there! Geez . . . I understand why you're disheartened but THEY are the ones with the problems. You can't be happy being negative all the time.

They'll get over it. :)

12-14-2005, 08:57 PM
My mom taught me this song. Sorry, I don't know the tune, but it goes like this:

Every party has a pooper
And that's why we invited you
Party pooper!
Party pooper!

12-14-2005, 09:25 PM
as long as you like them.......... if they dont...who cares!!! itīs not for them!!! so wear it proud!!

as for the couch if they donīt like it donīt let them use it!!! LOL how about that!

just ask them how would they feel if yo told them i donīt like your clothes/hair/etc. and make scrunchy noses to you, and tell them that is how they made you feel. oponions are well taken when said properly, no need to be a party pooper

12-14-2005, 09:34 PM
Oh Kim, don't let them burst your bubble!!! Your couch is gorgeous, and I bet they will enjoy relaxing on it a few times themselves! :rolleyes:
As far as the ring goes, it is FOR YOU!! For YOU to love, for YOU to enjoy and for YOU to wear!!! SO ENJOY IT!!! A picture for us to swoon over would be nice too! ;)


12-14-2005, 09:42 PM
Aww, I'm sorry. Don't let that get to you. Who cares if they don't like it!

12-14-2005, 09:50 PM
Meh, just tell your girls the all time favorite saying " If you have nothing good to say, Then don't say anything at all"

I'm sure the ring is pretty, And why does it matter what they think. It's on YOUR finger.... :) enjoy it!

12-14-2005, 10:46 PM
Kim, I have two teenage girls also, now let me ask you....who do you think has better taste, us or them??? Easy to answer ....US!!! and I love the coach.

12-15-2005, 01:29 AM
it's hard but sometimes ya really need to say

but really, don't let it get to you...dont worry be happy

12-15-2005, 05:18 AM
Hey, Why didn't I get to see any pictures??? :p

I know how bad it hurts when people try to bring you down with them. :( I personally never bother to ask those people about their opinions after an episode like that. Why ASK for trouble? So just enjoy your new stuff. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

12-15-2005, 05:38 AM
Welll here's my ring. It was a special from Zales, only $30! I LOVE it! Its pink created sapphites, and two itty bitty (you really have to look) diamonds, set in 10k white gold

They think it looks cheap. They say the ring I got for my son's girlfriend from the free silver site is nicer and more expensive looking. I got her this ring:
http://www.silverschedule.net/photos/small/SR6728.jpg '

Just for those that missed my thread about the couch, here's the couch (we'll be getting it tonight thank to hubby's truck-owning friend!)
couch (won't allow a direct link photo, sorry) (http://www3.jcpenney.com/jcp/ProductsHOM.aspx?DeptID=25438&CatID=26011&CatTyp=DEP&ItemTyp=G&GrpTyp=ENS&ItemID=0d411d5&ProdSeq=8&Cat=sofas-loveseats&Dep=Home+Furnishings&PCat=Sofas+%26+Chairs&PCatID=26010&RefPage=ProductList&Sale=&ProdCount=16&RecPtr=&ShowMenu=&TTYP=&ShopBy=0&RefPageName=WindowSolutionHOM%252Easpx&RefCatID=26010&RefDeptID=25438)
Yes, in that color... I LOVE it, though I do wonder about stains :p

Pawsitive Thinking
12-15-2005, 05:43 AM
oh WOW!! That couch looks soooooooooo comfy and the ring is gorgeous!! You obviously have the good taste gene in your family ;)

12-15-2005, 11:56 AM

now iīm jealous and want one, at least the ring....... cheap??..... cheap my socks!!! it looks awesome. i really donīt like pink but in that ring I LOVE IT!!

LOVE tha couch, but i couldn handle that color, iīm too clumsy, but i love it that way

12-15-2005, 12:10 PM
Awww! I'm sorry they are spoiling it. :(

My parents just bought a new couch. I love it! It's beige and so comfy. :D

My mom is always buying rings. Some are pretty but I could never wear them because big rings look gaudy on me but they look great on my mom. The more gems the better she says. *laughs*

*edit* Saw the pictures. That ring is gorgeous!! $30? *sends Andy to Zales* ;) :D

12-15-2005, 12:47 PM
KIM ... I LOVE that ring!!! Cheap? NO WAY! I like it MUCH better than the one you got the girlfriend. I think it's just a different in kids and adults. The ring you got would be large for a teen, and the other would look lost on our hands. Don't take it personally! It's beautiful! ;)

12-16-2005, 07:23 AM
...I just showed it to hubby and the girls... and the girls said its cheap looking, and they don't like it. All of the sudden I think my ring is not as pretty as I thought it was twenty minutes ago....Why do people go and ruin my fun? I was so happy and excited, and now I'm just blah about everything :(
Is it so hard to just smile and let me have my fun? :(
i think your ring is pretty, and if you don't want any longer....i'll send you my addy ;) . by now i'm hoping you do think it's pretty again, and you're wearing it. kindest regards, joyce in snowy cold columbus

12-16-2005, 07:57 AM

OMG! I want one of those!!!

Sorry to tell you this but your family has bad taste, LOL. The ring you got from FJC looks CHEAP in comparison. Like cracker jack box cheap (in comparison)

I wish I would have stumbled across that ring for myself! I LOVE pink and white gold! Last Christmas I actually got a ring on special from Kays - similar but it was just one trillion pink stone & WG - but it was no where near that beautiful!

Can you go get me one too? LOL . . . I really do love it!