View Full Version : Baby Kitty is hurt

12-08-2005, 11:41 AM
This morning the accident that I've always feared has happened. :(
I had returned from shopping & taken the dogs out of the car & put them
into the back yard. Then went to close the garage door. I am always soooo
careful of my two feral kitties & make sure they are away from the door as
it closes. At the last minute Baby Kitty ran under the closing door & was
stuck with her head inside & her body outside. :( I quickly lifted the garage door & she ran inside & climbed as high up in the garage rafters as she could.
She didn't make a sound, just sat there. :( I'm afraid she might be hurt, but
as she's the only cat that doesn't allow anyone to touch her, I can't check
her over closely. I've gone back to check on her twice since coming home
and she's now down sitting on the hood of my car. (in the garage) It looks like
she can move her head freely & does move around so I'm hopeing she's not
badly hurt. :( I feel sick to my stomach. I feel horrible about this. Please
say a prayer for my Baby Kitty.

12-08-2005, 12:13 PM
Oh no! Poor, little baby! Is there any way your vet will come to your house and check the kitten? Kittens are resilient, so keep positive thoughts. I will say a prayer for the little baby.

12-08-2005, 03:13 PM
I hope so much she is ok :( A kitten who's not playing and jumping (or sleeping) would worry me a little.

12-08-2005, 06:32 PM
I've just been sick about this since it happened. :( I went out this evening to bring the can food she eats at night & she did eat. I just
talked to her for awhile & watched her eyes for movement. She appears
to be o,k.She's a little shaken up but doesn't seem hurt much. I know
it must have scared her.( as it did me). :( I call her Baby Kitty, but she's
fully grown cat.I believe her growth was stunted as a youg kitten. I'll be
checking her again of course, in the morning. Poor baby. :(

12-08-2005, 09:14 PM
Oh, how scary! Prayers on the way that Baby Kitty is OK. Since she's eating, she'll probably be OK. Keep us updated.

Killearn Kitties
12-09-2005, 02:01 AM
What a scare you must have got when she did that. How does Baby Kitty seem today?

12-09-2005, 10:30 AM
I went out this morning to feed momma & baby kitty & clean their
boxes. Baby looks very good. She moves around freely & has a great
appetite so I'm thinking she's alright.She follows mamma kitty very
closely & doesn't want to be to far from her.(Momma kitty is mom to
two of my inside cats Redbud & Mikey) They both are deathly afraid of
dogs so they shelter in my garage.

I am so gratful & relieved that Baby is not seriously hurt.This has been
so scary.

Killearn Kitties
12-12-2005, 03:49 PM
I'm so pleased to hear that baby kitty seems to be OK! Poor baby must have got quite a fright - you too!

12-12-2005, 04:05 PM
Thank God that Baby Kitty is Ok! :)