View Full Version : What kind of dog food is this?

04-01-2002, 07:56 PM
My neighbor Lisa, after her pooch passed away, she gave me her left over food... im not sure what kind it is... like is it diet food? and im too afraid to ask her and i dont want to make her feel bad or anything... sets see if anyone coul identify it.. i think maybe its Natures Choice?
heres a pic: http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraida/pe016c0b6929746e3a916c055cb8a53d4/fdd51c41.jpg

Im just not sure if i should give it to Sim... thanks in advance.

04-01-2002, 07:59 PM
I have noooooooooo idea, but for some reason it's made me hungry!! :eek:

04-01-2002, 08:06 PM
Lol the other day my cousin Aimee ate a beggin strip... i gave her a weird look and she was like "What? it taste just like bacon!" im still afraid to try it lol

04-01-2002, 08:13 PM
Ewwwwwww!!!!! I've never tried dog food or dog treats, ick! But my sister had an old roommate who made a habit of eating it. Her favorite were those dog cookies from PetCo :eek:

04-01-2002, 08:16 PM
We aren't really getting your question answered about the food but...I tried some the treats I bought the girls at a local dog bakery called Lazy Bones. They were pretty good..just needed more sugar. The best one tasted almost like a regular blueberry muffin...

04-01-2002, 08:18 PM
Have you ever seen thoose one treats, they come in a weird shaped box type thing and their crunchy on the outside and filled with peanut butter? Me and my mom want to buy them just to cry them.. they look so good lol!

04-01-2002, 09:07 PM
I've personally never eatten dog food/treats, but a cousin of my mothers took one from me when I told him thats all I had and no food, he ate it and sugested that the red ones are the best...lol he's an adult too lmao

04-01-2002, 09:51 PM
LOL KayAnn it looks like about 100 different kinds of dog food that it could be. Your friend wouldn't give you anything that would be bad. You might want to just give him a few at a time with his regular food that shouldn't hurt him. Otherwise donate it. I had a girl friend that ate milk-bones and thought the red ones were best!:eek:

04-01-2002, 09:59 PM
Okay, while your all on this "Petfood Eating" kick.... When I was a young kid my mother (Like almost ALL mothers of the '70's:rolleyes: ) went on a Tupperware binge. EVERYTHING in our kitchen was put into Tupperware! Including my breakfast ceral and the Meow Mix.... Long story short at 6AM Meow Mix DOES NOT taste good... even with milk on it!:o :eek:

Moral: If you have kids, for the sake of their budding taste buds, PLEASE label your Tupperware.;) :D

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-01-2002, 10:10 PM
I work at Nestle' and we carry a lot of pet food products and there is this guy I work with and he told me this story about......... There was a guy who used to work here and they were talking somehow about beef jerky, and he told the guy that we carry a beef jerky here that was real good and he would go to recoup (where damaged boxes are repacked) and get him a piece, I think he said it was CHEW EEZ (a dog treat)... anyway he gave the guy a piece and he said as the day went by that he had the piece hanging out of his mouth and it was getting shorter and shorter as the day went by. LOL I guess CHEW EEZ must taste pretty good for that guy to work on one all day LOL :D ...:p .... i don't think i'm gonna try one though!!!

04-01-2002, 10:18 PM
Hey, I have a guess on the dog food... Nature's Receipe?

04-01-2002, 10:46 PM
Mmmm dog treats, just thinking about them makes me hungry ;) I've tasted a couple of the treats that the dogs have...won't do it again for a couple of them but some were actually like human treats so they were quite tasty like the doggie animal crackers Smudge loved those because I made the sounds and then made the cookies attack him and stuff and it was really cute and they were kind of good. Oh I also tried to eat on of my friends cats treats once blah! I figured out why the cat wouldn't eat them they were rock hard and disgusting.

04-02-2002, 06:34 AM
Originally posted by LoudLou
Okay, while your all on this "Petfood Eating" kick.... When I was a young kid my mother (Like almost ALL mothers of the '70's:rolleyes: ) went on a Tupperware binge. EVERYTHING in our kitchen was put into Tupperware! Including my breakfast ceral and the Meow Mix.... Long story short at 6AM Meow Mix DOES NOT taste good... even with milk on it!:o :eek:

Moral: If you have kids, for the sake of their budding taste buds, PLEASE label your Tupperware.;) :D

You crack me up, LoudLou!!! Very, very funny :)

I used to like the taste of cat chow when I was a baby, or so my mom said. She had to keep the cat food away from me because I would sneak a few pieces whenever I got the chance :)

The only dog treat I have tried is the "choco drops" because they smelled SOOOOO good! I don't know why dogs like them because they tasted like chewing on a candle....SO waxy and gross! How on earth do they get them to smell so good when they are completely flavorless?

KayAnn, I have no clue on the food. Sorry. I suggest mixing in a tiny bit every day until it's gone. That way you won't upset Simba's tummy by switching his food suddenly, and if it is not the best quality of food, just a little bit won't hurt him.

04-02-2002, 07:00 AM
I'm sorry I have no suggestions either. It doesn't look like Eukanuba which I use so I have no clue, but I am sure enjoying this post! LOL! Too funny Loud Lou!! :D

Many years ago a neighbor's child was playing with my daughter. For a little snack one afternoon I gave them each a tiny snack bowl of dry Cracklin'Bran. It was a sugar sweetened sort of chunky cereal. I don't even know if it is still made. Well, the little girl had almost finished all of her little bowl and asked me very nonchalantly, "is this dog food?" LOL! I laughed so hard that she would actually think I would feed her dog food. I also got the impression that if it was, it wouldn't have mattered. She continued to nibble as she waited for my answer! :D

04-02-2002, 07:51 AM
This is the funniest thing I've heard all morning! I'm sorry I can't help with what kind of dog food it is, but your sure getting some good replies! The only doggie treat I've ever tried is beef jerkey, I just took a little taste, and believe me, it don't taste like jerkey! I can't believe I'm telling you this, everyone else let loose, so I might as well too:D

04-02-2002, 08:45 AM
I don't recognize the dog food either... sorry.

But I wanted to chime in that my sisters and I would play the game where we'd blindfold each other and feed each other things and try to guess what they were. I fed her wet cat food. *grins mischeviously* She thought it was meat loaf. LOL!

Originally posted by Kfamr
Have you ever seen thoose one treats, they come in a weird shaped box type thing and their crunchy on the outside and filled with peanut butter? Me and my mom want to buy them just to cry them.. they look so good lol!

We have dog treats that look like Combo's. They come in a bag. Crunchy on the outside and filled with peanut butter. They taste like combo's too, only not as salty. My dad will share them with Kia. :p

04-02-2002, 08:31 PM
When I was in high school I had a friend, who was a little bizarre (read REALLY WEIRD!) who ate a dog biscuit on a dare. So, as a joke for his high school graduation I got him a can of premium, dog..I don't remember what brand, but HE ATE IT!!!

At least most of the treats look or smell decent...but canned food...eeewww!

Deb Motter
04-03-2002, 12:56 PM
I couldn't get your picture to display. Is the food Natural Choice? that is a variety made by Nutro with lamb and rice, no corn or chicken.