View Full Version : A Shelter Worker's Tears

04-01-2002, 02:21 PM
A Shelter Worker's Tears
By Nettie Wilson, Animal Control Officer, SpokAnimal C.A.R.E.,
Spokane, Washington

With a stiffened back and a deep breath, the doors open on yet
another day. In they come, one by one, four by four, more and more.

The reasons are the same we hear, day in, day out, year after year, it remains the same.

What! You may be asking, am I describing? I'm describing the day in the life of a shelter worker.

The endless stream of animals that are brought to our doors, and even some that are dragged across our floors.

As hard as we try -- our hearts are taken in, by one or two soulful
looks, begging for us to listen to them.

It is not the eyes of the owners or of the people who have found a stray. It's the penetrating gaze of man's best friend, about to be betrayed.

We become attached, we care for them, we comfort them, as we would our own.

Sometimes it ends in joy, but more often that not, it just ends.

It ends with the tears that fall from our cheeks, 'cause we now feel the guilt, the guilt that shouldn't be ours.

It ends with the breaking of our hearts, the haunting feeling of
betrayal, because maybe -- just maybe -- there was one, just one tiny spot on this earth that we didn't look to find this animal a forever home.

We sometimes wonder if the world knows how many times we cry for those pets they claim to love some much.

Anger and resentment do we feel? Yes, to all people and yet to none. For this has become a throwaway society and it's now become accepted and to some, even fun.

So feel free to dump your strays, or your beloved pet at our door -- at least we will shed the tears they deserve, when the only home we can find, is in heaven up above.

Every night we cry, every day we pray, every time we lose a piece of ourselves in your name.

(With permission to crosspost)
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04-01-2002, 02:45 PM
Aly, you're making me cry! That is so beautiful and sad and hopeful all at the same time!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all you do. XXOOO

04-01-2002, 06:31 PM
That is very touching. Hard to read as its very emotional so can only try and visualize how hard it is on you and all the workers who do this day in and day out. Thank You.

04-01-2002, 06:40 PM
Beautiful just beautiful and I am so appreciative and in awe of all of the countless people who do what you do Aly! I know it takes its toll but you willingly go through it to help these poor abandoned little ones. Thank you and countless others like you for caring and trying to make a difference!!

04-01-2002, 07:49 PM
The first half was absolutely beautiful but I had to stop after "more often than not, it just ends.''

Thank you Aly and all those involved with animal rescue!

04-02-2002, 01:46 PM
Thank you, Aly, and to all those who rescue the innocent. You are angels on earth. Thank you.